Tfw Asian male

>tfw Asian male
>tfw impossible to get a gf anywhere on Earth

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Just get fit and fuck bitches.

Except, you know, in Asia. Miscegenation is bad and you should feel bad.

I know the feel fren, norway is culture of mongols

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except even in asia, the asian girls only want white guys and will cheat on you

>the asian girls only want white guys and will cheat on you
Yeah, that's why most Asian countries are extremely homogeneous, because all the girls can't stop chasing white dick. Makes sense, moron.

Dude, you have American citizenship, this gives you quite a leverage over the local Asian guys.

yes just get a third world asian gf who i have nothing in common with culturally and will leave my ass right when we land in america :^)

Try in Asia.

Just another Eliot Roger who is angry that pretty blonde girls don't want him.

What about girls who like kpop? They like East Asian guys

i literally just want an asian gf you illiterate

Other humans are evil, stop caring for humans.

Get a BF instead

this is actually the same retardation as "durr im a fat incel why do white girls only want negroids??" gee i wonder, fatty.

Only white girls and blacks is a meme while asian girls and whites is a statistical reality

I don't really buy it, nigga. Even if it was true, it's probably because there's one Asian per million whites. I never see those fuckers.

Become the asian gf

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Asian dudes are pretty attractive on average plus have stereotype about being smart, professional and rich around them.
Your problem is that you're making these threads and take int's retarded obsession over females as a measure for real life

This is true, but you said you couldn't get a gf and you could, an Asian in Asia. She'd just cheat on you and bleed your wallet dry.

Probably the better idea.

I went to a bar with a Chinese friend of mine and girls were literally throwing themselves at him. You just have to try and not be creepy.

>pretty attractive on average
They're really hideous on average, especially as yellow fever doesn't exist for them. Some gay men may like it but even those aren't necessarily that common.

The stereotype of them having money isn't a good thing, at this point some can get gold diggers for a little while but that isn't a real relationship.

Is that why Asian countries are filled to the brim with hapas?

That's because white guys are rare. But if they could they will definitely cheat on you with a wh*Te subhuman

So what does that say about you, when an Asian woman prefers el diablo blanco over slant eyed steven?

It means we're unattractive, hence the thread.

It's real tho.
Not so long ago I saw white grandma with black grandson ;_;

Nobody means that that never happens (also, what if it was her white son who had a baby with a black woman?), but it is nowhere near as common as white men/asian women.

lmao smalldik yellowboi ching chong

Duh, why American Asians ar always either hyper performance-focused or have their head up their ass. As a Slav I can say your race has better average looks than us and the only hideous ones are some Vietnamese farmers covered in Agent Orange. You're probably not ugly or anything, just an unmotivated cuck.

Whether Asian men look better than you is irrelevant, they're uglier than most people here and almost nobody considers them attractive.

tfw i can never be happy because of the way i was born

>uglier than la creatura de los americos

Yes, now are you going to go on and admit that you're just being a defensive gook already?

No, I'm a yellow fever wh*toid

I see. Well, in case things ought to be very easy for you, if you like Asian men there are tons of single ones.

Stop LARPing OP
you've already got your (you)'s, now you're just overreaching

The American flag arguing with the Russian flag isn't me (the OP).

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>> impossible to get a gf anywhere on Earth

its same , white bald loser LOL

become an asian girl (male) too and begin to chase white dick, problem solved

Don't dip your dick in crazy. Capitalizing off a boyband meme won't end well.

Think of it this way: the difficulty setting of your life is pretty high, but! It is up to you to decide if you will have fun trying or reach a bad end. The more difficult your game is, the more satisfying it is to succeed. I know a guy like that, he's married to a white qt, but he's a motherfucking fighter.

Also, never underestimate the role of culture in relationships. I'm a white (well, snownigger) male who used to have a Chinese gf and hell, I wish I knew more about her people's way of life. If you are Asian American, stick to your fucking roots!

Wish you luck.

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You've got no game homie. Either that or you're ugly.

the fate of all yellowbois

Forgot to mention, if you're sad because "no azn gf" then you've got to change your priorities dawg. Diversify your bonds.

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I really hate Asian Americans.

Asian Americans are
race traitor
race obsession
weany faggot
self hater
lower IQ


False, the k pop is claiming Asian beauty.

>Average korean guy
>Got cute canadian bf
>Moving to there and getting married this year
Sometimes you never know how your life will go man

Hehe, it's nice to see this place has attracted some of the Japanese Nazis.


are americans racist?

Yes. More news at 5...

op is a chinaman

at least ur not curry