Why are they so obsessed with Southeast Asians ?

Why are they so obsessed with Southeast Asians ?

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Why are Southeast Asians so obsessed with them?

Because a TONs of SEA people come to Korea for work. They are some of the most common foreigners you could see on the street.

Do they face discrimination ?

I never seen anyone from SEA getting discriminated or being mentioned as a victim of discrimination on the news. I think Koreans only hate Chinks, Japs, and Muslims

so muslim seasians get hate too then?

That's nice . Now I can hold hands with my Korean gf without worrying about getting lynched

Probably, but never seen anything hateful done publicly.

If Koreans hate Southeast Asia,
We don't like Muslims Southeast Asian people. Don't get us wrong.
To be exact, we hate certain religions, not you.

but otherwise koreans are generally outspoken against islam?

We don't hate you either Korea-san

Can Koreans tell from looks if someone has a Vietnamese or Thai mother?
We Finns can't


based and redpilled

not trying to knock you malaysianon just asking mr korean to elaborate

Because Korean women are awful, and smaller women means their 4" average penis size looks bigger

then again i'm obsessed with SE asians and I live in Korea. pls come back yudi :(

probably an american behind proxy/american living in korea, similar to that japan poster

I have seen it. Koreans just openly being rude to my now Ex from Indonesia. anytime we went out to a party koreans would exclude her from anything the rest of the party was doing, and be very rude with her. She left the country becasue of this which is why we are Exs. I wish she would come back

ignore flag, VPN

Real Korean here

We only hate and despise uncloth Northern Chinese bandits/peasants and smug Japanese autists who think WE WUZ JŌMONZ

We generally think Northern Chinese are a racially inferior peasant slave race and Japanese are autistic and can’t really connect with other cultures very well

Southeast Asians we don’t interact enough with to care about. But we generally appreciate their chill and carefree attitude

It's love hate relationship
They think you're subhuman but they want to conquer you

Attached: future_korea.png (1493x1087, 111K)

I hear few stories of Korean discrimination, which is a shame since we treat your poor people nicely here in Flipland.

Many Koreans here in Baguio, some are in fact very rude, talking about how smelly and shitty Philippines is, he has no right to say such things when he's staying here to get an education because he's poor from Korea.

>Japanese autists who think WE WUZ JŌMONZ
you clearly never leave your image-boarding room

Korean diasporas are the worst. Koreans here are much nicer imo.

Fillipinos are used to people from other cultures, your country has many langages and peoples native to it, and a history of uh... forced... trade with many other people and races. you are also a very westernised place from a cultural standpoint, the spanish and americans were not known for preserving local culture like the british were

Korea is a very closed off monoethnic culture, they see a man with a beard and they get scared

korean can be very nice. but when a korean is a dickhead other koreans do not correct their behaviour.

lol, we grew out our beards long before Japanese started to do it

Yes, Koreans here from Korea say that we are nice and friendly which we really are, but when back turned they say "Ohh London/Seoul/whatever is so much better"
oh I'm so sorry we are poor and have no money for infrastructure and is 3rd world

That's why there is growing dislike of Koreans here at around mid 2000s, but that has stopped when many of them emigrated in droves for some reason

Are you Korean?

the world isnt int
pretty cringeworthy

but Koreans shit on Chinese and Japanese and don’t really care about everybody else

My experience is East Asians hate to mingle or marry with each other as they get older

>We don't like Muslims Southeast Asian people
just to let you know, pakistan isnt sea

In some cases yes, since a significant portion of SE asians do look notably different from Koreans.

because we will convert their women to islam

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Only the Indons and Flips have that chill, friendly and carefree attitude.
It's borne out of tropical life. Notice you tropical areas (Caribbean, Flipland, Okinawa, etc) have the friendliest, happiest and nicest people with the lowest suicide rates.

>"They are taking our jobs reeee"

It's just right-wing nutjobs that are obsessed with SEAsians. Fucking losers lmao

>A Sri Lankan(not sure I spellt alright) worker flew away a fucking paper lantern from 1km distance
>Oil reservoir burnt down
>Korean Jow Forumstards are blaming him for that now

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I haven't seen a single Japanese person irl who actually care about his genetic origin for my entiere life tho

miring his jaw

mallay is dangerous.

Repeat this in English maybe

it look cool. you r genious.


Fellow flip is right
Flipland and SEA like Korea
Korea hate us in return I think

I think it's the opposite. Although in my country, only the tagalogs are obsessed with those plastic faces.

>we treat your poor people nicely here in Flipland.
Which part of Flipland?