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how's it going user

It really is hard to do tasks at home desu, things are not too hard to understand but the task are tiresome. Other than that things are alright. How about you?

Like what? School work? Everything's ok for me it's been like this for a while now not sure how long it will last though

hola jorge americano mi mijo
I hope your day is less shitty than usual

>tfw no song lyrics

What have you been up to? Haven't seen you here in a long time

about as much as anybody else in this thread

>tfw such a bum that your sister is having you house sit her house

at least I have beer and my phone though

Yeah school work

Sounds comfy
Try doing them at the library if your school has one


sorry was too busy being comfy and hating myself

sounds like an average day for me

Hello fellow Chis
where are you from?

what is /CHI/?

is it chiniese or chicano

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I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow, I don't think I can finish it in time

LA, South Central.

Chicano. Though I think other Lat-Am diaspora also hang here at times.

LA too. Where in South Central?

My area doesn't really have a name. Let's just say, if you see 38 Street taggings or some blood taggings, it's around there.

east coast

We need more chicanos doing business here. Why is always some white guy or a motherfucking spaniard or Cuban.

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All areas have a name moron unless its some shithole around the Harbor area

Everything east of the 110 freeway is why people hate LA

We need another show like Chavo del 8

Fellow Chicagoan reporting in

what does that mean


What's up?