Realistically, what could prevent this?

Attached: Russ (2).jpg (635x740, 187K)

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Estonian women just have to be nice to Russian men and crisis will be averted.

Russia not being completely retarded

Just let it happen, it will make things interesting

Nothing to gain.

me not wanting to pay x100 times more for hardware


They don't need to do this when they can just make the Baltic states more Russian using cash incentives and adoption, among other things. Way cheaper and way safer.

russia barely keeps its economy one piece after putin's adventures in ukraine, certainly it doesn't want to escalate shit for no real reason whatsoever. it's not like those sanctions were only bad, they surely strengthened the country's self-reliance, but they also slowed down the economy greatly and the drop of the currency rates led to a plunge in the real revenue of the people, especially when it's related to buying some imported goods or traveling aboard, even despite the increase in salaries, common when such a plunge happens

Russia is bankrupt. It's military is in shambles. There is a youtube video of their BUK missile carrier catching fire during a parade for god's sake.

why is the thread still going after this post?


The US of A, bitch.

the thing that is preventing it, ie. the threat of escalation

Who the fuck want Baltics to be in within your country

Russian economy is growing and quite impressively.

The best part is that the Russian economy is immune to sanctions now, which means Putin can conquer Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Ukraine and rebuild the Russian empire in all it's splendor and no one can stop Putin now.


Russia is not bankrupt, their military is in a much better state when compared to a decade ago and equipment have problems, one F-35, the world's most advanced in the history of mankind just crashed a week ago, does this mean USA is falling apart or that it's a failure? No, the more you put an aircraft in the air, the higher the chances of it failing, if you never use or train with it, it will never crash but your pilots will also suck.

Attached: Russia GDP Annual Growth Rate 1996 2018 Data Chart Calendar.jpg (798x846, 172K)

Everybody but russians.

The Baltics are lovely.

Russia has enough land as it is, and the loss of life among Russian military personnel, as well as Russian civilians, simply is not worth the conquest. In fact these lands in your pic are not traditionally Russian anyways, as the Russians living there today are descendants of the latter Russian Empire and especially the Soviet era.

If ethnic Russians feel they are being mistreated yet have loyalties to Russia instead of Estonia for example, it only makes sense for them to move back to Russia with assistance from the Russian government.

>Russian economy is immune to sanctions
yeah, yeah


>2% for a low-income country
>"growing quite impressively"
Man what the fuck are you smoking

>Russia is not bankrupt
Russia has dealt with deficits by using its sovereign reserve funds, it was expected that during 2017, the sovereign reserve funds would run out, it did. Before it ran out, the sovereign wealth fund was combined with the national wealth fund to keep a backup, but the national wealth fund is designed to support the pensions for Russian citizens, the Russian government is tapping into pension funds and social benefits for its own citizens to stay afloat and keep out of deficit.

Combined with the fact that tapping into social benefits and pensions will hurt the normal Russian citizen and that Putin plans to run for the 2018 election, using the national wealth fund is a last resort, that at most, will keep Russia out of deficit for less than 3 years.

Common sense.

Because many high ranking russian officials and friends of Putin live there and launder their money. Latvian banks are really just a huge laundry

I don't think it would happen. A military buildup would be noticed long before a Russian offensive, and the international backlash would be rather harsh. Granted there will definitely be countries that either don't care or support the attack but there's only so much the rest of the world would tolerate. To the Russians here, correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the common thought was you wouldn't want to deal with all the headaches that would come from occupation?

The common thought was that Putin's cronies won't attack its own laundry and summer mansions of their kids

It's immune. Alexei Kudrin prepared the economy to face any sanctions and the upcoming sanctions as well.

Russia is upper-middle-income and it's growing twice faster than Canada even though Russia is getting sanctioned by the entire earth and fighting wars in Ukraine, Syria and Chechnya.

>using the national wealth fund is a last resort, that at most, will keep Russia out of deficit for less than 3 years.

You read that on Wikipedia didn't you?

>Russia expects budget surplus of 1.5-2% of GDP and 1.8-2% GDP growth in 2018


Attached: 31FF6D94-E318-4431-A7B9-25AC978041D4_cx0_cy9_cw0_w1023_r1_s.jpg (1023x575, 84K)

I see.

>muh military budget

friendly reminder that serbs used to put microwaves in wooden tanks with a paintjob (around 200$ budget) and bait american cruise missiles (around 200000$) to get expended
every day

muh military budget is not an argument, having an army where 95% of the people never saw combat, overpaying diabetes medication for the worthless office drones in camouflage edition is simply NOT an argument for combat effectiveness

>and it's growing twice faster than Canada

The point I was making was in relation to western countries. Russia has a TOTAL nominal GDP that is lower than that of Canada for fuck's sake, DESPITE the fact that Russia's population is more than 4 times higher.

Seriously, just what are you smoking?

Dude your country is irrelevant, stop replying to me and let the superpowers talk.

Are you talking about russia?

First half of his post was about the Serbs countering our airpower during the 90's. I will give them credit for that, they knew how to adapt quickly.
>Let the superpowers talk
And why are you here?

>Dude your country is irrelevant
Economically, my country literally has more pull than Russia does. And in any case, you failed to adress my arguments.

