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Attached: 40-frases-para-felicitar-el-cumpleanos-felicitaciones-originales-divertidas-y-mas.jpg (996x652, 47K)

god i wish that were me

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kicking anglos in their ugly faces

hello slovakia this is the first world calling

>the russian federation

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REALLY want to rub my penis all over her greasy face

putin lets his oligarch friends help swindle the biggest country in the worlds finances
>third world


had a fantasy at one point to have a huge paludarium with a little creek and water spot and lots of big plants and i would put crabs in the bottom and leaf and stick insects in the plants but the crabs i wanted are illegal

>search up famous british person
>height: 170-175 cm
Why are brits so short?


yeh but vatniks have successfully brainwashed millions of retarded mutts into thinking he's a hero

upset the gf by asking for nudes

what a silly bitch
you own her body!

NEED a tranny supermodel gf

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I'm 6'3

so has the fat korean chink

im beta

Going of to toil
Toilbergina said i have to work 16 hours today.
I'll be back in the evening lads.


shut the fuck up serbian

Wonder if beto has a job

that boy needs therapy

wonder if the serb was just attention whoring when he said he wanted to kill himself

Just brang the guinea pigs inside lads. There's a storm coming.

>ever believing anything that women say

becoming more clear to me how negative my father's absence growing up was
being raised with the opinions of an old right-wing woman does not help you fit in with other teenage boys


going to go maccys for breakfast and then hit the gym at 6:30

Nurses should be using the metric system not the imperial system.

Lad you should be eating healthier food if you already go to the gym.

anyone brit lads know what time maccys start doing the breakie

not gonna make it

im not fat tho

don't they do all day breakfast options now

It's not abou being fat
It's about consuming healthy and nutritious food.

might take the macbook and download a couple of films whilst im there

Lads do you ever sometimes wonder what your parents reaction would be if they opened you bedroom door one morning & you were dead on the bed?

are you of all people seriously accusing someone else of attention whoring

how the fuck do you love a woman?
now i'm dating a new girl and sure, i like her but don't love her.

yes but only because i think about suicide every day already


happened to a guy i worked with desu. dude just died in his sleep

'tis but a spook love

>tfw I will never get to experience love.

>dude just died in his sleep
based and redpilled

a toast to us, gentlemen!

>shaky snap story of some random club

ah yes very original

now MAGApedes think brazil being governed by a neocon who loves israel is a good thing

>frog in a tuxedo.exe

worst part about being a virgin freak is how truly alone you are since no one around you can empathise

Been extremely lazy today lads. Pretty much just laid on my bed all day phone posting. I'm going to have a big cry tomorrow though I know it's coming.

cristiano finna make rape swaggy

not enjoying uni and going to start cutting soon it seems very appealing

what uni?


remember kid who took a fake bomb to school and pretended it was a clock
wonder what hes up to these days

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Anime is shit


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He got deported

cutting sounds shit just take drugs instead

Half 4 I think

looks so fake
worst con job the jews have pulled desu


We know
So are games

realistically why should I care about this kavanaugh fella

>So son why haven't you ever bought home a girl with you?

drugs are expensive


you should ignore american politics and it's circus at all costs

you shouldn't, its just some weirdos getting their paranoia about false rape allegations riled up even though they'd have to go outside for that to be possible

Because I'm ugly and too jaded to believe women can look past that

embarrassed of my parents
we live in a small crummy home too
gf is upper middle class

don't reproduce

I wish I could bring this nurse to justice.

only family member who's ever questioned me about girls is my sister and mum told her to leave me alone when she did.
she hasn't bothered asking for many years

it's like scooby reads my mind

why not
I'm good looking


why what

probably relief deep down

pics? u got kik/grindr?

lol wtf u mean

bog off

Do you lads know how to cook?


yeah alright you play hard to get big boy
only makes it more rewarding in the end

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bog off prison gay

yes but i'm a chef so i hate it

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got an A for cooking in year 7 home ec
never pursued it though as i have a toddler's palate

somewhat, yeah, ama

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ffs why do you do this