Why Jow Forums tease that Korea and Japan are colonies of usa?

You guys are colonies too.

especially Germany, Canada, UK are perfect colonies.

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UE is literally and american project.

entire europe was colonized by america. germany, france, and britain are all american colonies

how does it feel to be slave of usa forever?????

China is an American sandbag.

you will be a slave too and you will like it

>china = trump's sandbag

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lol we are only one brave enough to stand against america. While you and japan coward install thaad radar against china doing anything to suck usa cock.

no, dprk is the only one brave enough to stand against america. china does nothing

trade war????

But are you brave enough to The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (六四事件), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with automatic rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square

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Make it an actual war, then we'll talk.

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only 10 people died so who cares


if any, that's south korea and (west) germany, because those were actually american protectorates for a certain period of time.

Attached: us protectorates.png (1201x422, 104K)

10 people??

at least, 10 thousand people die


>Saudi Arabia is unfriendly towards the US

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>atleast 10k people died

sorry but you are literal slave of usa now bow down with your korean fellow slaves


watch real world

your information is manipulated by communism party



>Why Jow Forums tease that Korea and Japan are colonies of usa?
because thats what you are, you ultimate cucks. you are under decades of us occupation who use you without respect for their own political goals. you cant do anything without consulting with them first, asking for approval or waiting for them to tell you your opinion
you have to coordinate not only foreign but also domestic policy with them, meanwhile their soldiers shit on your country and fuck your women lol

Attached: 67843.png (630x384, 282K)

youtube doesnt work

>only 10people died

Chinese education

>10 people died

It's actually 10 thousand people become a kind

>dead chinese good Chinese

>youtube doesnt work

Yes because chinese have freedom not to use YouTube

they were not even innocent they were against government so what do you expect

Sorry, Trump banned them.
You must buy Apple now goy.

Fuck you. We are not slave. You're slave

they refused because amerucans told them to refuse, and they signed to act like good guys but in reality americans were already in total control of south korea
and the other part of your post is so stupid i actually laughed

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>they refused because amerucans told them to refuse
how low is your IQ

how bluepilled are you?

>le bluebill xd
croat brainlet

lmao why did you delete your own cringy post you pussy retard? were you ashamed of your own stupidity? i wont waste any more of my time on you.

Why is it okay when Israel uses military weapons on civilians but not China?

How old are you? I remember the cooling in relations a 15 years ago when the Riyadh compound bombings happened. The 2010s have seen relations begin to mend, but we're not especially close ideologically or even geopolitically.

>asian countries

Attached: cringeg.gif (547x433, 94K)

>Chinese education is worthy of Antimalarial Drug

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the post was deleted because your shitty country is totally irrelevant and there's literally no point talking about it

Only countries that aren't colonies of the USA are Russia, Iran, Syria and China.

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>not owned by usa
everyone knows putin is an american agent

>Russia, Iran, Syria and China
those are all american colonies you retard


Being involved in Old World bullshit is so tiring. I wanna go back to the good old days of ignoring Eurasia.

you stfu

that's not even an insult since you're basically calling some a person with high IQ

yeah i wish you sharts stayed in your own continent
better build a huge wall around your country and ban everyone to leave or enter. it will not only protect you from immigration but it will protect the rest of the world from you.

You seem upset, user. Do you want to talk about it?

i dont know what makes you think that
maybe cholesterol damaged your brain too much?

>Why Jow Forums tease that Korea and Japan are colonies of usa?

because Japan and Korea is non-white country.
Germany has largest US base in there.
But no Chinks make fun of them because Chinks has inferior complex toward white race.

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Soviet threat allowed for german rearmament unlike japan. And with the collapse of the soviets and with strong regional allies we are under no direct threat from anyone. You have to worry about norks and chinks and lack strong regional allies.