A man can dream, can't he?

A man can dream, can't he?

Attached: e898f.png (1925x1742, 116K)

I agree. A man can dream about a Greek person getting a job.

stop dreaming and pay your debts!

hello ozil

At least Macedonians pay their debts

Some Turks take welfare handouts and listen to shitty music around various city neighbourhoods


BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of bailout to lazy greeks

Really difficult decision here

Actually a fairly easy decision, I'll take the Greeks

pay denbts

Yeah think ill have the greeks

Wenn nichts anderes, sind sie zumindest Christian und Teil Europas im Gegensatz zu der asiatischen Horde im Osten von ihnen.

Macedonia is literally so cute. kys

Nice way to blow your cover, Burger your sentance is riddled with mistakes and obvious Google Translate

"Immerhin sind sie Christen, im Gegensatz zu der asiatischen Horde aus dem Osten"

Yeah, no I like spending my tax payer money on myself and not on some lazy good for nothing and ungrateful shitheads.

Thanks for sparing St Pierre et Miquelon.

>Nice way to blow your cover, Burger

How do you tell if he's American? There's also a frog and a wafflenigger in here.

>How do you tell if he's American?
I guess he's assuming it's some American tourist or militaryfag posting from here.

Because his sentance structure is all wrong. He literally translated an english sentence 1 to 1 and ecpected it to make sense in german. I can even tell you what he typed into google translate;

"If noothing else, they are at least Christian and a part of europe as opposed to the asian horde to the east of them"

How braindead do you have to be, to think a native speaker would not notice that you can't actually speak the language?

Dve moreta is not exactly TRI MORETA, but I'll take it

please, remove Armenia and azerbaijan as well, they are turks too and we will have nice sea to our south instead of maggot infested lands

>muh shekels
fuck off kike

>t. hairy, black haired, tanned, 170 cm Georgian

t. hairy, black haired, pale, 190cm Georgian

Being pale because you never leave your room doesnt mean you dont have natural tan my of turkish ancestry friend.

>pale because you never leave your room

>t. pinkskin faggot jealous of my light skin with green reptilioid undertones

Armenians aren't Muslims and they're brothers in anti-roach hate, they can stay.

>Hungary and Russia existing

>le islam is the problem meme
if Islam is the problem you can just make Turks and Albanian magically Christian, no need to remove them. if you love Armenians so much move them to your side at least

Why? Russia and Hungary are both based, but also redpilled.

Having a common religion didn't do anything to endear Eastern Europe to the Russians.

Because they're full of Hungarians and Russians

Attached: Hungarian politics.png (1526x710, 1.41M)

Who are, as mentioned, both based and redpilled.

Attached: iamrussian26.jpg (599x440, 32K)

I typed that into GT and it gave two different sentences.

Attached: 5755.png (1311x342, 23K)

The banker thieves are not ordinary Greeks, meanwhile the Turks you describe are an epidemic.


Attached: Flag_of_Transnistria_(state).svg.png (600x300, 4K)

Im a bit conflicted. His sentence sounds very unnatural but it is not incorrect, except for the "Christian".
Google translator could not have translated a sentence as complex as this without fucking up big time.
Id wager that the man behind the post is a migrant or an autist.

No more than that is wrong. Stop trying you fucking Yankee everyone knows who you are

But isn't like Kappadokia and shit rightful Greek clay?

Fuck off Austrian.
I guarantee that no taxmoney of yours entered my pocket and no ammount of mountain-autism is gonna change that.

Shnell shnell malaka

Anatolia is gone, it's all 3rd world now

>the eternal anglo and the eternal german still exist

You forgot about the eternal fr*Nk

Attached: eternal-french-destroy-europe.png (660x458, 263K)

putin fuckboy

go get shot in Donbass

Go back to Russia, Vanya

Go back to Wallachia, Radu.