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what happened germany?

Probably started another world war. Classic germans.

ah is this that country, that's currently conquered by islam?

Dumb murican
Germany is only growing stronger

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Conquered? That would mean that they atleast put up some sort of fight back, no user they just handed their country and women to those sand niggas like some sort of gift they earned


>not dead
>ever relevant again


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Despair? The market is still up thousands of percents from a few years ago.
What you see happening now is old investors cashing in at rate that won't crash the market.

Jow Forums seem to think bubbles pop over night, the DOTCOM bubble took 10 years to settle.

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Yeah, if you think a shit economy and opening your borders to third world monkeys is "growing stronger".

5 years ago i wanted to migrate to this country, glad i didn't, there may be better picks. not like it's going to be easier for slavshit like me

That's not how despair works, user.

Fallen crypto auszahlungen auch unter Steuerfreibetrag von 9000€?

900 € newfag.

and no, even small amounts over that they'll put u in the "persönlichen" Einkommenssteuersatz.

Germany is unironcally in a more recoverable state than the jewnited states.

Germoney is now a welfare state and will soon collapse.

Attached: refugees.png (424x836, 187K)

welfare sucks arbeit macht frei

Germany budget surplus of €36.6 billion in 2017.
Perhaps we should invest in second world country like the USA. Poor bastards are only able to hold their currency up by means of global military threat.

real talk I live in germany and fuckall has changed from 10 years ago
still the same achmeds running around everywhere opening kebab shops

Refugees along with Hartz IV folks will destroy the middle class in the long run as they shrink in numbers because they can't afford children while welfare recipients grow in numbers demanding tax increases. All good now, but you fucked it up for the next generation and you along with all dumbass commies in your country should be prosecuted & executed for treason.

This is nothing compared to what they faced when the negotiations with Greece were unraveling some years ago. Germany will only tumble if the rest of the EU does, and we will see it from hundreds of miles away if it is about to happen.

surest sign shit is fucked is when apologists of the country made fun of point to USA in answer
this is the kind of shit chinks used to do, now western europeans do that
i'm french btw, unlike you frans i'm just smart enough to see where we're going
african countries aren't poor because of "muh colonialism", but because of the people. this massive importation will prove it conclusively within one generation and a half, as most of the young workforce will be them by that point
there's only one escape hatch for diversity advocates: a technological singularity making for radical enough productivity improvements it outweights the bad effects of blacks
you better start praising your local STEM kids, instead of yelling at them for being incels

Are you aware how few niggers and jews there are in Germany compared to the US?

Now, some of you burgers might have traveled here and found a lot of Ahmeds etc. However, this is mostly in the bigger cities. If you go to Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt and complain that there are many foreigners or "people of color", compare that shit to NYC or London not the UK or US. Germany is still much cleaner than your shitholes ever were.

nice dude how about bavaria or just entire south germany where you can hear turks and whatever fuck else around corners
i don't live there but everyone tells me that who lives in those parts

>mfw i can program in javascript, c++, solidity, python and do sysadmin

fuck... no that was a larp. I can only code in javascript. fuck. i LARP so much irl that it is leaking into Jow Forums REEEEE this is the one place i am supposed to be myself.

>implying having ahameds in the country is good because it's less of them

You should have ZERO shitskins your your country. You're the most cucked native people, with legitimate right to live on your land, around the globe right now. You literally asking to be genocided.

>mfw when newfags like you think they know shit bout programming

There will be no more "you" in less than a century.
Nobody is going to buy mudslime-produced "BMW"s

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Germany reached despair in 1932, the next bubble popped in 1945, and youve been bleeding out ever since.

are you too stupid to actually look at the numbers?
in germany are living ~83.000.0000 people
how much refugees have been arrived?
1,5 at max?

and I can tell you that much.
german woman are fat, dumb and useless.

have fun mohamed dealing with it they will probably beat the shit out of mohamed since he weighs 50kg and our woman near to 90kg

>muh muh stealing woman muh muh

mohamed can have as much angelas as he wants

Yep, keep printing money and running forced lending on the other EU countries + Africa. See where that gets you.

>german woman are fat, dumb and useless.

Spotted the turkroach. Get out of Germany if you hate natives so much, you parasite.

Attached: germany-non-white-in-one-generation.jpg (422x753, 120K)


>1.5 million only

A lot more than that. You guys are SUCH good goy aren't you? Pathetic & depressing. We really did a number on you in the war huh, honestly it feels bad. Totally backed the wrong horse.

And what percentage would be too many? You've already brought in 1.5m worthless mudslides (by your own estimate). That's a lot of rape gangs Deutcheanon.

>A lot more than that


you really did a number on us?

but I live in a country where i can drink water from the water line.
i can go to the doctor for free
if i lose my job i can go to my government and get a living, a lot of stuff and 400€ cash every month

i was visiting the following cities in the past 4 years:
new york

i can tell you, living in germany is dream, compared to this shitholes
it stinks, everywhere is trash, people can afford real clothes, all they have is adidas gym wear and the public transports are full of homeless people

so have fun in your shithole country :)

You have the mindset of a boomer, only in ethnicity of a turkroach. You're calling those places shitholes, yet at the same time you cheer for bringing in more refugees from said shitholes to Germany, thus making Germany a shithole. Unprecedented retardation levels.

