How can White "men" ever recover?

How can White "men" ever recover?

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imagine the smell

Of him or the white toasty pussy?

well made meme

He looks ripped in an actually useful way.

y-yea imagine the smell, must be bad haha

no BO because he's asian.

White women love SEAmen

Attached: Xtreme-Gap-Thailand-Muay-Thai-2012-27.jpg (1024x768, 211K)

Why would locals (in Thailand, one of the most cucked countries on the planet) be upset by him fucking white women? Shouldn't they be pleased?

Asians get BO.

lmao wh*Tes are such cucks



Attached: Buakaw-Banchamek.jpg (2000x1333, 229K)

>this one sexually frustrated AMWF obsessed chinese american poster
found ya again!

t.seething wh*Toid

one south east asian monkey is here

absolute chad

they are not even mongoloid they are malayoid

>Be literal caveman
>Still have Facebook
What a world

I kinda feel good for Thailand. After all the ladyboy stuff they needed a win.

well poo skinned huge nose monkey

african kids on unicef have smartphones

because you are a ling long

and talking with american white girls

t. Jealous NEAboi

Attached: northeast asia vs south east asia.jpg (1200x800, 156K)



Attached: south east asian men.jpg (700x394, 42K)

Attached: white girl south east asian.png (1136x640, 979K)

based Khmer gangster

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 70K)


dutch jewish

one south east asian who has serious complex is here

crimminal ?

south east asians are spics or middle eastern of asia

asia of europe = korea , japan

asia of middle east or south america = south eastern asia

Stop LARPing you pathetic joke. The only one with a complex here is you.

high test as fuck

no they don't?

Go back to drinking your Soju in your tiny ass apartment. Work is soon, you wouldn't want to be late to your boss.

Besides the Filipinos who are dogs, the rest of Southeast Asia has caught up.

do you think it's a joke ? spics ?

Having actually been around Asians, yes they do.

are you fine with your ttoma yang qqung in usa ?

i am not chinese but thainese ~

>another cringy new fag from ilbe

Attached: 1537437864564.jpg (535x875, 381K)

>all are american craturas

>Not showing her face


>hurr durr all white bitches getting creampied by non whites are either mutts or jews


Not a single one has light hair/eyes.
the ones in the middle are very clearly latin american.

Thai Chad vs literal virgin Chinks

>Jerry telling us who's white

Shutup Khabib Eischwein

and they're not gonna let you fuck them no matter how hard you try while this thai BVLL gets ballsdeep in those bitches one by one just merely for being himself
keep seething wh*toid

Bro those are hippies, you could probably convince them to drink your piss

Based fellow ASIAN BVLL

hippies can't afford to take a vaction to thailand

wypipo are crazy

It's cheap as fuck what do you mean?

Yeah they can, Thailand is cheap and hippies travel.

Koreans are north asian you south eastern shit


Thanks I'm northern asian now.

>t. ilbe virgin shit with low test

No you are not.

Don't come to korea you illigal migrant

t, illegal migrants half Filipino shit
Where is your mother
Went back to Philippine?

White is a term for americans who have no idea where they come from, im german and european and thats it.
Even arabs and spics count as white.

>By fucking all Thai women
OH wait..

That poor girl is so ugly that i'm actually impressed she landed a cool looking Asian dude. White girls really rule Asia. A 3/10 in Europe becomes a 7/10 in Asia.

why are korean so salty

They look funny