Adore-vous Québec?

Adore-vous Québec?

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whats quebec never heard of it

Only the pure of heart can enter Quebec. It is a mystical land.

Anglo-Canada est enfer, tabarnak.

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Are you actually from Quebec? Your French doesn't seem native.

Tfw was the first one to post that chick and now feel bad cuz I know her irl

Is she québécoise too?

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Nah he is an anglo Québecboo, they are more common than one would think

His French isnt correct

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I wish I was from Quebec....
Unfortunately I'm an Anglo subhuman

Not gonna lie. They look like they fuck black guys.

>wake up
>still a smelly *nglo

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He's an American who moved there. For some reason he is preaching Quebecois superiority over Americans everywhere, which seems a bit counter-intuitive when part of your reasoning for moving there was to get away from Americans. Wouldn't it make more sense to say "Quebec sucks, Americans would hate it here"?

>He's an American who moved there
I wish
I live on T*ronto

Reste chez toi.

Hey see he mentionned black cocks we're good, I was starting to forget this is Jow Forums
Québécois don't go for interracial relationships more than anywhere in North America

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I will
I wouldn't want to ruin Quebec with my subhuman Angloness

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NEED a quebec gf lads

I live to serve my Quebecois masters....

Get away evil anglo go for australian women

Basé et rougepilulé, c'est quand que tu apprends le français?

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من ونکوور را دوست دارم

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All the Quebec posting has made me feel inferior
Quebec just seems so much more comfy than the rest of Canada
They're the based NEET province collecting NEETbux while we're the wagecucks working for Mr Noseberg

Bump for quebec qts

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No that's me.
It's memes, it's just I really prefer Quebec to America (and the rest of Canada too)

Also I don't make these threads please stop accusing me of doing it
I only did it twice

And one of the times wasn't on Jow Forums

*Adorez-vous le Québec?*

Tu n'es pas un vrai québecois mon petit anglo, ca veut dire que tu dois arreter de faire semblant d'être quelqu'un que tu n'es pas sur l'internet.

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Basé et rougepilulé

Moi j'ai un coeur de marde et je vis au québec.

Il a dit pur, il n'a pas dit saint.

Merci mon petit osti

Ceci est desormais un fil quebecois

Québec is the Jow Forums of North America desu

Oui, je ne sais pas un raison pour n'adore Quebec.

>quebec qt
That's Nadia Cohen from Hampstead.