/cum/ Canada United States Mexico

What if Russia never had sold Alaska Edition

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why are so many of these girls posting these types of pictures filled with religious iconography?

tfw no bf

Did any another anons see that in the sky just now?

There’s another thread you retard

>tfw no qt bf

Are there any females in the midwest that will be my gf?

I only ask that you be
>a virgin
>not obese
>no piercings or tattoos
>have never used recreational drugs or contraceptive pharmaceuticals

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Define "that".
Also the answer is no. My blinds are closed.

>Saint Barbara icon

> "Chrétiens" orthodoxes
Je déteste ces païens ...

Yeah. Wild, eh?

>>a virgin
Too much for your modern femoid

nigga u dumb

What happened?

I'm a virgin, it isn't too much to ask my gf to be the same.

>I'm a virgin
You're a virgin because you're a loser and male, females have no reason to stay virgin

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SAOCOM 1A satellite on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex-4E


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I'm a volcel. I am engage in the pursuit of virtue an enlightenment and refrain from hedonistic pursuits like casual sex, drug abuse, and other overindulgence because a degree of asceticism is how you avoid spiritual decay.

Are they finally landing?

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Please love me.

Zoomers are staying virgin more than ever but I do think its good to keep open mind/heart

Why don't you go to a monastery?

>I'm a volcel
Sure you are sweetie, that doesn't change the fact that no female has a reason to save herself for you when she can easily sleep with most men and get benefits from it

So you accomplish this by shitposting on Jow Forums?

I can't love you if you can't dance

I waited til marriage to have sex and I appreciate the fact that I did. First of all, I got to grow sexually together with someone, and secondly there's no scars from previous relationship there. My thoughts

Jow Forums is the best way to avoid spiritual decay

While I respect monks and believe they have a place in the world both historically and going forward, I believe I am just a normal man. I may not be a king or a great scholar, but I will live virtuously and lead men as I can in the role of every day life.
To a point. The internet is a great source of information and learning.

It is a little like self flagellation I must admit.

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If he actually had the green clover I would agree.

Jow Forums get out. Now.

>growing sexually together with just one person for your whole life
>cuck a doodle doo

Yeltsin would give Alaska for a bottle of vodka

If Putin had invested that 7.2 million in Bitcoin in 2010 he might have got your money's worth.

why are white people so scared of brown people?

We like our heads attached to our necks.

if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle

i've found lately that soiboi negros fear the white man. aka i look like a shooter. kek
anyways, brown males commit lots of crime, brown females have big booties so they're okay in my my book

If by brown people you mean Mexicans than they mostly aren't, though there is that friction that goes along with any new immigrant group. Latino/white marriages are the most common type of interracial marriage.

If by brown people you mean Muslims I think you are a little bit stuck in 2015 but it was because of terrorism stories and stuff like that. There might be some residual anger there but I do think its died down a lot.

It’s the ole sunday night suicidal thoughts episode. Should be a great week.

the price is right
the cost of one admission
is your mind

I"m looking for a girl. She's got jet black hair, and black eyes that glow like the moon. Sun kissed complexion. Wears a Artic Monkeys shirt, and a skirt. She has stockings and heels. Have you seen her?

Yeah, it's me.

Girls should dress like this desu

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to show what good christian wives they will be


im getting tired of your annoying fag shit. can you go somewhere else?

I don't think that this revenue would be in the government budget


one blocked reply


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You do a lot of talk but not enough walk, partner. How about you go to mexico and pound his boyhole up if you think you're so tough? Really show him who's boss instead of bitching over the internet.

Gonna buy some cigs to impress my friends, you think Marlboro Reds are cool?

Vape is cooler

I want to take up smoking.

No, those aren't that great.

I’m going to kill myself at some point in my life.

>going on Jow Forums
>using a filter
the whole point of Jow Forums is that it's raw autism. go to reddit if you want filtered nice humanity

Which brand then? If I walk in and ask for lucky strikes (Snake's favorite brand) they might not have them

are you 13 yo?

arent cigarretes really expensive in canada?

Not too expensive compared to when I was living in Austin.

I found the OP's look IRL

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Thought you were Mexican

>Jow Forums is the best way to avoid spiritual decay
imagine seriously believing this











I’m going to rip that light off the side of the garage tomorrow

Why do zoomers do this? No wonder they're poor.

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My ancestors were Acadiens who were deported from Canada, and I have returned to my homeland.

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Having a girl value you purely for your sexuality and expect nothing else is a cool experience though

I can't do a relationship like that. I need commitment.

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>tfw going to live here permanently soon
>tfw the company I work form has a branch in Canada and I'll be able to continue working for them, so I don't need to look for a job
One day I'll be fluent in French too
But until then I will continue writing in English on Jow Forums to avoid bullying

He wants to prevent Chinese nationals from coming here on a student visa.

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tfw no russian bf

Why? What does commitment do for a man? Commitment is a thing men used to have to give in order to receive sex.
We don't live in that kind of world anymore.

>Jow Forums is the best way to avoid spiritual decay
By what reasoning did you come to this conclusion?

/cum/ me estoy cansando, creo que no tengo amigos de verdad, a quienes consideraba mis amigos ayer hoy entiendo que no lo son, no hay muchas de aquellas personas que solía conocer a quien hoy pueda ir charlar acerca de lo que me aflige. Ahora me siento más solo que nunca, de las dos o tres personas que de verdad aprecio y tienen mi confianza están muy lejos de mi, pero ese no es el problema, podríamos hablar por internet pero aún así no hay contacto y me aterra imaginarme que ellos están felices sin saber de mí, no los contacto por qué siento que soy solo una molestia para ellos y que están mejor sin mi en sus vidas. pronto será mi cumpleaños y tengo la sospecha de que lo pasaré solo.

Ahora dedicó el tiempo que tengo libre para alimentarme sanamente, hacer ejercicio y educarme con un algunos libros que rescate de una biblioteca local, espero que al hacer esto mi futuro sea mejor

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>go to sleep at 8
>wake up at 12
>mess around for 2 hours
>fall back asleep
my sleep schedule is so fucked

Good desu

me no spic spanish

Having sex for nothing but sexual release feels soulless. I'd have a much better time jerking myself off.

It's more of a power thing, honestly.

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Goodnight all

I was just memeing, do zoomers not do sarcasm anymore?

is sarcasm really an american thing?

>play siege
>everyone uses spyware third party voice chat
>play CS
>everyone is either a mic spammer or an autistic anti-social nigger that doesn't talk except to complain about losing

Think I jerked it too many times today

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Too hot to jerk off, honestly.

what makes you say that?

I'm drunk and tired m8.

Because it's kind of uncomfortable now which normally means I need to wait

Faggots who feel the need to use voice chat should fucking kill themselves. If you're that desperate for social interaction, go to reddit or some shit. I'm not playing the game to become ultra-best-rainbow-friends-forever with you, you utter fucking faggot.

Not to mention that the average in-game age is like literally 14 years old. Therefore, either you yourself are an underageb& who should fuck off, or you're an adult who finds it acceptable to waste his time voice-chatting with literal cawadoody-playing 14-year-olds. Either way, kill yourself.
