Why is there so much hate for America throughout the world...

Why is there so much hate for America throughout the world? We simply want peace and prosperity without having to provide gibs for the whole world.

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>We simply want peace

War is peace, ok, we get it

>America wants peace

These actions are in good faith and with keeping the peace

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Even when we try to assist other nations in achieving peace like in your pic we receive nothing but scorn and contempt from the world

Yes, you want a peaceful world submitted to burger hegemony

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Can you provide any sort of evidence to this claim? I maintain that all America and it's citizens want is peace and prosperity for all

>world power
>not wanting complete hegemony, ever.
I mean, besides your nation history of meddling in other nations, it's only logical that a great power would want to create some sort of hegemony, no one is genuinely selfless.

America does seem truly selfless though, your country is a perfect example as it provides nothing of value to the nation yet still received federal aid money

I unironically hate you and your countrymen.

For what purpose though? Surely you would not hate another simply for the sake of hating them, especially considering we are American brethren

>We simply want peace
10/10 thread

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Actually, your country does gain plenty of us, it's not as if you guys are complete cucks. American companies built an monopoly on the island gaining a lot of money out from us, 25% of the US pharmaceutical products originate from here and the US has also taken the most brilliant students here to work in the US (Puerto Ricans make the largest proportion of hispanics working at NASA), and it has been even estimated that the US probably earns around $72 billions from Puerto Rico anually, which if true, would mean that you guys earn more from us than we do from you (around $4-10 billion anually), the "we earn nothing from Puerto Rico" claim is a myth. Anyway, admittedly, the US is more selfless than other nations.

No one likes mutts

>tfw American but going emigrate to Canada
Les États-Unis sont un trou de merde

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We are the good guys. Trust us.

Mort à l'Amérique

>want peace and prosperity

nice meme

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Independence when?

give us everything that is yours and we will have peace its pretty simple what do u hate peace or something

American companies burn down jungles and hold entire economies hostage in other countries.

Then why you did war to half the world? You guys seems to not understand that other people don't want to live like you.

american propaganda is super effective on Americans it seems.

It's because of your aggressive foreign policy and arrogant population. You don't respect other countries

>constantly shits on America and mocks it's citizens
>wonders why they lose respect for them
respect is earned friend

You never respected others in the first place, that's why they dislike you

and that's why nobody respects you

You go to war with countries that want to get rid of petrodollar

Yuros don't understand the difference between Americans and our government, or that our direction changes every 4-8 years.

What they do understand is that they have been riding the gravy train for the past 70 years, and now we're serious about kicking them off.

Don't let it get to you, user. Its just like the chimp-outs in the inner city whenever someone mentions welfare reform, but on a bigger scale and less testosterone.

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We vote for our Governments so do you. Yet we dont sanction allies. You guys claim to be a free country, you are responsible for your Government.

They hate us cause they anus.

And again that same bullshit. American overblown military spending and attempts at global hegemony is us riding the gravy train? We dont want your military here, you are free to leave.

I second this

If you didn't want the American military in your country you shouldn't have chimped out in the 1900s.

We only chimped out once because of the retarded treaty of versaille. WW1 was just us standing with our allies.

>We simply want peace?
What did he mean by this?