"I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite...

>"I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite. I prefer that he die in an accident than show up with a mustachioed man."

>"So let’s respect the pedophile’s right to have sex with a 2-year-old?" -About the gay rights, at an interview to Time.

>"We're going to shoot all the PT supporters in Acre."

>"You'll change nothing in this country by voting; absolutly nothing. You'll change something, unhappily, when we go into a civil war here someday and do a work the military regime didn't, killing as much as 30 thousand people, starting with FHC. It's all right if some innocent people die. Innocent people die in many wars."

>"I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up."

Why isn't every brazilian voting for this man? Him not fixing anything isn't and excuse as none of your other politicians have ever done that either.

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but they are voting for him

How can one man be so based?

Not enough. He could have won in the first round

he already did much more than was expected by winning 46%

based huehue

significantly less than 100%

Sounds based to me
He was less then 1% of the 50% needed

Based as fuck

>Why isn't every brazilian voting for this man?
Because being edgy only works online.
He's clearly unstable and a poor option. But the other option is also as bad, so fuck me.

t. homosexual

This guy is rad. I'm gonna vote for him in the 2nd round.

Trump wannabe

I was hoping he would die when i heard he wad rightfully stabbed. To bad he lost only 40% blood

I wanted to reply to the OP, nvm

4 percent off. Dropped to 46 at the very end of counting due to urbans.


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Stabbing him only helped his popularity.

those arent even his best quotes kek

So Duterte 2.0 will come in to power. I wonder if Brazilians will start claiming refugee status from death squads

All rhetoric and no balls

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actually that was the prediction
some conservative wusses said "at most he'd get 38%", but majority said he'd win with 46%

he will probably lose in the secound turn, tho

He is cucking out right now

we'll see about that
many don't want PT back in power
many don't want Bolsonaro in power too lol
absenteeism will set record marks that day

I'm gonna vote this time and my vote weighs 100x more than a normal brazilian one because I'm in a 1st world country.
Bolmann is gonna win this.

Homosexuality is the biggest non-issue there is.

>Social Liberal Party

You can't vote nigger.

>ruining national politics with a nutjob autocrat because you're a homophobe

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SJW is the issue, not homos
homos just happen to fill in most ranks of the SJW army, that's mostly all

More importantly is he a commie or not. Last thing Brazil needs is another leftist president

most null votes turn against the most aggressive candidate because people are panicky.

no he isn't a commie
how can you be fascist and communist at the same time, get real

i see

>yfw brazil goes under either way this guy wins or not

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HAHA. I'm a brazilian citizen, faggot.

Is there an SJW infestation in South America like there is in North America?



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t. elects commies every 4 years

Can't wait for the moment when chinks get enough of copper.

it's emerging
gotta kill it now before it lays eggs

>how can you be fascist
You can hate gays. be socially conservative and still have leftist economic policies.
How do they cancel each other out? Soviet Union wasn't the most gay friendly place

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lol just burn that shit, i would do it if i was you.

next chilean president is gonna be J. A. KAST
screen cap this

He is very much a neocon
He praised Tatcher and Trump on a recent interview

>You can hate gays. be socially conservative and still have leftist economic policies.
Yeah, if you're a real fucking idiot.

no, Bolsonaro IS a fascist
look at his motto even

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Pretty much every right wing populist


imma vote first

Based, he's against shitskins in the country of huehue mutts?

Don't disrespect your greatest leader like that

>drumpf is such a stupid fucking amerimutt, ugh, that fucking kike cuck soros shill, only fucking amerimutt redditards from Jow Forumsthedonald still like him
>t. Jow Forumser/pol/

>t. Jow Forumser/pol/

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Yeah our right wing populist say that too, but are rather left wing economically than right

Hope not, Chile is the only of the three big southern American countries to have a stable economy and reasonable outlook, you'd shoot yourselves in the feet electing a right wing populist now.

Is Bolsonaro Catholic or Protestant?

What are his views on the other religious group?

>turning this into a racial thing
not our fault most poorfags are brown and black

then i don't know
if he wins we will see

Why would you care? I'd be more worrying on who to elect there than here.


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>Look, mom, I posted it again!

Trump is a democrat in republican clothing.

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>Big three


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I wish we had someone like him here

In the Netherlands all fags are right wing.

Because they don't like Muslims that much I guess. Nor do two earning men want to pay for women under socialism.

>all fags are right wing. Because they don't like Muslims that much I guess
amazing world we live in, full of wondrous things

>politics are a single axis

Brazil, Argentina and Chile. I consider northern South America a different economic sphere.


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SJWs don't care about homos anymore in the west. There was a social media backlash when a gay bar owner wrote negatively about muslims. SJWs freaked out

Not an argument.
Not an argument.

Explain calmly and objectively without the use of buzzwords why and how he would be good for Brazil.

Wh*Te homos aren't the victims anymore

>europe will be flooded by a wave of brazilian refugees fleeing from a civil war and/or deathsquads in 10-15 years

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>There was a social media backlash when a gay bar owner wrote negatively about muslims
amazing world we live in, full of wondrous things

but it was obvious fags would have to defend themselves from being hanged

>without the use of buzzwords
where do you think you are?? fuck off to read Time magazine

Not a post.

>muh identity politics

How would anything he said in those quotes make the lives of an ordinary working Brazilian man any better?

>in 10-15 months*
prepare for bunda in your cuntray

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>there are “people” on this board who unironically care about “SJWs”
>there are “people” on this board who have a catalog in their head of various incidents on social media, using it as “proof” of an “SJW” boogeyman
>these “people” are allowed to vote

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Wait, was your post supposed to have any substance?

Based and redpilled

>admitting based and redpilled is your only argument

Not an argument.

>diasporanigger thinks it’s opiniom matters

Ah yes, quality Amerifat english

>i would't love my own son because he has a sexual fetish i find icky.
based and redpilled.


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>where do you think you are?? fuck off to read Time magazine

>implying Time magazine isn't Buzzwords: The Magazine

I like how some BRs here make it looked like Bolsonaro is some white supremacists than will hunts gays and whatever and now foreigners are starting to fling shit at each other because they project their own shitty politics shenanigans into ours.

>nobody's ever allowed to make a typo

>bolsonaro thread
>95% of posters are non-brazilian

I'll give you guys a round up: He's a white economic-liberal Duterte. He's not a nazi or anything of the like.

A literal jew

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Well, first of all they wouldn't have to deal with fags anymore

he's a fucking fascist you mong

unlike you, I dont deny my mutt condition

> economic-liberal
Our guy then. I'm sick of social conservatives being lefting economics

PAN here is also essentially a religious party with conservative beliefs but they are at the most center right.

>not a complete nutter

based, #KillAllGays