Is Canada still a good place to emigrate to?

Is Canada still a good place to emigrate to?

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Define "good".

If you mean "it doesn't have black people" then no.
Unless you live in Nuvanut. But then you'll deal with Natives and isolation and probably skinwalkers.

It’s English speaking, with less acid attacksmthan you and less shootings than us.

Can’t be that bad as long as you don’t value excitement.

Please don't tell me that's true

Somewhere I can make a reasonable living and too much black people is a no no for me

There's no acid atttacks where I live, just knee cappings, car bombs and armed gangs that seemingly roam free

well it's just a community outreach program

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>knee cappings, car bombs and armed gangs that seemingly roam free

The worst thing that happens in Canada is sometimes people get their feelings hurt.

That's not that bad

Seems that way. Is crime not really a thing there or largely unreported?

what's a reasonable living for you?
be more specific. Actual numbers.

It isn't as bad as the US or UK, but they also aren't quite as culturally enriched as we are

Things don't totally take off until the mud people get a majority foothold in major areas
That said the overall rates of crime have drastically skyrocketed compared to what they once were. Its the same case as Stockholm, London, etc etc