How can I avoid paying tax in Europe ? The government is the complete antithesis of me and my people and I wish to not dedicate a single cent to them. Thoughts
How can I avoid paying tax in Europe...
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Fuck off back to your cave Muhammad
I mean you've got it the other way around
t. Sweden
Fucking disgusting creature 0/10. For Britbongs, gambling winnings are tax free. It's an old way to launder money, place say 10 bets at 9/1 with dirty money, and as long as one of those ten is a winner, you have your entire stack back, and you only have to account for 1/10 of the stack- and that's only if the Old Bill come knocking. Boxing is better than nags, because there are only two possible outcomes
'you and your people' created the circumstances to allow a parasitic, genocidal socialist state to flourish
No shit mate
Are your government publicly commenting on crypto taxes like the sharts?
30% tax on capital gain profit
The jews did this you utter faggot of a cunt, not the swedes.
Our fault for not taking a stance. A breeze can only push down a weak tree
Ausfag here, I'm in the same boat. Country is a communist state pretty much and is no longer beating around the bush when it comes to their blatant hate for us. We will be south africa in a decade or so. I'm planning on skipping to another country and taking all my gains once I reach a certain level. Tax man will have to find another way to fund screeching feminists and jamal's 17 children
You can become and eresident of Estonia and start a business. If you keep it in the company, there's no tax. If you take dividends, there's 20% tax. Mostly I suggest looking around and find ways to spend crypto straight, I"ve managed to live for a few months now that I only buy groceries for fiat.
No. The swedes did it. This is entirely swedish. There are no jewish tricks here, just a shit culture of naive leftist lunatics who have been babied their entire lives.
We need detail
How much
What services you used to trade
Any other income?
Pretty interesting
I run online businesses and hold assets in the form of Crypto; ultimately I have to report my income at a certain date
This is actually stupid because the money still needs to come from a clean source and i doubt that you can declare "income" from an anonymous source, can you?
If you couls that would be awesome though
Pay your taxes goy
Thats not avoiding tax
Also reported to HMRC enjoy your time in the slammer
Could you just report the minimum salary/tax-free treshold? If you want to buy property etc with crypto you will need to find a willing vendor in who you trust
Unless you could show buying the crypto with £ from your job, sending that to the gambling site and then only giving them evidence of the winning bet.
Slam ‘er ha I hard know ‘er!
cant u transfer said businesses to another country?
Well yeah but wondering what is actually viable in this case. Sweden is also known for being pretty tight with stuff like that
You're a poor, you're not contributing to the world, you're not changing anything and nobody outside your family would miss you if you died.
The state and it's monopoly on violence is litterally your only protection from the world.
u got a loicense 4 that protest m8
It's extremely easy to avoid paying taxes in the EU. Here is what I have done:
>hire a Russian/Indian farm of internet shillers
>make them spread rumours, leaks, news reports, articles, infographics, pictures, videos, facebook posts, tweets, Instagram posts that are anti-government
>make them promote protests on facebook groups and twitter
>watch as the people riot on the streets and the government is forced to resign
>install a new government
>force them to give you tax exemption
>if they don't comply then do the same thing with them until they do
Did that too multiple times, but after the third time it is getting boring.
Triggered german gov't shill is obvious
buy Bitcoin on all money and never cashout in EU
where can I buy up the crack pants just like this for gf?
any roastie oriented shop works, tbf
serious answers only, no shitty jokes
>There are no jewish tricks here
imagine being this naive
leave, its the best option and my current plan
JT provided the stimulus, but the comment about being naive leftists is spot on
Where to ?
where to find such farm of shillers? they advertise somewhere?
Det beror hur rik du är, det finns alltid sätt att undvika skatt men det innebär oftast att man säljer alla sina ägendomar inom Sverige och flyttar till något skatteparadis. Vänta 1-2 och sen plocka ut pengarna skattefritt. Är typ inte värt om man inte har ett par miljoner iaf IMO
Participate in government and change you fucking shit head.
And if that's impossible, move to another country that represents your interests.
Cheating taxes is childish.
>Cheating taxes is childish.
That's the best tax meme so far.
Idk how tax even work for cryptos.
Do i have to pay for taxes if i dont payout for 3 years?
Does taxes calculate if i make like 20 trades every day? for example:
sell at 7800, buy at 7700.
sell at 7900, buy at 7800.
and so on
why waste time with that? literally isnt worth your time trying to deal with shitskins, better just find a place that isn't diseased and live there, or at least put your money there.
You fucking dumb fuck. You have €1000 dirty money. Launder it through this method, and you destroy €900 dirty money by giving it to the bookie and destroying your betting slip. You replace it with €1000 clean money IF you can create a paper trail for €100 of your dirty money. It's not a step by step guide to launder money, it's a way for you to only have to launder say 10% and then once that's clean, use that 10% to clean the rest. I'm giving you a tried and tested method, it's still around because short of banning gambling, the Old Bill can't fight you. You bet money, you won, no tax on winnings. Why do you think gypsys are so involved in boxing and horse racing? Eat more onions, retard
34% i Finland, och här kan man inte ens kvitta förluster mot vinsten
för att svara på din fråga, flytta
but this is what I never understand when people suggest starting a business:
How the fuck do you get your personal crypto or whatever into the company without first declaring it or paying tax on it?
I want to tax that ass
Move to Slovenia. Slovenia does not tax capital gains of individual investors trading crypto and has a pro-crypto government with some great projects like Bitstamp and SunContract
Stay in Cyprus. Zero tax. No legal framework for crypto. Zero % capital gains tax in everything else.
what bank do you use in cyprus to get crypto into fiat?
>No legal framework for crypto
that does not mean it is tax free brainlet
Bank of Cyprus
they have been such a pita for a business account
live in Luxembourg.
For every person not paying tax a nigger dies from not getting gubmint gibmedats.
Do you want that blood on your hands?
pay your taxes or GTFO :)
If you want to avoid taxes you have to start planning quite early in a business, to avoid leaving trails.
If you're already established and your name is on the business, it's a big risk to not pay. At this point you'd have to use tax optimization schemes so find a jew.
She will make a fine breeding slut for niggers.
Sweden was one of the last to import muslims you uneducated alt-cuck
What do you mean "europe", be more specific you worthless alt-fag
>gimme the money goy! Stop being childish!
>fine don't wanna pay?!! How about I kidnap you!
>Sweden is also known for being pretty tight with stuff like that
well what exactly can they do if u just close it in sweden and open in up in another country? really don't see how they can fuck you there - esp. with your business being online and not bound to your location