Eurofaggot on vacay here

Eurofaggot on vacay here

Why are Americans so rich and happy? It's like everywhere I go people are smily, friendly, and work in very high paying jobs. Even the "rednecks" here make like 40-50k..... and they do cool stuff like go hunting and shooting "trap" (clay pidgeons) and are funny to talk to, not unintelligent like Jow Forums told me they would be

And the best part? for some reason they fetishize my accent (british) and will take interest in me. Add free soda refills at restaurants and I'm in heaven. I literally cannot imagine a better country.

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Because they probably think it’s cool that you’re British

fellow britbong on vacation. Manchester area schools by chance?

This place is great. There are no muslim rapegangs roaming the streets, I don't have to buy a license to speak, I got a chance to shoot guns, everyone here is nice and intelligent, it's great bruv. It's SOOO much better than the SHITHOLE I live in. I'm starting to think euroFAGGOTS are just jealous of America which is why they post means lies about it.

french student studying in the US. had a similar experience to the others in this thread. I love how the US doesn't have hordes of muslim rape gangs, and how graffiti hasn't destroyed every square inch of their big cities. Also it's nice to not have to worry about being killed by a muslim extremist or getting acid thrown in my face. America has the BEST food, hands down better than my home cunt's.

America PLEASE accept me as a permanent resident!

This. Most Americans love brits. Also
>believing memes and stereotypes about an entire country's 325 million residents because anonymous NEETs online said to

i shiggy diggy doo and scrappy too user.

Swedish guy on vacation here. It's incredible how nice people are! And no muslim rape gangs? It's paradise on earth. Everyone is rich, especially fat people I notice. And their food is to die for! I can't believe I ate so much muck back home. This place is easily better than any european country I've been to (Sweden, UK, Norway, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia)!

German guy on vacation here. I'm surprised to see so many anons in these thread who are also on vacation? But I believe them because everything they say is true. Good food. Friendly and rich people. And they love my accent! This place is so much nicer and more cultured than my shithole disgusting turkroach infested "country".

>Add free soda refills at restaurants and I'm in heaven. I literally
>He still hasn't let go of the soda memd

>4 posters
>7 replies
really gets the noggin joggin

Nice try yank

German immigrant here. I moved to the US to work for pharmaceutical company. Yeah americans are friendly but obvious samefaggotry itt and people are still fat. Also being rich isn't a good thing. People in the US are so rich it actually fucking annoys me and proves why capitalism doesn't work. People are happy and they don't pay for muslim refugees or poor disabled people with their taxes enough, meanwhile Paco works minimum wage and can't afford a nice car. Fuck Amerikkka

probably a dorm full of Jow Forumsernational students all using the same wifi and posting itt. I've been in a similar situation

oh goodness, I guess America really has rubbed off on me.

Mexican immigrant here. I love the US... people are so friendly even though my English is bad. and I get paid a lot more than I would back home in Chiapas. I'm so glad I don't live in a 3rd world shithole like Mexico anymore.

Chinese studying in university here. Good food. Friendly and rich people. This country is so much less corrupt and cold and soulless and free than my oppressed homeland. I'm actualyl starting to think USA should have won Korean war and invaded China. Thanks you Americans!

>double quotation marks

do better next time yankee

Korean American here. I can confirm everything in this thread. My dad makes 100k a year just owning two korean restaurants. And everyone is so nice and friendly and beautiful! I really like America. It is so nice and easy to succeed compared to Korea, and it's beautiful. In fact in Korean the word for "America" is "mi gook" which means "beautiful country", and American people are "mi gook saram" = "beautiful country people".

