Why did Bulgarians raped and killed her?

Why did Bulgarians raped and killed her?


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rape and kill her*

She's hot. I'd put my dick in her.

Because she was a kike

They are Bulgarians. That's kind of what they do. That and steal shit

this is her today.

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>feel old yet?

3DPD really do age like milk in the sun.

бyгapи = дикapи

>Last October, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Malta’s best-known investigative journalist, was killed when a powerful bomb blew up her car and Slovak journalist Jan Kuciak was shot dead in February.
>Bulgaria was ranked 111 out of 180 countries in the Reporters Without Borders world press freedom index this year, lower than any other EU member and also lower than other countries in the western Balkans, some of which are candidates for EU membership.
What the fuck, Bulgaria?

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It's just a Ruse guys
She's still alive

It was probably rhe town rapist

Why even be a journalist in a country like that. Journalists covering the Philippines don't even do it there anymore, they report on it from here.

>town of ruse

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that's good post that is severely underrated

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because she roastie

EU membership comes with money for various projects that certain bureaucrats decided are moral. That can be farmer subsidies, "citizen engagement" or implementing new tech.
Brussels is afraid of theft, so every project must be completed with massive amount of paperwork. If the paperwork is not filled out correctly, you are disqualified.
Let me repeat: EU money, EU rules, but local corrupt administration allocates the cash.
This serves as a moat, so that the bulk of the money, especially in lucrative areas like energy or infrastructure, goes to the right people. Make arbitrarily high requirements, give preferential treatment, and you can more or less guarantee who wins the project.
Here the media comes in. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the term 'soft faschism', but in this country the media is controlled through subsidies. Nobody will prohibit you from posting a report, but next year you won't get any money and your competition will drown you out.
One of the few still independent medias, Bivolъ, found a pretty big corruption scheme. The special forces then came out and arrested the journalists, instead of the criminals. The woman that was shot was working on a report on the topic for a local TV station. The people from Bivolъ said they received a list of names that will be killed.

Somebody above asked why is she doing this. Because it's the right thing to do.

Einstein was a horrible human being.
I hate seeing his face.

I wish I could go back in time and strangle him.

>EU membership comes with money for various projects that certain bureaucrats decided are moral. That can be farmer subsidies, "citizen engagement" or implementing new tech.
>Brussels is afraid of theft, so every project must be completed with massive amount of paperwork. If the paperwork is not filled out correctly, you are disqualified.

Reminds me how South Italy can totally get funds but EU but doesn't because it's bureaucracy is the definition of corrupt and inept, meanwhile a place like Poland can and as result receives money earmarked for them.

wtf i thought europe was civilized not like those dirty mudslimes????

T bh they are the few people you can consider a true journalist working in conditions where you can die.

>a true journalist

The fuck you talking about?


Let's spin the story: it was the romanian town rapist crossing the Danube from Giurgiu