Hey biz

Hey biz

My name is Peter McClory and I made $4 million in a scam ICO without any reprocussions! I owe it all to my right hand man Jordan Schneider, aka Sagescam. He helped with his pump and dump tactics.

Trips and I reveal my address along with Sagescams. Quads and I reveal one of the most personal conversations between myself and another mod that would land us both in jail in a regulated market.

Btw thanks ODN holders for being stupid enough to hold when I haven't done shit!

Attached: ij4X_rew_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

Ooooo this should be good. Roll em

but I Petar the Younger will fork off the Obsidian and go towards the Odin way of the scam. We will pillage and rape the bagholders once again while the real gainz will be made with Loki.

Attached: Petar the Younger.jpg (400x400, 55K)



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Roll scam

Roll again

And again

Finally, a thread worth rolling for. Mods better not delete this since there's a crime involved.

I’m feeling lucky

>crypto is all about decentralization without government control or intervention
>government please help


Rolling for juicy quads.

Rolling rollling rolliing

Well well... I'd like to hear moar.

It has started


worth a shot






I fell for the scam myself, if OP is legit on the team then you did a good job. I put in $600 due to shilling here a few months ago, more or less my life savings as a NEET for the hopes of a 10x. Now it's virtually worthless. I ordered 3 grams of heroin off the deepweb market and I'm planning on killing myself by overdosing, it should come in about a week. I'm not mad at you or expect pity, for one person to win another has to lose. It was unrealistic to think I could get wealthy enough to change my situation in the first place, I'm posting so you can properly enjoy that high. I wonder how it feels like to be on the top, wealthy enough where you don't have to work and it's directly attributed to others failures? I'm sure people who live like that must enjoy their lives. Rolling because why not?

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LOL. Also roll

>kms over 600 dollars
>either rich neetlife or death
you should see a doctor
or just another human being
either you are still a child mentally or completely retarded, sorry

heh... roll

I haven't been outside in a year, I was probably going to kill myself regardless if I'm being honest. I am very much mentally ill and cannot function in society, the wealth idea was keeping me grounded. Rerolling.


Do a flip














Pete McClory is human garbage


trippy tripperson


You dumb shits, it was Claus who dumped and fucked the project up. He's the one going to jail.

Roll roll roll your boat

I am going to gut you in your sleep.

Blackstone and Daniil were the only ones doing any dev work. What has this McClory cunt or Sagescam prick done?

triple get.

Witness me!


kek nobody can roll them

See you on the other side my dude. We're all going there anyways so don't be too sad about it.


ever so close



So close I can almost taste it

Fucking hell lads, five hour thread and not even trips sort it out. Check my dubs tho










O. L

t. L

sir i wish to scandal the needful

Blackstone (claus) is terrorizing this project and is now sending in a fud brigade. You guys are losers.

just roll 888, its not that difficult.

Not even close



It's for the best. Nothing will come of the trips but the continuous bumping keeps this piece of shit's face in the open for a while

you losers have seriously been sitting around your computers just to bump a troll thread to scare investors for your own gain. You are criminals like Claus.


Blackstone (Claus) thinks he can manipulate the community through spamming nonsense on biz because he's the real criminal here. The project is alive and well so you guys can f yourselves with your scare tactics.

For new readers: This thread is mass manipulation to encourage a sell off based on NO new information. This coin forked because one of the devs had mental issues. Now he's sending in his minions to try make the rest of the team look like they were the problem.

When the entire team forks because of you, you are the problem.

claus is the only one that produced tangible work in the group. the team forked because no one else wanted to wrok

>>claus is the only one that produced tangible work in the group

You think it takes half a year to figure out how to make mobile notifications on android? The app was terrible and he held 25% of the coins and wouldn't trade them back during the negotiation when he was offered a role as CEO which he SPECIFICALLY requested.

Claus was a joke, and for some reason you dumbasses blame Pete who has been waaay more professional. Claus is the reason the price tanked. He took the investors money hostage and argued publically while revealing confidential information to the community. Hes incredibly unprofessional and petty, and so are you idiots bumping this thread. I am allowed to bump it because i am at least settings things straight.

they wanted to make claus ceo so they cash out his coins and set him up for fraud. claus saw right through them.

>they wanted to make claus ceo so they cash out his coins and set him up for fraud. claus saw right through them.

Hahaha. Is this what he told you in a dm?


these people cant live normal lives again. there are legitimately people out there that will be devoting their lives to getting revenge, with nothing to lose, that watch videos of cartel executions for inspiration. I hope this faggot did his research on plastic surgery and where to hide

>>I hope this faggot did his research on plastic surgery and where to hide

Pete's still working away on his project and remains well respected. And his linkdin in still up. Why? Because he didn't do anything. This thread is a deluded hissy fit.

why kill yourself when you could murder the guy who scammed you then shoot yourself? make your sacrifice worth it


if only this was true. most crypto investors are passive little bitches who would apologize if the man who scammed them showed up in front of them
see: mtgox, bitfinex, steem, bitgrail

my understanding was that the boss (a used car salesman who couldnt turn on a mac) was the driving force behind the monetization of the coin and had one dude autist coder working night and day to deliver a product. The coder got pissed off because he was run ragged by the salesman and eventually left under bad circumstances because he was getting turned over. the salesman was then fucked as he was good for little and stiffed the coder.

"Scam" no mention of actual scam that was committed. Weak people who always need someone to blame.

Project forked to escape deluded dev (Claus) who crippled the team and price, yet somehow community are blind to the fact that he repeatedly fudded his own coin to oblivion and then abandoned it.

Pete and Sage didn't do a damn thing wrong, and you guys need to stop listening to dm's from a vengeful dev who spent 4 years making a messenger app that doesn't work.

whats wrong with you people, cant rollin proparly?

Hello again


You are in here defending this to high hell. So tell me is Pete gunna make things right? Why is he full of future information and announcements "he cant make yet!!!" - he's done that same shit for fucking 6 months and is probs still just delaying til he can get the pants off his head and find a way to bail