American here. I am so glad to see everyone is getting along so well in my big, beautiful country! Thanks for coming here. I will say don't be too jealous that we're so rich, Americans have the highest per capita charity spending on earth! We care about the rest of the world. we are powerful and wise and compassionate. Please reply if you have any questions about America!

ugh fuck off mom dereck isn't even my real dad
*turns and punches another hole in the wall*

>I cannot imagine a better country
You haven't tried imaging it when it was still white

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It's all fake. They learned to socialize through tv and are always in this 'acting' way

Hi, I am an italian on vacation here. How can I make pizza like America do? It's even better than the pizza I have tried in naples and rome! It's a different style though, although I have seen normal margherita, most American pizzas are so much more flavorful, and many Americans even add hot peper flakes and parmesan to their pizza! Truly a culinary superpower.

can you even speak korean

ITT:Burgers larping as eurofags

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Hi, thanks for such a thoughtful question! Well first you develop the dough like you would normally, but then you add more than just a few ingredients. My favorite combo is 3 cheese blend, pepperoni, pineapple, and banana peppers. I do like to add red pepper flakes too!

No, I am a lebanese man visiting my family, all of the posts in this thread seem legitimate because they are so true, and not just Jow Forums memes

I really like the food, and the friendly and rich people in the US. I wish I could live here!

It's not just acting though, (im the british OP) they actually are very kind and one even offered to have me over for beers just based on a conversation we had in a supermarket! I love America, it's so much nicer than third world shitholes like Brazil or the UK. Not only is it richer, it's warmer, it has.... soul.

The possibilities of larping asides, that's the impression I had when I was on vacation. Though their friendliness seems...superfitial.

That's because you never tried to get to know one of u---I mean, an American. Americans are really very friendly people, it's not just an act! Similar to Australians or Boers I would imagine.

Australian on vacation here. Wow, people are so friendly and intelligent here! Even if they are fat, they're so rich and beautiful on the inside. I have to say is wrong though, I always felt like Americans treated me like I was really home, and I never felt that in Australia. I love American food and culture, it's so cool!

>this thread

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Indian man on vacation here. White women don't crave Indian dick? wtf. Anyway people are so nice! And the food doesn't give me diarrhea, and public bathrooms are free and clean? This place is the BOMB

>free soda refills
now you know why we are fat slabs of grease.

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>graffiti hasn't destroyed every square inch of their big cities
That is the first thing I notice while in germany, so many amazing buildings and architecture but so much god dam graffiti, even LA doesn't have as much as some places there.

American on vacation in Germany here! This country sucks! Just today I have been raped three times by muslims and when I reported it to the police they locked me up for cultural insensitivity. I am currently being held captive while I'm awaiting my DNA sequencing to prove wether I'm white enough to be executed by publing hanging. Send help!

Wow that's heartbreaking. As a Swiss man on vacation in the US, I really have started to appreciate why America is the world's only superpower and one of the richest countries in the world: it's the PEOPLE. They're just so.... great. They're rich, they're intelligent, they're compassionate. I'm so glad it's them and not the british "empire" ruling the world

Saudi on vacation here. People aren't THAT rich.... the average person is only as rich as a low level prince in my country. Anyway American food is so great. And honestly I was expecting to be discriminated against for being muslim and wearing traditional clothing, but people are so friendly and intelligent, they can look past that to try to understand me. Thank you Americans!

Come to Canada and I'll rub off on you.

I'm a russian student studying in the US. Weird how Jow Forums is actualyl full of expats in the US... is that why there is so much America hatred from euro flags? Because they're the stupid ones who got left behind?

Either way, this place is great. The tap water is actually drinkable, people are friendly, police don't try to murder you for disagreeing with Putin. One improvement I think America need sto make however is to stop being so rich. It just seems like it's too much, you don't need that much money.

>Even the "rednecks" here make like 40-50k..... and they do cool stuff like go hunting and shooting "trap" (clay pidgeons) and are funny to talk to, not unintelligent like Jow Forums told me they would be
You ran into boomers or regular country joes. Actual hicks are insufferable and barely human, but they're usually secluded within their trailer parks so you won't see them.

As a hindu living in West Virginia I have to disagree. I have never found a mean "hick" though some stupid people they are universally polite and not at all insufferable, aven the poor ones


Mexican on vacation...

Ha ha you all know I live here

California? Fuck off you non white piece of shit

As for the samefag OP.... nobody cares and PLEASE DO NOT REPLY IF YOU'RE READING THIS NOW. This shithole doesn't deserve any more attention than it already gets.

