There will never be another real estate or economic crash. I bought my house this past year from crypto gains...

There will never be another real estate or economic crash. I bought my house this past year from crypto gains. Tired of waiting for something that will never come. The Canadian real estate market will not crash it will just slow down for a few months before shooting up another 300%.

The economy is stronger than ever. People are working in highly in demand jobs. Crypto currency will continue booming. The stock market will go on another 10 year bull run. If you don't own your home by now you'll never make it.

I don't hear anywhere else about the economy crashing except on this anarchy Pol infested shit board. You guys have been saying WW3 is coming for years and it never does. You guys have been saying the real estate and economic collapse will come for years and it hasn't. If you aren't in the home buying stage yet in your life you will never be able to afford it.

Try to prove me wrong pro tip: you can't

Attached: financial-crisis-economic-collapse-market-crash-meltdown-bubble-burst-76314881.jpg (800x575, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i prefer renting for the next 2-3 years

>Using past perfomance to predict the future

Keep coping. Obviously it will come sooner than later, but nobody can predict the market. Waiting to be the real estate dip is retarded imo, but waiting for a stock pullback isn't.

Good luck with your home

Interest rates are going to all time highs next jan because of inflation
People will dump their debt supported real estate into the market crashing it to hell
All you need to do is crypto and precious metals till 2023

If Chinese stop to buy your overpriced condos you doomed. Your health services become shittier every year and you get Arab migrants in boatloads. Have a good one.

>There will never be another real estate or economic crash.
Literally the dumbest prediction I've ever read on the internet. Thanks OP.

>check out muh fractal

Will go up to 48k. Nice prediction...that's even more deluded than prediciting a crash

part 1.
Let's begin with the Chinese economic miracle of the last 20 years. China, as a country with a good logistical location, lots of raw material and shitloads of cheap workers attracted a lot of foreign companies to set up their sweatshops in the country. This has made their economy boom real hard and has also incentivized millions of farmers to give up their hometowns and go to cities to work in said sweatshops for a bit better money. As a result, real estate prices in rapidly growing cities have been going up non-stop for decades. Even the real estate bubble popping in the West didn't do shit to their market. You've probably heard already ages ago of "ghost towns" China being built in. Well... they have always been eventually filled with people and became real cities. By now, investing in real estate is seen as almost the only proper investment option within the Chinese mindset. Everyone has been making bank off of it. Most upper-class families have their money parked in 2-3 extra apartments at this point. To ease the bubble, the government has been putting some breaks on this and disallowing buying too much extra real estate. So... the Chinese just go overseas and buy up houses in USA, EU, Canada, NZ, Australia,... This in turn, has jacked up the real estate prices again in Western countries.

Attached: Chinese_economic_miracle.jpg (649x407, 31K)

ay man it might happen that prices decline for a couple of years at some time but if you have a horizon of 10+years youre good to go

part 2.
Now... China is doing great. People are starting to want bigger wages to keep up with lifestyle costs. Foreign companies are thus leaving the country and setting up sweatshops elsewhere in Africa, SEA, India, Pakistan,... This has slowed the rate of rural to urban migration in China and will even reverse the trend soon, when lower class people can't find jobs in cities anymore and return to their farms. In the meantime, "ghost towns" are still being built, because people are still buying up real estate as investment. Soon however, these towns will not be inhabited anymore and a lot of people will be holding empty apartments as their investment. This'll cause a big real estate market crash in China, which has been bubbling for almost 40 years. People will start to sell their investments and to cover their losses, also sell their more liquid overseas investments. As a result... a global recession triggered and a moderate real estate crisis also in the Western countries.

Attached: 18956343.jpg (1500x1001, 182K)

The real estate bubble will dip as they find new ways to curtail immigration and shady foreign money. You'll see real-estate prices plummet soon.

part 3.
Obvs, there is much more to the story.

1) Shadow banking, which has been allowing to loan more than the government permitted.
2) Chinese population growth starting to slow.
3) Government not being able to regulate/contain the peoples investments much longer.

China will have a big recession at some point eventually. Probably sooner rather than later. Things are going to be bad over there for a while. But, once China recovers, it will come out of it even stronger than it is now.

You'd have to be stupid to enter in a mortgage in Australia at the moment.

This is really well put together. Thank you, user. Definitely a view to consider. Global recession can start from anywhere. With China being a big player now, it could very well be that for once they start the shitshow. Nothing can't go up for decades without even a small pullback.
I've heard a lot about Chinese investing in Boston homes recently. This all makes sense now.

Care to elaborate?
Just curious

OP housing is the worst investment ever right now. So overinflated BUT you'll be fine as long as you get like 25 ounces of gold and 1,000 ounces of silver. BecUse the next financial crisis will be a fiat/dollar implosion.

Then what happens is gold will be revalued overnight many multiples of what it is right now to purge all the debt from the system.

China, India, and Russia have been accumulating gold in record tonnage for years now for a reason.

So the same and it won't matter that you bought overvalued real estate

Why stick to gold as a reserve, ive never understood. Theres fucktonnes of it, prices are already artificially high, and nobody seems to care.

>Theres fucktonnes of it
But can y mine it at your mom's basement like those internet money? Nope mah frens you gonna need a lot shitty ass thing to do that if your mom's basement can mined gold. When shit goes down gold miner,silver manufacturing is the one that define everything. Prepare for the worst situations not the best anons.

Attached: 1527012992028.png (399x404, 123K)

10/10 larp

>There will never be another real estate or economic crash. I bought my house this past year from crypto gains. Tired of waiting for something that will never come

Sounds like complaceny to me

Attached: ra2jhszbxxuvzmyt1hcn.png (954x628, 635K)

Really good explanation, weird to see smart comments in this place. But when you do they are really interesting.
Take 3 (You)

10/10 b8

Housing is inflated as fuck right now.