A cute German poster replies to your thread

>a cute German poster replies to your thread

Attached: asdfff.png (215x207, 62K)

There are some very cute German posters on Jow Forums
I've seen them several times

But they don't look like Germans very much ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ
(I like them very much though... )

Attached: for you.png (1400x1000, 882K)

Post boipussi

thank you

Attached: g.png (1071x821, 367K)

Attached: love japan.png (1888x1491, 311K)

Attached: germanandjapan.png (488x363, 324K)

I'm german but i'm not cute :(

They're usually seething about something in my experience

>France replies to me

Attached: 1538893455629.gif (500x281, 139K)

Attached: 8a4d9906496748c038a245a5016753d148a538dc_00.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Weebs ins Gas

>tfw a german replies to you

Attached: 1511094835238.gif (416x410, 876K)

Back in the day you degenerates were killed off no questions asked.

>Italian replies to me

Attached: 1469212703-93aa3734085a62b4a4df07882ec04a11.jpg (700x393, 71K)

please take your meds, Hans, they are for your own good

Maybe in Germany, but as you can see from my flag, I'm not German.

Attached: 1538935670801.jpg (750x805, 69K)

after you・・

Attached: シャフ8cecd2bb.png (1040x585, 570K)

>tfw no german bf to tuck you in at night and give you a kiss on the forehead.

Attached: 1535769599104.jpg (640x412, 46K)

>German insults you and calls you an Anglo subhuman

Attached: F3E39854-66A1-4DDE-830D-31C6758CDC9E.jpg (1300x1390, 95K)

When was that?

She feel the pleasure or what..

>minecrafter replies to your post

Attached: scrot1510946181.png (248x310, 96K)

How can I pregnant qt German girl?
I need to marry with German girl

>German replies to your post with “Gott Strafe England!”

Attached: A72C6DD5-E507-45D1-B437-667ED8E5DCAD.gif (300x182, 386K)

I wish we had nuked germany off the face of this planet

>this is the German who replies to (You)

Attached: german.jpg (581x580, 99K)

>when a qt finland poster replies to (you)

Attached: 1538875007886.gif (320x180, 179K)


literally me

I bet your breath smells like currywurst und lager

Attached: 1532421185956.jpg (854x802, 57K)

I bet your breath smells like cum you fucking faggot

nah it's tar and death flavored by now