Wait hold up, Greek women look like THIS?

wait hold up, Greek women look like THIS?

Attached: ACOdyssey_2018_10_07_20_43_03_146.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

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You didn't know?

Attached: greeks.png (700x311, 459K)

Why are you using subtitles? If you're posting here, you clearly understand English.

i facket you're moter

They’ve always did and they still do

>greeks being butthurt because greek character looks greek
>"n-no! we are whiiiite!"
Christian Turks

What the fuck

Attached: aryo-hellenic examples.jpg (538x715, 75K)

based game
fuck wh*Te people. i might give it a go, even if i dislike ass creed games

Attached: 1523219463828.jpg (2336x3315, 446K)

Amazons are not Greeks though?