Map thread

map thread

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Florida is pretty white

nigger's Thread

Fixed your shit.

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what the fuck is that brazilian in the East??

Are you high? No it fucking isn't.

>We wuz mayans n shit

um nordestino

>i live where the white wojak is
Wow thanks Italy!


You aren't mayan, mate. Only Yucatan peninsula is mayan.

>being this brainlet

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>map thread
Well, I created this a couple of months ago out of boredom and I guess I could share.

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What's that? Show me your Chichen itza.

What happens on the middle island?

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Big chunks of the Midwest are whiter than Europe. Good to see an accurate map

so a black?

That island is inhabited by 3 people. In the summer it gets packed with tourists, mainly because of the Blue Lagoon.

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Why does everyone want to be white so bad? I don't understand

You have either never been to florida or have a very loose definition of white. Certain parts are probably mostly white due to snowbirds I guess. It is one of the shittiest states objectively though

>tfw from the midwest

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Stop clinging to Guatemala


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T.never been outside of Disney

t. other cousin

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Italians are the reason this place is a shithole

Now, that's better

They so can date a white girl without having ugly brown mutt children



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>Map doesn't have Great Lakes
opinion discarded

With flat head

LOL at the Chilean who added that face unironically.

No Italians in Mexico?


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It's like watching cancer cells spread through a human body.