This is what the world will come to if we fail the stop WMAF

this is what the world will come to if we fail the stop WMAF

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this is what the world wont have if we don't promote AMWF

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Keaneu reeves asianness comes from his WMAF grandparents though, there aren't any AMWF in his family.
I dont understand why people make this mistake so much

Keanu Reeves is only a 1/4 Asian.
I don't know why people say he's half.

I feel so bad for Elliot Rodger.
He was miserable on this earth because of the white man's frivolousness.

He really had a horrible existence fluffed with a pillow. Depressing to think that genetics are this cruel.

As a mixed-raced man, I'm fortunate I'm 15% black or I would already be dead without the heightened dopamine. Elliot didn't even have that.

His shooting spree was not his fault.

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He was a prophet

I would be proud to have St Elliot as my son.

Stop me if you can :^)

I tought his dad was a jew

Murofushi is AMWF and manlier than every white men.

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Hes the byproduct of people who take autistic Jow Forums posts serious and blame society for their own problems.

I just want my asian dick in some white pussy, alright? I don't care if she already had kids.

Keanu's father was a hapa and hapa men are often counted as Asian, hence the common mistake.

Yeah, the unfortunate truth (and it's more than just a meme, it's true) is that there are going to be a lot of really unhappy hapa men out there. Unfortunately all the ones I've known have been fucked up and what makes it really bad is that their fathers took the easy way out and then ignored the massive handicap they gave their sons and refuse to address it.

In better news the girls will always be okay, even if they end up massive whores.

I guess one solution would just be to only IVF female hapas

Then again AM also suffer similar difficulties that hapas do
so why don't all Asians in the west exclusively raise daughters?

Hi guys I’m hafu what’s up

This would make more sense, I don't know why they even bother with sons anymore. At least in the West.

>and it's more than just a meme, it's true
>follows up with an anecdote
All the Hapas I know are mentally sound (except my sister) so I’m pretty sure it’s mostly up to the individual unless their parents are genuine scum.

with the advent of globalization, its inevitable that even eastern born AM may experience the same difficulties
It might make sense, not just yet, but if Asia develops and liberalizes to the extent that Singapore has.. to extend such a policy to all Asians.
I'm just memeing I hope he is too.

>Tfw I'm hapa
Hate that term, but you're not entirely wrong. I got exceptionally lucky because my parents are solid and raised me right for the most part. My cousin on the other hand got born out of wedlock and my uncle bailed on him for most of his life, only came back in the last few years to help him out. I feel bad for him, he's like barely 5 foot and had Leukemia for 3 years, life just decided to fuck him up real good. Granted I'm not entirely out of the ballpark considering I'm 5'6 and a 6/10 at best. Sometimes the dice doesn't role your way.

Yeah it’s hard to believe there are people who actually think that Elliot Rodgers reflects the whole race and that hapa kids are fucked cuz the parents are racist lmao
I wish I never found Jow Forums before that I never even considered how different I am ;-;

*Don't roll your way

This guy here
What's your mix? I'm half-Flip.

>there are people browsing this board RIGHT NOW who are 5’6

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Such is life.

Jow Forums is nothing compared to how far gone some of the hapa redditors are
go check out Jow Forumshapas, ive never experienced a more toxic place

It's hilarious the shit they say

Shit like that is why I avoid other hapas like the plague.

But hapas are cute :^)

Some of them. I'd like to hook up with one but there are few if any where I go to school.

kill yourself subhuman NEETsexual

you'd think Hapas would be a master race, inheriting the best of Europe and the best of East Asia, but this never happens, they inherit the worst of both.

Out of the 3 hapas I know, only one is a crazy incel

I wish I was a based & redpilled Hapa

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A charm to browse here, really.

>mfw the term ‘hapa’ went from English ‘half’, got borrowed by Hawaiian as ‘hapa’ and returned to English

What part of the world has the highest population of half-Japanese people?

Brazil maybe?

It is definitely Brazil

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Makes sense, I think it has the highest population of Japanese people outside Japan.