Brazil is a shi-

Brazil is a shi-

Attached: gramado.jpg (1280x719, 235K)

Though I must say it’s interesting to see apartment blocks/public housing with some actual architectural creativity for once

Latin countries are really weird, they look both third and first world at the same time

You literally only showed the good side of the country.

>Gramado is a small tourist city

Attached: ugh.jpg (772x534, 51K)


> one pic doesn't automatically prove all of the country is first wor-

Attached: 43772550015_7f008bf06d_b.jpg (1024x768, 397K)

WELL cherry picking

>Brazil has fave-
I don't see any favelas here. I rest my case.

Attached: 44858805812_cb58e9cbc1_h.jpg (1600x899, 806K)

jealous asian subhuman

stay mad haha

Brazil very nice country, shame they going to elect that leech Jair

Isn't there some city in Brazil in which like half the buildings are leaning over because the monkeys didn't know how to build a proper foundation?

You mean the only person running that hasnt been convicted of a crime?

anyone would be silly to not cherrypick the good, peabrain

we rape u in ww2 we rape you again bitch remember Keijō

Oligarh palaces look like first world here either.

Public housing are you high?

Thats looks absolutely terrible. Tasteless Disneyland tier

How can even city council allows this shit to built??

>South Korea
>Jealous of Brazil


Yes but Russia is 1st world anyway

Monkeys rise up!

That's clearly a hotel

Yes, it is. This is a touristic city.

Kys commie. God Bless Bolsonaro!