Americans hate France and love Germany

>Americans hate France and love Germany
>meanwhile France loves America and Germany hates them

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why the fuck do 30% of palestinians view of favorably?

i literally cannot think of a reason for any palestinian to like us

>23% of Russians
Very cool!

They're breaking the conditioning.

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average americans are retarded and can't be trusted to understand foreign relations

Germany dislikes any country overall.

>you will never understand why Filipinos love you so irrationally
>you will never be able to return their feelings

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Technically there are Jews that live in Palestine.

What did America do to Egypt?

Support Israel

i mean...i guess? not that many though, not enough so that 30% of the population would view us favorably.

Didn't they make Israel give Sinai back to them?

again, then what the fuck is up with palestine since they're the most direct victims of our relationship with israel

has to be bullshit polling or something

I don't know when the OP was taken, but during the Obama administration they had a very negative opinion of him personally

I know recently Drumpf has been buddy-buddy with Sissi

I don't believe it, why would Frenchmen like the US?

>Italians like America
Looks like bullshit

This was almost certainly during Obama

Greece is based

because we're full of niggas

Americans might just be the most ungrateful people on Earth. They dislike the country they owe their very independence to. It's not just mere disdain too, but pure disgust.

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What the everloving fuck? I thought they hated our guts.

Most Americans are extremely shortsighted. Furthermore I believe we repaid that debt in '44.

By bombing the shit out of France and killing more French civilians than the Nazis did?

it's just banter

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the vietnamese fled here after the communists took control and those that stayed realized they fucked up (or had no choice) and aren't exactly happy that they didn't get on the helicopter out of saigon

go to saigon now and the first thing you'll see are those golden arches

you're fucking assholes to us every chance you get, why would we like you

he's referring to france.. I think most "germans" that hate us are the tanned ones anyways.

true, misread what he said, but the same goes to france. we're not going to look back in history if in the present day the french turn their noses up in smugness at anything even related to america

They seemed rather grateful when we rolled into Paris. After visiting Normandy I got the impression that they were rather thankful for us. Granted they could just be telling us that to make us spend more money.
>Bombing the shit out of France
Ever heard of softening up defenses and keeping your enemies heads down? Also bombsights back in the day were inaccurate as fuck, but that's the best we had. I do feel bad over the fact that a lot of French civilians died in the fighting but what else were we supposed to do? Our airpower is an instrinsic part of the way we fight.
>Hurr durr you don't need airpower
I guess I missed all the Stukas and Shturmoviks on the Eastern Front then.

if you read the OP you'd know that most French people have a positive opinion of America so you're just coping hard as all Americans do

Why the fuck would we hate you?
I never understood first why you guys hate us and why you're so keen on believing that WE hate you
Where the fuck does that come from
We've been ameriboos since day fucking one you retards

why do people do this?

how am I coping you retard? I thought it was a safe assumption muslim immigrants would hate us more than white euros

What the fuck are you talking about?

trust me it doesn't seem like a "safe assumption" at all from a european standpoint, just seems like you're coping

you genuinely believe the french don't scoff at any mention of america? that the french don't see and treat americans as some dumb barbarians and themselves as more cultured and overall superior? that the french don't feel extremely smug about any of this?

i guess it's hard to see from where you are

I think it's mainly a meme. My parents and a lot of women especially are huge Frenchieboos
if you can't respond intelligently without regurgitating 'cope' out like a retarded parrot then don't bother

nice inferiority complex there

I'm inclined to agree with Frenchie. My gf's a French exchange student, she says most of her friends have a rather idealized view of the states and that all the people in our cities are rich as fuark. Something like that.

>italy 78%
lol why

it's not an inferiority complex, it's reality. or maybe they're just like that with everyone? but plenty of other countries don't act this way toward americans, even ones that don't traditionally "like" us such as russia, they dislike us but aren't so fucking smug about it

it's not reality, it's your own personal delusion

americans trying to justify hating france are cute

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Fucking retard look at my flag
Do you think you know more than me??
You're going to tell me that Americans who have known a huge wave of francophobia fairly recently have an objective opinion on this?
I don't even know how the fuck you guys got that idea but any Frenchman would tell you the contrary
NO we don't believe we have a superior culture and think you're barbarian WHO the fuck told you that
You're expecting me to take you seriously?