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>Dunning-Kruger, the post
1.5m refugees, but 1 million of males in the 15-35 age range
you're looking at +1 million in a demographic of 8 millions
and that's in just 2 years
even if you had 0% immigration, 0% family visas for the next 30 years, these refugees alone will gradually represent a bigger share of your population as they have kids while your elders die
that's your BEST CASE scenario
in truth, immigration will only worsen as the demographic boom in africa keeps growing and politicians have every intention to sell out the natives for slaves easier to control

>things are fine now for me so they''ll be fine forever
nevermind that previous dunning-kruger remark, you're actually legitimately mentally challenged. sorry for making fun of you bro, good luck with life

shhhssh, the rest of the world doesnt know yet.
germany will have a hydrogen based economy in 15 years, will be energy independent, thereby solving the biggest problem of our national economy.
germany will be energy independent.
can you even imagine what that means?
we already are
german culture is superior to almost every aspect of cultural garbage that immigrants bring with them. do you actually believe that young turkish immigrants dont fuck and drink? the max their parents can expect is for them to not eat pork. lets go, world. throw immigrants at germany. germany will culturally assimilate them faster than you can jerk of to bbc porn.

bought .1ETH this morning, still have a stack of fiat I'm waiting to just throw at BTC when we hit bottom.
My body is ready.

germany is has one of the most tragic histories, past and present.

if you're well informed, they've pretty much suffered from the hands of the jews (yes jews), and theyve been mostly on the receiving end.

the holocaust was a jewish history revisionist hoax, they were forced to fight a world war due to jewish proxy forces (the jew cries in pain as he strikes you), the great depression was due to jewish influence over trade and currency policies, the refugee crisis (caused by globalist jews), mass immigration caused by the media's (majory of media is owned by jews) culture manipulation, jewish infiltration and subversion of their government to influence laws

what a wreck.

trips of truth

>can you imagine what that means?
We no longer have to make awful deals with the middle east and russia? We have so much energy available we can actually consider building automation machines(robots) for our factories?

How is research on cold fusion going anyway? So far we can only fuse hydrogen at an energy loss.
Someone get /sci/ in here

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For now. We all know what happens when you push the germans too far. Their money is losing value, their country is getting invaded subhumans, people are losing their jobs. Does this sound familiar. All we need is one man to stand up against it all.

Which is 0% under 9000€.

And it's 600€, newfag.

and gangraping women on trains, you Europeans seem to have no issue with that though. Entire hordes of sandniggers molesting any girl who wears a skirt after 10pm and it won't make the news because god forbid everyone acknowledges the problem

So many Jow Forums tards on BIZ. Go kys fgts.

The average age of a German I Germany is 47. Well past reproductive age. Germany's fertility rate is 1.4 children per woman. This means there is a 30% population decrease per generation of German people. With current immigration rates, immigrant fertility rates, and the average age of immigrants, Germans will be a minority in their own country in a SINGLE GENERATION. You think it's going to be a paradise when it's got the demographics of America but in a much smaller place with much more effeminate men?

As others have said, you have a pathetic boomer mentality: "as long as I can enjoy myself everything is great".

Germany is full of muslims and lefties nowadays. Its not the kind of people that it used to be. They will to nothing at all.

Germany is dead, Islamic country in 2 generations

thats a good thing, germany is a shithole anyway.

t. wh*te g*rman

>the holocaust was a jewish history revisionist hoax
I like that holocaust denial is a thing, helps me spot retards quickly.

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Also, to keep this business related, is chem eng superior to mech eng For oilfield jobs?

I live in Germany and let me tell you, I fucking hate it. The Germans are the rudest & unfriendliest people on the entire planet. They completely lack any kind of patience or sympathy. They're so fucking buttoned up & insecure it's a wonder the whole country doesn't have a heart attract. You walk down the street & you know half of them would glady join the Nazis again given the right chances. I wish Russia would come & invade.

Are you fucking retarded the dotcom bubble crashed in 4 years. It crashed first in 1997 and then the big one in 99.

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>I don't live in any of those shitholes kek

I was in Germany last year. Place is grotty as hell.

You do understand that all those nice benefits will end soon, right? The niggers and mudslimes don't contribute anything to your economy, and they'll just keep breeding until they overload your infrastructure.

And we have all the same social benefits as you, except we lock our invaders in camps so we don't need to share them with parasites. They got the message and basically stopped coming. Currently finding a way to get rid of the chinks too.

>join the Nazis

I wish for their sake they would.

Can't you write "white German"? Illegal? That's disturbing. Time to leave user.

The biggest problem of your national economy is all your population being replaced by highly fertile subhumans while the natives don't reproduce.

This. Most german girls are crap. Ugly and mentally disturbed. Im German and in Love with a spanisch Woman. Never fehlt this comfy