why arent chicanos going to collage? why dont they take advantage of being born in a first world country?
explain yourselves nao CHIs
why arent chicanos going to collage? why dont they take advantage of being born in a first world country?
explain yourselves nao CHIs
Most of them go into career training type things (mechanics, dental technicians, shit like that).
But I do
They’re annoying af
They’ve also got that weird Mexican accent but only speak English
they why arent you rich? i need you to be as rich as white americans
I've noticed there's a weird class distinction in whether or not they have that stupid chicano accent. Some do and some don't and the lower class ones almost always do.
Because my parents aren't rich, but I'm hoping on changing that since I'm studying business.
Plenty of Chicanos go to college, man. These days it's not weird to see a Spanish last name in any professional field.
because im in the marines
why would you?
Marines are douchebags t b h. Not saying you necessarily are, but I think I've met only two who weren't compete tools.
How do you Chicanos go to college without being raped in the ass by debt?
What's your favorite flavor of crayon?
heh..............you almost got me...........kid
Living at home saves a lot. Plus I (and many others) go to school locally and will often start off at a community college to get GE's out of the way for way less money. I also took AP classes in high school so I needed even fewer GE classes.
dont minorities get free collage or something? i remember reading that somewhere but i dont know if thats true
post example of that accent
Lol you may get what I'm talking about after you return to civilian life. The typical Marine mentality and personality might be useful in war, but to the rest of us it's just cringy and autistic.
I only owe $4500. This isn't ideal. However, it's nothing compared to some other people I know, they went to schools out of state and took out several loans to pay for dorms and meme classes.
they do, most of them aren't very bright however and opt for basic-bitch business degrees
No but it’s actually easier to get into one
Plus you get free scholarships. I got $2000 for being a Latino born in Mexico and or of Mexican descent
why so mad bro?
i've done nothing to you.
you're bitch got plowed by a marine or some shit?
I'm not even mad nigga. I'm just talking. I already said above that I wasn't applying it directly to you individually.
I'm sure you can look up videos of chicano accents. To be fair though, again, it isn't uncommon for a lot of them not to have it. Other than some sort of class division that I don't quite understand I can't quite guess as to why so any input from others is appreciated.
Getting it completely free isn't true at all.
I bet you and your fellow crayon eaters would actually consider that a witty response.
Kys puto
>saying nigga
i hope your not a CHI who says that in real life
AF here
Haha hi lol lmao
I am in college doing stem. It's a meme though. All it does is stress you out and make you unhealthy. All the girls are in accounting too I got memed so hard
I only say it ironically, to be quite honest with you familia. Also not a CHI.
we warned you -- why didn't you listen?
You do Stem so you wagecuck for higher wages while you pretend that you aren't a wagecuck because people are more poor than you.
There are tons of girls in biology and chemistry, if that helps.
They easily fall on the Jow Forums memes and end up being welders and that shit. I hate chicanos
bitch like if the avarege mexican was any better lmao
i hate people like you
fuck you nigger
>any male in the military
>trying to imply that he was the cucker and not the cucked
Boi, if you don't......
Fuck Jow Forums but what's wrong with welding, Javier?
Don't hate me for saying the truth
Shhh, he probably thinks his dependopotamus is loyal only to him. He'll find out, eventually.
>end up being welders and that shit.
Those guys don't make bad money though.
how stereotypical
>mfw thinking of enlisting with 'em too
It's too late now I'm a senior now. Also I want a gf that can find a job after college. I like to think long term.
That's the plan right now brazilbro
Lots of CHI here in the trades(and some pretty damn good jobs) they are pretty good at it too.
Are you lcl Angel Martinez-Perez?
Maybe they don't like gluing stuff
Lcpl, fuck
>implying im in any form of the relationship
>studying business to get money
ah, to be young again