Of course it's a fucking meme but you Americans have made us your enemies yourself since 1966 and 2003 while we still think highly of you
Deep inside Americans used to be as admirative of the french as the french has been for America

NO we're not like with anyone
We're not the smug arrogant smelly chainsmoking frenchmen you see on TV
That's what happens when you raise kids on francophobia with fucking show like pepe le pew
You actually unironically hate us based on the stereotypes you started yourself. It's like believing in your own lies and that's being a retard
Don't be a retard

Have you ever interacted with french people ? I mean real ones, not ones in a Simpsons episode or on a 9gag meme.

>Fucking retard look at my flag
that was the entire point of what i said, from your point of view it's probably hard to see how the french act toward us

>France loves America
lel no.
It's probably the numbers from 1994.

I'm the user with the French gf, most Americans have never interacted with a Frenchman or have any notion of what you guys think of us. Visited your country twice, despite the meme of frenchies being assholes I never got any shit.

French girls love the big black American penis.

On the contrary I think I'm more qualified than you to talk about that
I probably know much more about how we see you and how YOU see us
As I said the way you see us and think we perceive you has been shaped by more than 50 years of anti-french propaganda
But it seems you're deliberately pretending to be a retard to play the victim
>boohoo the french hate us
Maybe one day you'll leave your parallel world and join us in reality

The other guy is literally thinking of cartoon stereotypes, I have a French roommate for what it's worth and he likes it here a lot.

You're not the only Frenchman you know
This is fairly recent, a more recent research also by pew research center in 2012 has shown 69% of positive views by the french

Most French people that I've met my age have been bro-tier and liked to party. Aside from the language and a few slight cultural differences we got along very well.

Germans hate all other countries in the world except for Sweden, maybe. They hate even India which is on the other side of the globe. They construct their identity around hating others.

If you're talking about pepe le pew, first he is italian in France so your roommate probably don't know it as a propaganda tool, second it has done more harm than you think
For many Americans it was the first frenchman they ever met
It shaped their idea of what the french are like
Not to mention the remnants of your popular 2003 propaganda of the "treacherous french" the rest of your life
You managed to be more francophobic than the English themselves, good job if that's what you were going for
Sad to think that in France we still think you like us
And then it's you, who have propagated french stereotypes and french bashing worldwide, more than the English ever made in a thousand years even though it's basically the staple of their culture, who pretend to be somehow victims of the french bullies according to your sheltered idea of us

>Sad to think that in France we still think you like us
if you actually find an american with an opinion on france it's probably ambivalent at worst, on average

>french aren't butthurt eltists mad at :
>America and Britain for usurping them as world language
>Germany for being the leader of Europe and BTFOing them in two wars

Maximum delusion

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I love France.

So I take it you've never met a Frenchman?

Dutch are far worse arrogance wise. Germans are pretty much the same as the Dutch.

>>Americans hate France
How old is this image?

>America and Britain for usurping them as world language
You'd actually be surprised how near nobody in France now about the lingua franca
We don't learn it at school and most people don't care about history

I've been to Paris twice.

The Germans and Dutch deserve to be arrogant on many things, they're the best countries in Europe.

i dunno a lot of it is due to WWII stereotypes and a general perception of the french being gay

i went through a french immersion program from ages 5-18 so i've felt resentful at times over having to learn and speak your language growing up but overall i'm quite fond of france

No t bh I think germanic and Nordic people just hate the US. Is pretty normal here too

You still hate Jews but cover it up under "hating the US".

The only people who like you here are wiggers and muslims who like you nigger culture.

France has way more Muslims than Germany and Germany at best is only 5-10% Muslim, that's no where near close to the 47% of Germans who have a negative view of America

90% of Americans straight just don’t know the role France played in our early history srs

Wouldn’t be surprised if the majority think we built the Statue of Liberty ourselves


americans hate us because they're anglo, it's part of the angloi culture to be butthurt at the french. they built and united their people throughout history by having a common ennemy, the eternal french

>quoting alternate world Cap
Fake news. Typical of nazi scum.

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Why would anybody like america?

it's 42% now

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