The only reason you don't have girl is because you don't try, nobody will knock in your door and jump in your bed...

The only reason you don't have girl is because you don't try, nobody will knock in your door and jump in your bed, nobody knows you exist. The same with job and other things, you have to make efforts to get them.

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Why are you projecting your own self-doubts onto others Ivan?

uys, if you're not getting stares from women as soon as you step outside your front door, you're not attractive.

Contrary to popular belief, women are NOT modest and reserved. When a woman sees a guy she really likes, she WILL show it. If women are not staring & smiling at you, it's not because they are too shy or modest-- it's because they don't find you attractive!

What women don't do is just as revealing as what they do. If you're not constantly getting hit on by women, it means that you don't make the cut in the looks department. But most guys refuse to acknowledge this. They find this truth too painful to accept. They prefer to wallow in denial, thinking it's their "game" or "confidence" that needs to be stepped up. It makes them feel better to believe that what's preventing them from getting laid is something they can control. In reality, they're just not physically attractive enough for women to notice them.

>The only reason you don't have girl is because you don't try
Where is the copypasta of that user who tried with every woman in campus and was laughed at for this?

I know this gets said often here and may has lost its meaning, but this is based and redpilled.

90% men here alco orcs with 1.7 height at average, still they have wives, lovers and etc. They don't wait for some chance or opportunity, they create it.

That's total bs. Women are much less interested in physical appearance than men. Personality matters more.

>That's total bs. Women are much less interested in physical appearance than men. Personality matters more.

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Literally the opposite of the truth. Pursuing women means you're undesirable. Focus on self-improvement in every aspect of your life and you'll find quality women will flock to you.

He looks awful
Anyway i'm good looking and attract girls attention, but i don't use this opportunities and i'm alone.

Haha, very flattering that you assumed that i am an attractive men:3 But actually, I'm a girl.

A common theme amongst cope-alots is asking, "how do you know if you're attractive?"

But see, if you have to ask then you're assuredly average at best and NOT attractive.

How would you know if you were smart? You would probably realize after grasping new concepts quickly, doing very well on your tests, being told you were special or smart.
How would you know if you were athletic? You would know after looking at your fit body in the mirror, winning sports competitions, being complimented on your agility, strength.

Even if you didn't like your reflection too much, you would KNOW you were attractive by doing well on tinder, having greater reception among girls and people in general, being complimented on your looks. And primarily, because YOU ATTRACT. Attractiveness doesn't just mean you have an easier time with girls; it also means everybody - both women AND MEN - will treat you better, come up to you, give you more opportunities than your unattractive peers.

Are you still clinging on to your last cope of girls being too shy or afraid of rejection, dipshits? Guess fucking what - girls are NOT shy. They are just as capable of striking up conversations and approaching guys, and almost always if they find a guy attractive they WILL act on it. You fucking retarded pieces of shit. I don't care if a girl flips her hair in your direction and sustains eye contact for 2.52 seconds and tilts her body towards you by 43 degrees or acts polite to you. Being ATTRACTIVE means you literally ATTRACT girls. And that doesn't mean you make them give you autistic "IOIs".

You're not shy. You're not autistic. You're just not fucking attractive.
red pilled

>The only reason you don't have girl is because you don't try, nobody will knock in your door and jump in your bed, nobody knows you exist. The same with job and other things, you have to make efforts to get them

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i pursued all of my girlfriends and the girlfriend i have now you limp wristed incel freak

>i pursued all of my girlfriends and the girlfriend i have now you limp wristed incel freak

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>That's total bs. Women are much less interested in physical appearance than men. Personality matters more. Btw this is my boyfriend and it was his personality that made me attracted to him, the fact that he has 9/10 face and is 6'4 is a pure coincidence teehee

Attached: giphy (4).gif (500x281, 487K)

I know asian guy 170cm 50kg, he looks funny. He has wife, daughter, and constantly cheat on his wife and fuck girls around. You would never say by his look that he's fuck-terrorist.
And i know 190cm 90kg bull, when we was in school all classmate girls like him. But he was to picky and shy, he skipped every opportunity.

im balding and my face is probably a 3/10

Normies will never understand this. We Bernds are the rejects a the bottom 10% even a million dollars wouldn't change our social standind and looks. It's women don't even acknowledge our existence.

why not?

this kind of defeatist horseshit is why people end up depressed and alone
also this is most definitely a pasta

>just get a gf guys
>just be confidence
>just conjurce confidence after years and years and years of insecurity and anxiety







good, less competition for us, off yourselfs asap


fucking normies make me so angry, i can't even type properly

yeah and one of my favorite ones
still to be in the game you have to have been socialised with everybody else with enough social capital to not be on the fringes since at least 12. Especially now where you ave to play your cards just right since single way attraction isn't socially acceptable anymore.