The Best Black Guy Ever

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Is there a rip of this online yet? I want to watch it in my room but orchestrate it so my dad can walk in and see me watching it so I can feel proud

Why wouldn't you go to the cinema?

Because I want my dad to see me watching it

Why would this make you proud?

For what purpose?


I want him to know that superhero films are part of my personality

I just read on Jodel that it was shit.


You want your dad to think you're a manchild?


Then go together with your Pop. I even saw 2 married couples with little kids sat watching this movie.

Only camrips.

Imagine paying money to see this schlock.

Of course, it could be better, but it's nice anyway.

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>it's still not out here

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He just want to prove that soylent he's buying on a daily basis is not go in vain.


Blackie isn't a superhero, kid.

Why does the cgi look like shit?

sorry i'm here since 2010 and i don't get your reference

because it's a Sony movie

>watching a PG-13 movie with little kids because "hurr superheroes"
i hate parents

It looks much better on the big screen.

Actually, the movie isn't scarry, however, probably they can buy tickets for kids only in Russia...

The Best Black *Girl Ever

venom symbiote is a girl bro

You tranny defenders are going too far this time.

no no no its just a guy thats inside a girl no tranny

The Symbiote is the epitome of masculinity. Let's start with his body.

Well, I'm not sure about the girl, because there's TOO BIG competition...

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>what the hell are you?
>I'm Sony's reckoning, here to end the borrowed time they've all been living on

no, they do that here too
and kids are screaming and crying and not understanding shit
fucking take them to a babysitter or daycare, kids shouldn't be in the movie theaters

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Kiss scene was hot

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nice, they included She-Venom on the movie
just not the Rob Liefeld one

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>Let's start with his body.
Well, obviously he dominates above whites and asians (pic related).

>kids are screaming and crying
NORMAL kids. Russian kids like the hardcore.

I prefer what was right before that ;)
Please, don't spoil.

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yeah it was pretty nice probably best scene in the whole movie
The scene before was somewhat mature for pg-13
Also how do i put my images under a spoiler?

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>how do i put my images under a spoiler?
you can't do that on Jow Forums
you can do that on /tv/ and certain other boards

The more you learn

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>The scene before was somewhat mature for pg-13
The kiss scene isn't supposed for kids either ;)

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does it do this or anything cool beyond tendrils and weapon forming in the movie?

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Shit I just realized that the kiss scene was even more mature and inappropriate for kids than the other scene. Would be my fetish fuel in childhood.

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>american writing

god I wish that were me

Yes. But I think that there were not enough scenes with Blackie.

>Would be my fetish fuel in childhood.
(pic related)

You're not alone.

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>And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end

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>I watch comic book movies

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is cool

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