American tourist in Rome

American tourist in Rome.

Why are they like this?

Attached: xt3gp5c2uuk11.jpg (640x853, 116K)

Ignorance and arrogance

could be worse...

gods chosen people

lmaoing at the triggered yuropoor retard who took this pic

Oh boy, could be a lot worst

And then they complain why everybody else wants China to kick their asses

and you have the gall to claim that we're the ones who can't handle a bit of banter

yeah I wonder why we would be proud of winning two of humanity's worst wars, when both times foreign powers declared such wars upon us

protip: don't attack us you utter fucking retards, you won't win.

Every American on the planet deserves to be gassed and have their organs harvested.

I bet the guy with that shirt isn't even an american if I'm to be honest, you folks have our flag on all sorts of clothing

>loses to chink farmers

no one lost, you french were defeated by them though, even surrendered

>when both times foreign powers declared such wars upon us
I want you to read and reread that sentence, Zhang. The US doesn't give a fuck about proxy wars because they don't happen on our soil. That's why we can afford to lose them.

don't think their organs could be of any use other than feeding pigs lad

Shut up, you fat cunt. You'd burst into tears if an Italian dressed up as Osama bin Laden at Ground Zero. Almost two decades on and you're still milking that shit. Literally a nation of emotionally stunted children.

We burned down your whitehouse

did you know when you sell a lemon you've actually gotten into a car accident?

and we billed you for interior decoration and remodeling since we're proper capitalists who believe in property rights

you didn't burn down the White House, the british army of the early 19th century set the unfinished presidential mansion on fire

You fought for the spread of international Communism with United Kingdomians.

At least he has a nice butt.

thanks for replying

based pirate

The USSR was a necessary front in the war against the rampant militant invasions of the undemocratic Germany, it's an unfortunate side effect that the soviets used their lend lease materials to further war against the democracy of Finland. A great shame the UK even declared war against your country, ours did not.

Wrong side won cold war

I'm so happy representative democratic government triumphed over state controlled party dictatorships in the 20th century


>that hair
Jew detected

you will be the first to be gassed

because I like having the ability to affect change in ways that are to my own needs, and not have un-elected assholes do whatever they like because no one can oppose them or replace them

at least over 2k people died. Your entire country gets bent out of shape over one broad that died in a car crash 21 years ago

based af

Attached: Virgin heritagefag vs Chad true american.jpg (1400x569, 231K)

>imagine being this delusional
You have no ability to change shit, user, deep state will fuck you over anyway, doesn't matter who you will vote for.

your argument is basically worthless

Not trying to argue tho, just stating the fact that elites don't give a shit about what you, what you want and won't give away their power because some random dipshit decided to put a mark next to some name. Democracy is the greatest ruse that made people think they have a word in politics so they won't riot and shit.

>You'd burst into tears if an Italian dressed up as Osama bin Laden at Ground Zero
>Implying there aren't Americans that already do that