This girl from Guatemala won yesterday the most important singing contest in Mexico, and an Hondureña was in the top 3, Mexico is being more inclusive now. Thanks Mexipals
This girl from Guatemala won yesterday the most important singing contest in Mexico, and an Hondureña was in the top 3...
Caleb Young
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Luis Perry
little fat porch monkey
Parker Stewart
grats guatemala
Carter White
Guatemala was angry when they didn't won La academia some years ago.
Jordan Fisher
we're slowly but shortly selling the idea that mexicans and central americans are one in the same for when we formally annex them
based AMLO playing 53D chess
Daniel Ortiz
They should invade all that and Philippines
Logan Campbell
So she won a singing contest on her own country?
Eli Reed
I knew something was up
Christopher Wood
Spain should let Cataluña be free
Robert Sullivan
Just make a referendum and join already