What country produces the 2nd best music and why is it Sweden?

What country produces the 2nd best music and why is it Sweden?

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2nd best music after Norway, I assume you meant.

As much as i like Varg's music and some of your black metal bands, it's not enough to put Norway in top-3

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Black metal is the best kind of metal, you heretic!

UK comes on first place tbqh there's no genre they haven't started, black metal including

1. America
2. UK
...125. Finland and Sweden combined

UK has become an expert at inventing things at which other countries become better, i.e. metal music, most sports

Brits might the pioneers, but that doesn't mean their music is great. I respect them, but i don't like most of their bands

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I was under the impression that Norway invented black metal?

You take a pretty high rank I guess, first come UK and US, then Germany, then Scandinavia, and only afterwards France and the insignificant rest

not really, it originated from several places, starting with uk in 79-82 and germany and hungary in 84

Weren't those just vague prototypes though, like Venom the "extreme metal" band?
I was, as said, under the impression that Norwegian bands in the 90s spearheaded the specific type of black metal that we see today.

UKBM is shit, I was rather talking about their NWOBHM versions of what was supposed to become black metal later
Venom, Witchfynde, Onslaught etc.

love at the gates
love opeth
hate haters
simple as

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Make way plebians

yes, you'd be right
though the german tormentor band's '84 demos were very similar to norwegian metal of 90's

i really liked Cranium but i didnt knew they were sweded, i was sure they were austrian or dutch
The fucking album was called BLACK METAL.
i take japan, brazil, and poland over fucking france

Do you like your own black metal scene? It boggles me how Russia and Poland can have so many good black metal bands

Honestly, never got into it. I listened to BM as a teenager and spent most of my time looking for older (preferably

The classic 2nd wave guitar sound (tremolo picking) was something Thorns started with and probably spearheaded by Euronymous (both Norwegian). Bathory (Swedish) nailed the vocals before then. Venom had more of the visual and lyrical aesthetic earlier on.

Venom, Tormentor and Bathory are perhaps the pioneers of Black Metal, with the Norwegians of the 90s being referred to as the 2nd wave of BM
I personally agree more with your point and would rather consider Norwegian BM the "proper" black metal and the likes of Venom as proto-BM

Same but it has turned into a tradition for me to celebrate every winter with my favorite black metal tunes

Finland has the most metal bands therefor Finland wins.