Dear Jow Forums bros

dear Jow Forums bros,

what is the best way to monetise a fitness instagram account with 100k follower?

pic related

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Sell workout routines and meal prep recipes

not skip leg day like those guys

A sponsor. There is no way you are this ignorant with 100k followers.

wrong board?

I'd say have a shitty product, bulk buy, brand it yourself, do a giveaway promotion, every 5-7 days do a post promoting your product, job done

check it out by yourself

Holy fuck those are some ugly, retarded monkeys. All these juiceboi degenerates need the oven.

Do some giveaways and shit to grow your userbase, if you got to 100k fairly easily and for free then spending a little money might see you grow it quicker.

Record the growth data and then you can approach companies with how quickly it's growing, how interactive your followers are and then start shilling shit

kill yourself on periscope

Also if that's you op, grats on making it brah

Shill shoe inserts and ebooks on “how to fit in even if you’re a lanklet”

gay porn

Step one: Don’t be a manlet

>This skank actually wants to be a mother some day.

Fucking kek.

With each passing day I've realized all this TRP info is actually true.

exactly what I thought
but don't do it user

Homosexuality is an abomination
God hated homosexuality but He loves the sinner
Therefore all must repent of any and all homosexuality
Jesus is coming soon, Homosexual will not go to heaven the will be destroyed by the fire of His wrath.
Repent anons,
Jesus is returning to earth soooooon!
Jesus loves us and doesn't want anyone to be lost.
He can give anyone the strength to overcome any and all challenges and temptations that we face.
Jesus can give strength even to overcome homosexuality and any other sexual sin and perversion.
Jesus can help
Reach out to Him, He is always and will to save
Jesus will forgive, He will cleanse and heal and restore.
Jesus is everything. Talk to Him!

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How much tren do I need to look like you?

basically this except girls cant be homosexual

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Gay scat porn,

Germans will pay massively for it.

Also it's pretty easy to see how everyone else in this game is making money:

Step 1: Lift and inject yourself with every steroid possible for maximum gains and aesthetics (you've taken care of this step already)

Step 2: Become sponsored athlete for whatever shitty supplement company that will pay you for sponsored posts where you shill their product (preworkout, protein powder, whatever) every couple posts and receive compensation for said shilling

Step 3: Sell workout programs or personal consultations, if you do end up getting any clients constantly post before and after pictures of them, and underrepresent the amount of time it took them to get the results they did (i.e. on your post state that whatever transformation that took 6 months was accomplished in 3).

Step 4: Through constant posting of your physique, and shilling of shitty supplements and workout programs convince your skinny, ignorant DYEL followers that they can achieve your body by simply following your workout program and using those supplements you constantly shill, conveniently ignoring the cocktail of steroids you inject in your ass on a daily basis which form the backbone of your physique. For bonus points be sure to use the hashtag #natural or #naturalphysique on every post of yours to ensure that the normies never wise up and realize they'll never look like you without hopping on the juice train themselves.

Optional step 5: also get some partnership with some fitness/other clothing company and shill their shit as well, even better if you have the following/charisma/branding to create your own clothing brand and sell your followers cheap made in china shit for big margins.

There you go OP, simple as it gets, you're welcome.

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Accurate AF user

naturally inclined to agree with you
but no
I reject your statement
all this degeneracy is wrong and in the past it was punishable by death
God absolutely detests these perversions
People must repent

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