Why do white people think it's fun/funny to say nigger online? Is it just children?

Why do white people think it's fun/funny to say nigger online? Is it just children?

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No I say nigger sparingly, but when it is appropriate. For example, gangbangers that are deported from the US and sent back here act like literal niggers.


Oh fuck you said white people. Never mind. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

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i never say it because one day we will all be hacked and our internet history released.
I don't want to be outed as a racist on that day.

also it is very offensive to black people, no need to upset other humans.


I live in Argentina, I say it every day, several times.

>tfw I thought Jow Forums was more mature than Jow Forums

stay mad, nigger

Knee grow

everyone hates niggers my man


Just say niggers dude

Honestly saying nigger is funny, it became a meme.

Why do black "people" (niggers) think its okay to have an extra bone in their leg allowing them to win sports events?

I'm just glad the internet as a whole is past the "spam gore/cp to troll people because it's funny" phase.

That was the worst thing ever.

yeah nigga it wasnt funny it kept sissy faggots off the websites. i'm going to bring back screamers now

It's not funny, it's a form of protest. When extremists impose so much that they censor and punish any who execute wrong-think or say hurtful things...it creates a counter culture who values keeping freedom of ALL speech free through their intentional baiting and verbal protest. Right now, the internet is an outlet to allow people to use these words in a non-offensive or directly-imposing way, and it's possibly the only thing keeping people from retaliating against innocents caught in the cross fire.

Once they censor the internet, however, there's going to be a blood bath. It's not about saying nigger to be funny, it's about saying nigger because you have no authority to tell me I can't.

You're going to be called a racist anyway. Like they need proof to stigmatize you.

So you are saying we are saving innocent people from dying by saying nigger on Jow Forums? Interesting.

Join one of the discords that gets posted on here and you will see how many of these people are literal underage children