Nothing. Because it would never happen.

oh no no no m-muh sanctions!!
>Is Obama destroying the Russian economy?

We've been destroyed since 2014, gypsy. Yet, Crimea is still Russian, we have won in Syria and soon Nord Stream 2 would start working. What are you gonna do now?

THEY gonna do just nothing and that's the point, in the long run they only win while you bravading with Syrian war having an income of 300$ per month

You think it does, but i don't even hear anything about Canada except about the Brazilian guys in Canada fucking Canadian women and their sexual adventures.

Brazil is the superpower of Latin America, have you noticed your country has no power whatsoever here?

Because we stopped giving a fuck about South America after the Cold War dried up. Do what you will, I don't care.

Moldova is not that gypsy as we people of romania... I suppose. But I didn't meet a single moldovan gypsy and I seen some moldovans... They are more like you guys. They drink much, are white, funny slavic accent, tend to be violent or extremly cool and honest, kinda dumb though.

>>using the national wealth fund is a last resort, that at most, will keep Russia out of deficit for less than 3 years.
>You read that on Wikipedia didn't you?
No, the sovereign reserve fund at 2014 stood at $87B and ran out mid 2017.

The national wealth fund of the time of taking over from the sovereign wealth fund stood at $72B. It's since been paying for infrastructure projects, overseas investments, cooperation deals and business forums, analysts believe the national wealth fund wont last more than 3 years at current spending.

Hope we defect right away and gangbang poland just for good measure.

My master pls gib money to fight drugs

What? There are no Russian soldiers in Narva

Even Brezinski recognizes openly and officially that the baltics would get steamrolled by Russia with no resistance from Neato. This is coming form one of the most important military figures of foreign policy in the USA, next to Kissinger.




You'll do nothing personal usual


Analysist also believe Russia will cease to exist by 2010... or 2014... I mean 2017... 2021? S..Soon right? These numbers don't make sense


their economy is shit, australia, a borderline literally who country, is about to overtake them in terms of gdp

Imagine all those estonian and latvian soldiers tortured in russian prison camps

>loss of life among Russian military personne
Russian goverment has never been interested about this

Attached: poland-m_3558717b.jpg (620x387, 103K)

Always wonder why it's diaspora fags being the loudest when it comes to nationalism.
You can even see it on imageboards, people who post on their national imageboards laugh at natiocucks but the ones posting on 4chinz are all
>hurr my country is the best we can fuck everyone durr that's why I left it


>Suicide rates now sky rocket in Russia
>AIDS per capita hits 100% in the Baltics

Very peculiar fantasy.

Russia knows that baltics belong to finlan

>Realistically, what could prevent this
Stopping aggressive NATO behaviour on time and withdrawal of their troops from Russian borders.

>Analysist also believe Russia will cease to exist by 2010... or 2014... I mean 2017... 2021? S..Soon right? These numbers don't make sense

These are business analysts who work with spending and budgets, not some NATO think tank trying to predict a countries collapse. They successfully calculated the year of depletion of the Russian sovereign reserve funds, which is similar in size to the Russian national wealth fund. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a fund of X size will only last so many years with a yearly deficit of Y plus spending of Z.

>Russia's population is more than 4 times higher

Actually russia has ~20m population, the rest is just gopniks and general cannonfood.

There is of no truth in what you say as it is Russophobic thus making it bias thus making it propaganda so = not true.

Attached: tyrant_execution.jpg (474x354, 38K)

Nothing, insect.

Attached: Screen shot 2018-10-03 at 8.32.31 PM.png (467x350, 180K)

Thank you Pakistan, you are my greatest ally

why'd russia need more clay? they can't even make use of their current land. their country is an underdeveloped, impoverished shithole as is, even more than us.
this would make no sense.

Is the russia-loving brazil user the same as the russia-hating brazil user? Just seems weird that you have these two opposite extremes from the same unlikely country.

>they can't even make use of their current land. their country is an underdeveloped, impoverished shithole as is, even more than us.
Exactly, so why pay to develop your own clay when you can just take clay which has the industry already on it?

> what could prevent this?
Russia has no balls to invade a nato country

>industry already on it
Um... Potato fields? Or the one which was built by Russians?

Absolutely nothing

Russia has one of the lowest debt/gdp ratio in the world so it can affkrd bugdet deficits
The best part is: Russia has higher gdp per capita PPP than you
Their GDP PPP is much higher. Most of weaps they buy is made in russia which are under much lower prices than the weaps you are buying/making, making their defence budget much higher irl. They have paid their new Su-35 just 12 million a plain while they are selling the same ones to china at 80+++ million each

Plane* lol


Russia is a peaceful country.
We act only to prevent aggression towards our people.


Attached: gru_hitmans.jpg (1200x630, 114K)

Preemptive Nuclear strike on all major military, industrial and population centers as well as troop build ups and supply lines.

Isn't attacking NATO member and bases will cause fighting with whole NATO block?
Also, no oil in Latvia.

No oil, but it's full of the most important export of Russia - russians.

>BR posting retarded shit on Jow Forums seriously

You're 3rd world fucking baboons with africa-tier education systems, shut the fuck up and stop being opinionated apemen on Jow Forums. The average American is twice as smart as an upper class apezilian. Fucking hell, gain some self awareness, we're all laughing at you.