Country you hate

Country you hate.
One country I hate most is pic related

people, culture, history, food and everything

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Same, gooks are a bunch of suicidal whiny rats who kill themselves over having a bad day in their 14 hour long school/work day.
Must be miserable being a korean salaryman ant for Lord Samsung

I'm the same as you

Kill gooks and repopulate Korea with Japanese or Chinese

>Same, gooks are a bunch of suicidal whiny rats who kill themselves over having a bad day in their 14 hour long school/work day.
>Must be miserable being a korean salaryman ant for Lord Samsung
it's a boomerang line to us

Nope, Korea is the best country in Asia with Japan. China on the other hand......

If you like them, will you please take all koreans living here?

Not the suicidal ones though.

The country that I hate the most is Korea. It's not so much their government that I hate but their people.

DPR Korea is alright, the problem is the other half.

>this thread

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int is very pro sk

never seen forums like this other than int. probably because of those anglo azn incels from chink/gook subs on reddit. they are very int and all of them are anglo chinkgooks

right lads, lets sort this out. Stop taking the piss out of each other and be nice.

hi anglo how are you

japan is dog, korea is dragon

you also must be a redditfaggot from a chink sub. although i have zero knowledge of shitsubs like Jow Forumssino tho

What about populate it with wildlife instead?
Asia needs to be depopulated of Asians.

do japanese hate koreans or chinese more?

Go and read your fake textbook to make you feel better

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The average American is a complete subhuman. A huge portion of the countries elite and smart people are either Jews or non-british immigrants that are also responsible for most of the countries' achievements that it is lauded for. The rest of the population takes collective credit for the actions of a few in the delusion that the self-destructive culture of perpetual outrage somehow is responsible for the fortune of the top 1%. Its a garbage country that has also committed more acts of evil than Hitler and Stalin combined. I cant wait for it to collapse in onto itself.

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>DUDE those guyz are working too much they're gonna surpass our tech companies, let's bully 'em in a anonymous image board so they won't happen, wait do you have more weed?

This desu. Hope america collapses so spoiled westerners will be ruled by chinese after they fill the void and wonder why it all went to shit

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Germany have guns?

I like Korea

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Britain. I always hated those arrogant bastards but today even more.

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good, how are you doing mate?

Korea is the subhuman dog of Asia.

Japan >>> Taiwan >>>>>>>> China > shit > fuck off and die > Korea

>I like plastic, BPA free!

I mainly hate Korea because they copy Japan, and their language sounds like a snake choking on a cow. Chinese(cantonoese) and Korean have a disgusting language. Japanese sounds elegant and cool.

Also Japan has Samurai, Ninja, Katanas and anime. Korea has nothing to show but copies of what Japan has already done.

based x

No. We have better education, better infrastructure, higher average quality of life, cleaner cities and less gun violence. Also we dont live with the delusion that guns are somehow necessary to defend against the NWO boogeyman that amerimutts love clinging to because paranoia is the only answer to people pointing out the absolute shithole that is the USA.

This. So much this.

i'm fine thank you and you anglo

don't take it too personally x

you're a retard, Switzerland is infinitely better than Germany and has tons of guns.

If having no guns (legally) meant anything Brazil would be paradise because it's fucking hard to get a gun legally here.

Yurogays are such sissies, Jesus Christ.

bored, going to be drinking soon as I am a disgusting student

wtf why everyone hates korea when they could be hating actual scum like china?

how much is a glass of beer at an average pub
here it's like 4 euro

me too

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>he fell for the meme

t. Kevin Hyun Park



Criticize my country all you want. We do that all the time always anyway. I never said Germany was perfect. It's just better than the US. Which isnt hard because the US is the cancer of the earth. Why is it everytime criticizes the Jewish puppet state that people deflect with
>bud ur gundry :-D
Also, what quality of life does the absolute lack of gun control contribute to American society? Name 1 (one) positive impact the American gun culture has made on the country.
Also, do you genuinely think the answer to Brazilian gun crime is just more guns? The good guy with a gun is the most retarded rhetoric to come out of the American political sphere in a long time and anyone with an inkling of rationality can tell its complete horseshit.

where I am now it's about 5 euros, sometimes 6.
back home it's somewhat cheaper.

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let's talk over beer when i'm in bongland

>also, do you genuinely think the answer to Brazilian gun crime is just more guns?

Brazil had infinitely less homicides when guns were available to law-abiding citizens. Ever since guns were banned from the hands of LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS (you fucking subhuman idiot) crime has skyrocketed to retarded levels and now we have 60k homicides per year.

If guns were so evil, the USA would have the largest homicide rates in the world, yet it doesn't. Same for Switzerland.

How do you suggest we fight the niggers in this country who KILL BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS and steal from your dead body you fucking retarded piece of shit? God damn it, a fucking European trying to tell me how to stop crime in a South American shithole, absolutely hilarious.

Come down here faggot, let's see what you can do to fight violence. Are you going to "educate" them about how being mean is not kewl ? kek You speak as if these "people" were even open to dialogue or as if they care about anything other than themselves.

Nigger favelados are not human, they're the literal spawn of hell. I know it's hard for a Eurocuck to understand but you cannot fight brutality without violence - in your retarded pathetic pampered world reality is completely different (I know because I spent a year in Munich and traveled throughout most of Germany).

>to Brazilian gun crime is just more guns?

given that those "gun crimes" come from guns obtained illegally yeah.

Also, homicides and violence in BRazil are not restricted to "gun" crimes. Niggers here kill you with their bare hands if it needs be.

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Is 1000 yen alot of money?
What is considered alot of money in Japan?

for sure

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1000 yen is like, 90 USD or something.

5000 for me

epic, simply epic
1000 yen is fuck all mate, it's like £7/$10

I still think 90 bucks is a good wad of cash, it can buy at least 1 AAA videogame and a dozen cheeseburgers


you filthy ungratefull, korea did his best to kill the evil kraut and let you pas on the world cup

Shit burger v dog meat
Which one

Yes,yes,YES, it's okay I like it but it's nothing special.

japan has been bullying korea since the dawn of humanity
and they can't stop yet

What a naisu culture desu

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>Recognized by Mexico = Normal
Thanks cartel ㅎㅅㅎ

cringe and blue-pilled

I think the average salary in Animeland is 250k yen a month, something like 2.200 usd

roach pride world wide.

based af


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100 yen = 1 USD
Because they don't use cents.