Is he really the Donald Trump of Brazil?

Is he really the Donald Trump of Brazil?

Attached: 3B7B098C-2172-4235-B370-BEBAAF7E61D3.jpg (400x400, 31K)

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Is he billionaire at least?

More like Duterte

He’s the cuck with no congressional support of Brazil

Will he make BOSSA NOVA great again?

>discutindo política na internet
>discutindo política com GRINGOS que não entendem porra nenhuma da realidade do país

no, Trump isn't even that bad, this guy is a literal fascist that wants to kill 30k people as said by himself.

I fucking hate John Oliver but here:

that's exactly how I read his name

LMAO @ ellie from the last of us

Was trump a soldier before? Did trump survive a knife in the stomach that made he lose 40% of his blood? He is better than sissy trump

Come on, huezilians, I trust that you'll choose wisely. Chances like this don't come everyday, you have an opportunity to do things right and become a country to aspire to be like and being a beacon of hope for us right-wing South Americans who dream of becoming first-world.

Are his followers a bunch of rabid cult members who met on Jow Forums? If so, yeah.

a maioria do congresso é (p)mdb e psl
só o fato dele ter apoio pleno da população já faz os políticos quererem se alinhar a ele

I mean it was pretty funny, I'm not gonna deny that

>for us right-wing South Americans

This, if bolsonaro wins it may trigger a domino effect across the region.
We will get rid of our leftists next year

>literally the same retarded cargo cult that sprung around trump
I wonder how soon you will change your tune when he tries exploiting you like Trump has with europe, mexico, us, et al.

it woudln't be the first time we killed each other t b h

T. Ching

no, Donald Trump is dumber and more kindful

don't reply to right wingers with anything other than insults you dumb leaf

se não gosta pode ir embora quando quiser

mas falando sério olha o poste desse retardado espanhol não condiz com a realidade, nem sequer faz sentido, ele está louco. uma perda de tempo para todos nós

>a firstoid liberal subhuman talking about exploitation
It's funny how you guys were the ones who supported all the dictatorships here but now you cry about fascism on the rise

im not a fucking burg*Id you piece of shit

habla en cristiano por favor

That is not a majority

faz parte do show

nah dejá

what are you btw?

You entitled firstoid hypocrites are all the same to me

I said that spanish dude is embarassing and doesn't know what he is talking about

Fuck off, buttmad leftiecucks, the world will usher in an era of right-wing prosperity (which is redundant since leftism leads to misery). If you like communism so much, go to one of those countries you like so much like Cuba or Venezuela.

we can understand you, the other Argentine is being retarded on purpose.

he will be the majority supporting him, yesterday we elected a lot of right wing and libertarians to congress and the corrupts are out

alright you got me, most is psdb and mdb
right-centrist parties
pt only has 7%

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-08 congresso - Google Search.png (616x2207, 84K)

>if you want better life expectancy, education, and overall life quality why don't you leave instead of trying to bring it here

Attached: 1512331841575.png (645x729, 68K)

>he wants his country to become memezuela or cuba

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 49K)

>If you kill favelados they win

just like macri?

He will be elected solely because brazilians fear of becoming venezuela since PT stil supports Maduro

indoctrination =/= better education
>overall life quality
everyone living humbly because no resources =/= better life quality

>I want higher standards of living but instead of supporting capitalism, the system that efficiently achieves them, I support communism, an ideology that leads to poverty, famine and brutal repression of innocent
Leftism is a mental illness

>he kills drug dealers
good for brazil
>he build up a military dictatorship
I don't care
>he wants to destroy the fucking rain forest
fuck this fucker, we need fucking trees to breath you incel!

How can Brazil even have a Donald Trump?

>muh memezuela boogeyman
if you think they're communist you're absolutely retarded.
which btw wouldn't surprise me at all.

That Trudeau-tier center-leftist? What about him?

>better life expectancy, education, and overall life quality
Here is a deep philosophical question. Who can better guarantee those things, the government or you yourself?

go suck Castro's dick

>we destroyed all our forests but you can't destroy yours :))

fucking f*rsties

can't possibly imagine someone this retarded
kindly kill yourselves

i'd rather kill you, you pest

it's almost like diversity builds divisiviness

Are we already rewriting history? I encourage everyone to check the archive and see for themselves what latam right wingers were saying about him before this year.

Attached: 1511116283672.jpg (797x597, 65K)

why would that matter in the slightest?

>Is he a memelord like Trump?

You should learn from our mistakes not repeat them for the lulz!
And when it comes to biosphere there is no 'our' or 'yours', if theres not enough breetheble air, we all die the same

This, he is strikingly similar to duterte

Where is the ellie?

blame the victim

It'd be less of a boogeyman if we hadn't got actual politicians defending it here.
Leftism is not the same as communism (yet).

typical brown subhuman
just die m8

get a load of this high mongolic

Idk anything about Argentina and its politics but fuck Macri he is a cuck

He's like Trump except more based. Giving my energy to all the huebros in here; he will win in the next round.
12:45 mark

voy a ir a tu país a robarme todo
voy a ir a tu sede de partido a prenderle fuego
y voy a ir a tu casa a coger a tu vieja

>Cuck Ulliver
i ain't giving views to that shit

>non answer
better keep insulting

Don't f*rstplain to me, we do as we wish with our forests


How do you pronounce the name Jair? Is there an equivalent name to this in English?

Ha-ear. Maybe Jared? It's a hebrew name

voy a ir a tu país a robarme todo
voy a ir a tu sede de partido a prenderle fuego
voy a ir a tu casa a coger a tu vieja
y la culpa es enteramente tuya porque no tenés huevos

Wow you are so badass.

sisi seguro negrito de mierda

Ja-ear, actually.

Macri = Yellow socialism.

Attached: macri4.jpg (930x525, 138K)

no tenés huevos y no tenés cerebro

He is in at least one way. Pic related.

Attached: bolsonaro.png (1387x670, 1022K)

>no tenés cerebro
me lo dice un infradotado de derecha
me hacés reir los huevos, bolivianito de mierda

no tenés huevos y vas a tener que salir nadando de Buenos Aires
tu derrota es total

"JA" like in Ja Rule
"IR" like ear.

>when the crisis began
>scroll left for more blind ass kissing pre crisis

lo vos digas, subnormal.

start archiving everything for Bolsonaro too
the downfall will be hilarious

sos un mongo fracasado
tus héroes son perdedores

Because that ultimately defines who you are. All of those things are far better achievable by people striving for them instead of the government trying to provide them. Not to mention that first you have to improve the economy, then you can think about improving everything else.

Yes, it's a case of seeing yourself as a victim too

what do you think socialism is?

no you don't understand you're basically saying it' my fault for having the hugest grandiest murder rate in the entire world

Pipe dream of people too stupid to understand economy and more importantly psychology

>guat du yu fink sucialism is
he LIVES in a true socialist country unlike your favorite assitentialist shithole
no das más de mongo

Go back to /leftypol/ you massive retard

Well do you do something to reduce that murder rate?

yes, by not dying (ayyy)

>non answer
yup, just what I thought.
try not to talk about things you don't know.

explain to me how Venezuela is a communist country

He is not against immigration therefore a cuck bluepilled

im voting in favor of owning firearms because i want to actually increase it

>explain to me how Venezuela is a communist country
because there's no freedom

Wrong. Fake news.

>trai nut to tok abut fings yu dunt no
don't give him a (You) CZanon

Seems like a typical Brazilian thug to me except this one wears suits.

he literally called venezuelean immigration "viscious animals"