Why is meat so fucking cheap in America?

Why is meat so fucking cheap in America?

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We grow it here.

Because it's not fit for human consumption. Same reason their cardboard houses sell for $1.

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Government subsidies.

You couldn't pay me to eat American """""meat""""". Probably filled with all kinds of growth hormones and chemicals.

Because it's diseased and from Brazil

The soil in the West and Texas are extremely fertile, meat grows better here than in any other country

It comes from unknown sources (clue: amerifatt meat)

90% water

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because i farm the cows and grow them myself

I'd live in a complete dump if it didn't leak, had electricity, running water and internet access. At the moment even a complete fucking dilapidated hole is too expensive to rent.

>meat grows better here than in any other country
Not all others.

10% lead.

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t.going to get slaughtered so mcdonalds would get enough meat for the rest of americans

>meat grows better here than in any other country
Ahhh...yes, the famous meat trees of Texas.

I wouldn't eat american meat

>europeons don't have meat trees
holy fuck, third world?

are you sure about that

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It's not really meat. A lot of chemicals in there be careful

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It appears our superiority has caused some controversy.

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whats the price in canada?

I don't think you understand how that meme works. Do you think the land of the lard is the only country that has meat?

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Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska probably have more cattle than Texas. Texas cowboy is a meme.

1. regulations, a lot of meat that would be illegal to sell for human consumption in the first world is legal in america eg. ammonia treated meat
2. farm subsidies, tax payers aren't paying as much at the shops because their taxes already went to the farmers

Australian and Canadian meat is even cheaper you retards.


I take it back. I guess we are shit herding cattle feeders.

Texas – 12.3 million
Nebraska - 6.45 million
Kansas – 6.4 million
California - 5.15 million
Oklahoma - 5 million

Nice try faggot, read

Ground beef maybe, but steaks and chicken cuts here are pretty regulated. The logic being that ground beef is grounded at such a scale that the ammonia used to kill bacteria is too little to hurt people.

thats for a specific cut of meat, a lot of the lean high end meat found in america is actually imported from canada and australia which is why its more expensive
cheap offcuts and ground beef are produced super cheap in the US because the food safety regulations are much more open in america compared to aus/can

Yet the quality is 100 times better. You're paying more for less.

Then find a source that backs up your argument.

Prove it.

American meat is honestly terrible for you.

>Australian and Canadian meat is even cheaper you retards.
It's really fucking not.

>$10.91 a kilo
Yeah, no. Not in a million years.

most meats here are around $27 a kilo

Only peasants eat cheap meat