Thai "cave man" has a harem of Western tourist girls

Thai "cave man" has a harem of Western tourist girls

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god I wish that were me

based as fuck

Based grug

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Guys we have hope. We have to learn from Thaigrug how to get women.

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How does he do it?

He seems like a nice guy

I wish I was him.

Spoiler alert: All his lovers are Russian. Russian women have the habit of having sex with the weirdest guys, it's normal, they let even Indian men fuck them. So he is nothing special.

So all Asian men need to do to land white wimmin is seclude themselves in the wilderness and have a mystique

So, are Russian girls flocking to Brazil?

>macaco hohol rape baby strikes again

>Thai Caveman Goes Viral After Wooing Russian Girl Back To His Cave


See? I knew it was Russian women without even looking. How do i know this? Russian women who come to Brazil often have sex with favelados in their favelas.

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By saying he kills them and all their family?

Ig I won't die a virgin after all


I made a shitpost but it turned out to be true. AHAHAHAHAH

Russia = THAI'D

I want my "fornication room " too
How i could it?

Russian women will literally fuck anyone

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So, Russia isn't the West.

Yes, the Russian tourists in Rio often let our thugs fuck them. They usually come looking for money, but stay for the favelado.

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Thanks to Russian women every man on earth will lose his virginity. God bless Russian women my brother.

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They don't look Russian to me

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They look American. Rip Americucks.

He probably fucks better than 90% Amerifats

uh oh they look like the american new age types

White women love SEABVLLS not sissy NEAbois

Thailand is a perfect country

t, south eastern asian monkey



What is wrong with these women?

How did he do it?

Attached: thai caveman women.jpg (433x378, 70K)

They are women.

Fucking lol

Wtf is wrong with these women.

thats based i need to start planning my vacation to russia

I wouldnt fuck him

Are you a whaman ?

I won't meet whores who traveled " SOUTH EAST ASIA ".

You can think most of them are easy vagaina not suit for marriage life.

Jennifer look so happy after consent with him

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please let me worship your feet

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And I find him and them repulsive. wtfffff

NEAbois only

Well i live in a cave too...

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Except me ;_;

>Russian women who come to Brazil often have sex with favelados in their favelas


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>Thanks to Russian women every man on earth will lose his virginity
If only

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>he's actually a chad artist
>his name's "Toon"
He's too rad. How can we compete

subhuman negro frogposters


But you

>thread devolves into shitposting against Russian women

Attached: russian burger world cup.jpg (655x617, 90K)



shit tier
We East Asians are not just fucking white women, we're also giving them Asian babies

Attached: FINN BULL BREEDS THE SWEDOID FEMALE.jpg (357x611, 40K)

It's the reputation of Russian women worldwide. They earned it by their own actions...

Next thai shit monkey~

does everyone in your country wear shorts and flip flops?


Holy shit, fucking based

White women would literally rather go to third world caves to fuck little 5'7 Asian dudes rather than having white children

Meanwhile your average shitskins woman has pumped out 5 kids by the time she's 30

No wonder whites are dying out.

i got headache reading pointless sentence of Eng*ish
the guy fucked many western girls is summary of this?



Exploiting the initial impression of a mystical oriental ascetic to gradually distance women from the outside world through positive reinforcement and faux-philosophical nonsense until their entire world revolves around the teachings of a madman living in a cave?

>t. gay

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asian "netizens" are so fucking obnoxious. how about just being glad for him instead of bitter sour grapes faggot HE MUSTA RAPED THEM PLS COPS GO AND ARREST THIS ONE ASIAN WHO ACTUALLY SLAYS. fucking pathetic.

Fuck..... even Pajeets!?
And here I am... still alone.


Pajeets have it the easiest.
Bitches flock to Mubai, etc. in the hundreds of thousands per month.


"open bob an vagene" often works with Russian women.

French-bro why you do this! America is ALLY!

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Here I am.

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Nah, Indians are the true Alphas and Bulls.
Eat shit, fuckbois!

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Prove it


Just trust me, babe.

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ITT jealous asians


Look at him, first of all he's thai, then he's ripped, then he lives in a fucking cave, then amerifatland is literally filled with amerifats (it's the boiling point of 50/50 obese atm and if you just look at "fat" instead of "obese" it's pretty much the vast majority)

Face it, they just want a good time and he delivers

Russian girls are a blessing for all men in the world

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Yes, except Russians.
Well, you still need to be a chad. I don't think Russian women will jump on you without your interaction.

What if he is really living this lifestyle? Admit it, you just hate that there are people out their living the happiest life withiout a cent on the credit card they don't have.

Damn I love white women.

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Except according to the article they didn't have sex or even kiss.
Do you people not read?

agreed, allah creat them for our pleasure.

Some dude fucked a dozen thots and he's news? Many Chads do that everyday. Do rockstars have harems because they fuck some groupies after the concert? Misleading bullshit.

>he's ripped
I'm afraid to ask what regular skinny men look like in France

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>I call it my harem
He must post here or reddit or somewhere.

Russians are a cucked people. I remember some russians chimping out yesterday because Khabib won yelling about how dagestanis don't believe in women's rights and were savages therefore not russian, like wtf? who fucking cares? most russian girls overseas are prostitutes.

you can see his serratus muscles
he's not big but he's not treblinka mode either

>that stare
Don't stick your dick in crazy

ripped =/= buff

crazy pussy is really good though

They will tell you they're not russian but hohols.
Its the same shit in real life and on russian image boards. "Your proofs are not proofs" and so on.

>Russian tourists in Rio
Literally what? No one goes to Brazil here.

helo um have you by any chance misspelled mena?


I had a classmate who was half Russian, half Indian. Kinda weird, face wise he didn't look Indian but he had dark skin and black hair.

>some skeletor in a cave fugs slags and I don't
Just end me now

thought she looked French