Name a country you hate and why. I want some fucking drama.
Shit Countries
no, itt we shit on culombia
Colombia for starting shit threads in their little tin shack on a hillside farm
We have drugs and Shakira leave us alone.
Colombia. They did absolutely nothing in history but still are considered one of the best of south america. Fucking bullshit
A pathetic country ruled by a literal cuckold, if it weren't for us and the Brits it literally would have been annexed by Russia and China for their resources
Their entire "culture" is based around stealing that of the French settlers, even the name "Canadian" refered to French settlers and these subhumans cucks stole it and made what of the new country: amazing cities like Toronto, literally 40% white, ugly and just another North American generic big city
NO CULTURE, and if it wasn't for us, they wouldn't exist
congolombia a shit 1903 best year
Literally the first person I have seen in Jow Forums who hates Canada.
Brasil, I do not hate it, but man, what a horrible flag
Our flag is unironically the best one of south america tho