The chart has been updated

the chart has been updated

france is cool now

Attached: intchart.png (3052x2216, 270K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ah shit wait, now it's updated

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Peru has the best posters

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Americans are unironically the worst posters on this board

now that i think of it, they've been on it lately. is it just one guy though? maybe a few?

Attached: intchart.png (3052x2216, 270K)

Change russians to assholes
Change America to absolute fucking garbage
Change UK to assholes
Change italy to funny/chill

feels good not being there

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If amerimutts are "chill", why are they always butthurt?

this chart is from an american (majority) perspective, jose

dyad'ko? you're the only ukrainian i see regularly posting

Change USA to JAPAN

we are special (´

>tfw finally featured
Taken you guys long enough

>you guys
oh it's just me, i am the lone observer of interactions

>Russia good/informative

Proud member of the white race strikes again

We have no real way of knowing what planet you're from.

>funny and chill
who made this? koreans?

korea is funny because anything they say immediately triggers the fuck out of japs and their chimpouts are hilarious

Hold on where's the shitposting category and why aren't we in it?

I mean, I'm not disagreeing that brazil is garbage but

>usa, mexico, australia
>funny chill

Come on now jonathan

shitposting can be funny or annoying or mean or anything really

An Somalian user should be in Good/Informative!

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>amurica not being on the absolute fucking garbage tier
you have to go back

Are you calling him Jewish?
I don't get the reference.

i try not to include flags with like 1-3 posters

butthurt asshole lol

Its an americANO name

hey this post is funny


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You're definitely right about the placement as well.

why do people think australian posters are good LMAO
its all retard zoomer newfag shitposters and chinks or whites larping as chinks, fucking awful posters

it's low quality but it's funny, that's why they aren't in "good" because nothing an australian posts is quality

but i definitely laugh when they get the entire fucking board shut down lmao

always funny korea :)

big brother...
please teach me how to be funny

you people are confused at a simple concept, each column contains multiple categories. polish posters aren't typically assholes for example but they're incredibly butthurt. americans aren't chill but on average i think we're pretty funny, intentionally or not. same with mexicans, not chill at all but funny. estonians aren't really funny but are chill. germans aren't usually butthurt but they're fucking assholes.

Definitely me with my fine balance of shitposting AND cultural posts

nah, although i know him. if im not wrong there are 3 of us here.

Speaking of Germans, can we please not be in the same column as those """people""". Thanks

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We're never on these charts. Are we bad?

It's weird seeing French people posting here, I have never encountered one in my entire life. Real life or internet.


they mostly stay on jeuxvideo


Attached: 09876.jpg (300x225, 19K)

You guys go in the butthurt category t b h.

See? This is why you have your own category of shit.

leave me alone.

>everyone seething
good chart, hits lots of nerves :)

yup, no need to stray out to the weirdos of 4leaf

Paws typed this post

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Like autists.

Attached: Megumin[Please_be_patient].png (170x162, 36K)

very nice

I haven't gotten that impression.


ya goofed, should go next to leafs

should go under "asshole"

butthurt, I'm guessing?
I would put them in "Funny", personally

Attached: 2018-05-19-962684_klegs.jpg (1300x793, 311K)

Mexico should go under garbage

Hahaha, you got me again Korea. Bless you fren!

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Estadounidense flag belongs into Japan tier

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Attached: 1538976047732.png (3652x2216, 259K)

CRINGE. kys brazil is based.

More like cringe

Du musst wohl einer dieser Migrations-Österreicher sein. Sind die einzigen die ich kenne, die das Deutschdödeln hassen.
Da können sie so schlecht mitmachen, weils ja um Blut geht.

>anything but garbage
Otherwise it seems good

its so obvious that a fat as fatass amerimutt made this

nah we cool now

Attached: apu fren content.jpg (1000x564, 108K)

You HAVE to go back.

New Zealand belongs in the absolute garbage category.

Attached: IMG_4754.jpg (3264x2448, 2.48M)

Canada is cool.

Attached: 1538621131249.gif (320x213, 1.21M)

add sudan, cunt

Ireland belongs to cute category!

Attached: 1_7773.png (979x675, 370K)

Fuck off anime cunt or I'll smash your face in pedophilic cunt.


Look at this fucking thread

did a 15 year old boy make this

And this.

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>tfw nothing

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thanks frens

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Why is our flag next to Koreans?


Fuck you amerimutt

are you from a tiny Island nation

otra lista en la que no figuro...


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Are japanese posters real or just weeb english teachers?

Most of us can't speak english, it's terrible.

How can you find Canadians annoying and Americans funny when you’re exactly the same? Fucking stupid, idiot mongrel mutt

I never got something informative from both Vietnam and Norway


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Exactly, no difference at all.

Is that how Burgoblins unironically see themselves? Hahahahahahahahaha lmaoing at your delusion

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int russians are just calm and depressed.

the swiss guys probably one or two. they are always the same posters. vietnam has a nice poster but also has a few shitty expats.

4. Don't mind the flag, I'm a pure-bred Ukraine-born salo-loving hohol

Bless our tropps, smertj moskaljam, Ok? Praise kek

Attached: Ukraine.png (816x473, 31K)

shoulda gone with tyrone or jamal or something desu


Anime is a silly thing to get annoyed about, especially on a website where the majority like it on some level

lol suck it europoor

Scroll up. Every German post in this thread has been them being an asshole to another cunt.

About 1 in 4 American post have been the same way.

Ftfy OP

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