How do Brits, Canadians, Danes, and Norwegians feel about confronting Russia? Especially when they're stealing Canadian, Danish, and Norwegian territory from right under our noses. Like the article states, the US only has 1 icebreaker in comparison to Russia's 40+, so we can't contest this without resorting to other actions. If we don't, we'll end up losing Alaskan territory to them ourselves.
Did you? I thought that the ship with gold just sank... R u you trying to fool me, pal?
Parker Sanders
These other two countries already got their share? what's the problem?
Henry Nguyen
By what point it called 'aggression', John?
Brandon White
Why do you even care whether or not your oligarchs got their money? It would never have benefited the Russian people either way.
Owen Diaz
>In 2002, Russia made a claim to a U.N. commission for a vast part of the Arctic region. It was rejected. In 2007, a team of Russian submariners planted the Russian flag directly under the North Pole at a depth of 14,000 feet. Then-Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay sniffed, “This isn’t the 15th century. You can’t go around the world and just plant flags and say ‘We’re claiming this territory’.”
America is very weak in the Arctic waters, and the Arctic ocean will be very important in the near future Russia is the ONLY country equipped to hold its own up there. even Canada has more icebreakers than the USA does, and Norway at least has an arctic equipped navy paid for with oil money
Grayson Peterson
Yeah, I'm sure you know what benefits Russian people better than the Russians themselves. What's your problem with the current borders in Arctic, again?
Adam Walker
True. Also, what you will get from that as a regular citizen btw?
Austin Stewart
Because he's paid by them to care. Average retarded nationalistic bydlo doesn't learn English because 'russian is better than gamburger language'. Ignore the subhuman.
Hunter Murphy
>Russian Empire >oligarchs stop making dumb posts in this delicate thread
That would be a conspiracy theory. Academic A. Yu. Petrov claims that the money (which was supposed to arrive in St. Petersburg) was instead spent directly on various railways
>even Canada has more icebreakers than the USA does Why should that surprise you? We border only a tiny slice of the Arctic with Alaska, whereas the entirety of the Canadian border lies on it. Canada has more to gain from climate change than us
But that doesn't mean Russia should be able to screw Canada out of their Arctic territory.
Jaxson Evans
Cheap oil
>Putin henchman #5894 gets a fourth summer vacation home >"YEEAAAAH RUSSIA STRONK" t. Bydlo >*dies at age 40 from liver disease*
Parker Walker
I don't see how it's agression or a landgrab. There's no land to grab and what Russia did was hold a massive excercise, which we're now doing as well to keep posturing. Russia won't be able to brute force claims and start extracting the wealth without being sanctioned by everyone and their mother anyway.
The oil and gas is overall a secondary priority. The future lies in the arctic sea route through Beringer, the north pole and the Norwegian sea.
because America has major arctic interests either way no other nation has the capability to field a force to challenge Russia there, and Putin is aware of this he can let the USA take the equatorial waters if he can secure the lucrative virgin arctic
a Russia with a useable northern coastline and free-sailing arctic waters would be come a superpower the likes of which the world has never seen.
Thomas Murphy
my finnish history teacher told us that "the stupid russians only wanted $50 for alaska as it was just a giant freezer"
David Mitchell
also America has the advantage that Alaska is the most developed region in the Arctic Circle everywhere else is woefully undeveloped
the far north is the next frontier, and soon after Antarctica as well
Easton Foster
he's talking about the alaska sale 150 years ago you low iq subhuman