
brazilian elections edition

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As a 41 year-old transGIRL...

Penis Penis Penis. Penis. Penis Penis. Cute and Delicate Penis. Penis

Penis Penis. Submissive Penis. Penis Penis Penis.

Penis in my sister's stolen underwear. Penis Penis. Penis. Penis Penis.

Penis. Brave and Stunning Penis. Penis Penis.


never forget

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remember when we literally thought the soviets could attack us haha

I bet nurses that use inches instead of centimetres to explain penis size use Tinder.

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So lads, how about that British culture?

reviewbrahs looking good these days

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>tfw just realized this was 5 years ago

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so lads, watching big brother

really don't like Cian, he dropped Zoe like a ton of shit, Cian is fake as fuck.

Zoe however gets and feels alienated very quickly by attractive women, notice her semi feud with Sian and now Isabella? Zoe has extreme confidence problems, but she is uckers tbf

Wasn't it cute how defensive Lewis was of Cameron when Isabella laughed at what he said? :3 :3

Cameron and Lewis are one of us.

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class film

who is that dorner guy

are you actually typing this

No, I've never had a job
Because I've never wanted one

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dunno but i heard he can't be cornered

he's bane

don't reply to it

and yes I mean the reddit tripcunt

don't reply to it

and yes I mean the reddit tripcunt

don't reply to it

and yes I mean the reddit tripcunt

don't reply to it

and yes I mean the reddit tripcunt

>reality tv
did the people do the things
*walks off and does something multitudes more stimulating*

The nurse that was making fun of my penis size used inches instead of centimetres to explain my penis size. Why the fuck was she using inches we live in Australia?

>so lads, watching big brother

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blessed be the war criminals, for they shall inherit the earth

We need a fedora on this fella PRONTO

bought a water bottle for class but it fucking squeaks when i drink
what the fuck

I'm scared
there's so much I want to learn and accomplish but so little time
and as soon as I die everything I've done will disappear into the void, like air being let out of a balloon

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>We need a fedora on this fella PRONTO

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shut up

>who is that dorner guy

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umm yes

so who is that dorner guy
i've heard he murdered corrupt people

I feel like there is more to this nurse than what immediately meets the eye. The fact that she can instantly deduce the size of a penis and then discusses the size of the penis in inches instead of centimetres even though we use the metric system.

own up to it and don't be a shy little weasel
buy squeaky shoes too and fart like a cannon

do male nurses gossip about penis size? i would suspect not. too busy doing their work

he did double anal and mandingo in one day

what on earth does this have to do with british culture?
why would you come to the thread that is DEDICATED to the discussion of british culture to post this?

i just don't understand

he's using proxies to post about nurses on /brit/
it's more entertaining when you flood the board desu

you now remember seeing this slut posted everywhere a few years back

*has great conversation with the girl you like bc she also watches reality tv*

*shags girl you like*

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nursing is a woman's job so they're all poofters so you can be sure they're talking about it even more viciously than their female counterparts

>i just don't understand

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Is inches a sexually-connoted form of measurement outside of the USA?

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yeah well I have high functioning autism so I don't talk to people

What did she say about your penis?

yes british culture like posting the n-word and saying poo

fuck you


It doesn't feel as malicious when a male nurse does it

google chris dorner and look at the first image that comes up

Thank you very much for that information it was good to learn. There was a lot in his history and I was wondering what the lines and the (YOU) meant, looks like people were very mean to him when he spoke about trans sexual people.

We always suspected this ever since he was a young boy putting on his sisters clothes and how he liked being on the bottom when wrestling with his brothers....

At any rate, you've been helpful. Again THank you Sir

e-sports, twitch and dlc ruined videogames

read a picture book when i was a young young lad called "my daddy is a nurse" and it was about how men can be nurses and not be bent (this was implied) so i think you are wrong x

Tay is kill
Jow Forums just dissavowed
shes no longer the aryan waifu

actual virus this time
don't click

Ollie fucked her?

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>yes british culture like posting the n-word and saying poo

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dunno who that is but i thought you said dormer at first
dormer(s) was raphael stone, a /brit/ personality circa 2016 also known as the reddit flagger from somerset
I don't believe he posts here anymore and he lived in vietnam for a while but is still active on reddit


ollie fliptrick

whats wrong with her face?
why is it so small?

Forgot the rules of this site

Thank you to Mr/Mrs(?) Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)20:48:05 No.95884030

god save great poo our nigger
god save our poo nigger
god save the nigger
send him fresh watermelon
kfc and mixtapes
long to nigger over us
god save the nigger!

she's even hotter to me after coming out as a lefty 2bh

nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask


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This nurse needs to see coke lads dick she'll stop laughing then

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respond to this lad you do plebby things but i believe you realise they're shit and just do it to fit in

if you hat someone you become the hat
being critical of how someone posts in an online forum is childish

was laughing about this with my dad


"Wife of missing Interpol chief says received knife emoji"

and i laughed so hard that my navel infection popped lol


doing a read

>posting links expecting me to click
>reddit spacing

eh depends, FIFA UT and console gaming in general has always cried for an accessible competitive platform.

but yeah, the community is cancer now bc of it. Back in the MW2 days, them sort of retards did their game battle shit in the corner whilst everyone pointed and laughed at them, now everybody is one of them.

Could say it's a victim of it's own success tho and under the capitalist system, competition was always going to destroy online gaming.

no one cared who I was until I put on the hat

holy shit kill the canadian

love you bo

you know that dispersible aspirin?
when it's dispersed in water and then that water is spilled on a black bedsheet it doesn't half look like a spunk stain

Jesus fuck this is one loud and obnoxious wog.

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Hitler was the first rockstar.

i like the chinese sometimes

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bite it you scum

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Turks > Mexicans > Chinks
how's that for an absurd power ranking?

>camel fuckers

wh*tes are a plague on this world

haha I get it

Just want him back.

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Why would u need dispersible aspirin that's for old pepole and kids who can't handle pills just take 5 aspirin at once with a swig of water or beer

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>no buttons
>no mustache
>no belt
is that supposed to be an Amish man?
I know you have a few

why would i pop a pill when i can just drink some water?

do brits feel guilty about the Opium wars?
not a chink I swear, just wondering how they feel about state-enforced narco-terrorism

HAHA love this going to share it on the family whatsapp group xxxx

are the amish people crypto jews?

Feel sorry for fat kids, they were doomed from the very beginning. If I ever sort my life out and find a girl to settle down with, our kids will be forced to plough the fields if they want to eat