>the story of almost any mexcrement immigrant
We already know on this board.

>California? Fuck off you non white piece of shit

As for the samefag OP.... nobody cares and PLEASE DO NOT REPLY IF YOU'RE READING THIS NOW. This shithole doesn't deserve any more attention than it already gets.

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Is 40k a lot for you? Lmao

Also American on vacation here. Switzerland isn't really rich they're cow hearders nothing more. There are Muslims everywhere and the mountains suck

American in Canada here. It's nice not getting shot our accidentally walking\driving into a ghetto.

brits don't say vacation, they say "on holiday" you stupid fat cletus motherfuckers

Americans are nice people who don't really care about the rest of the world.

american on vacation as well here, australia is nothing like what i was led to believe, i've yet to meet one surfer or outback fella, in fact most of the people i've met have been asian or arab.
i tried going down to a range to keep my accuracy up, but there's so much paperwork involved that it just wasn't worth the effort. their large cups at maccas are the same size as our regular (sad)
overall i wouldn't recommend visiting, though i'm glad i came, because it made me appreciate just how much better the USA is.

Muslim here for business. they barely checked me though the airport

>read all about america on Jow Forums, but never went there because parents were super liberal and hated the place for some reason
>hear all these things about how great it is
>drive across the border to seattle as an adult
>it's exactly the same but with more mexicans and blacks but fewer asians
Fuck you Jow Forums you lied to me.

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thats really low when you LARP as a fucking tourist to promote your own country

opiates and anti-depressants

it is in the UK. I'm a bong and I'm earning almost twice as much doing runt work here as my graduate friends do back home

From what I've heard, they're nice on the surface, but you will never become close friends with any of them. They will be nice, but keep you at a certain distance for all time.

Hungarian on vacay here
this place is great - mountains, sea, ancient history and kino tier food
come and see for yourself, szerelem

America is a very entertaining country. They live off of entertainment.

No wonder they want free movement with us

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American guy on vacation here. I never thought people so thin could exist. It's like everywhere I go there I see people without a visible gut and during my entire visit here I have yet to see a mobility scooter apart from my own.

And the best part? I've been able to go outside and move around in public places every day for weeks without getting shot.

Fuck off back to containment:


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America is great
White americans are some of the nicest people ever
Mexicans are rude and racist
They hate anything that isnt mexican and ultimatly dont even apraciate this country
Blacks are hit or miss sometimes they are nice
Asians are polite as hell

I wish i would make 40k/year some day aftes college, but its unlikely

Why you would like white trash?

All the memes aside we have no problem with muslim
They tend to be small shop owners here in america
Not one problem

Well making 40k is easy as hell over here. Actually pocketing 40k on the other hand.

We dont hate you
Why would we most muslims own a small shop
And are kind

t. Hamza Al-Terroristi from Dearborn, MI.

>Why are Americans so rich and happy

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t. muslim small shop owners

100g amber leaf please boss man

decent thread

Great thread, thank you.

I have never had one problem with a muslim
They are not so bad

You don't get the real nafri warriors

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This honestly.
I'm as racist as they come but I haven't seen any issues with muslims here (mainly persians). Only american blacks.

That is your fualt for being too tolarant to bad behavior

Only problem i have is with mexicans
They hate anything that isnt mexican
And are ironicly more racist than whites

I have honestly never met more than one or two mexicans in my life so I can't say how it is.

I've noticed mainland chinese have a similar attitude here, I find it quite annoying.

>could have been born to middle-class family in New England
>born a poor britbong who lives in an inner city tower block

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Mainland chinese i have met only 6 in my life
Mexicans i find annoying
Especially since i am hispanic
Since i have to deal with them all the time i ended up hating them the most
Just one day is all i ask
One day where i dont have to hear how mexico is superior to every country

USA are the peak of human evolution

Why don't some of you based Israeli right wing cunt kikes come over and string up the diaspora commie cunts always stirring up shit and get your good name back