Do you love Germanics?

Do you love Germanics?

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>those two pimples
Into le trash le goes

I do.

Only the Catholic ones.

I want to kiss her

For me? It's Gaulish/ Med admixture.

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White girls are trash and Asian girls are built like boys
Crazy about latinas though, they're such a perfect package

Most of them are overweight.

Sometimes I want a Scandinavian looking girl, sometimes a cute red headed one, sometimes a swarthy med one with smooth skin tasting like summer, sometimes I want an Asian one, cute and mysterious, sometimes a black skinned one whom I could fuck with pleasure.

I just love women so much

The ones that aren't are god tier though
Besides, most white and black girls are overweight too. When decent people are discussing women, it's kind of a given to rule out fatties/disabled/lepers/etc

Black people are always depicted as no more than a sexual object. Men and women both
Kinda sad desu.

Zoom in, she has a beard and mustache

Yeah well their (Africans) cultures manage to be foreign without being exotic or appealing. I wouldn't marry one, but I like having sex with them.

no I like Afro-Latino bois

In the western world, black culture is hypersexual which is why we associate them so. It's like that everywhere. Compare traditional or modern black dance culture to a traditional Swedish dance, or Texas two-stepping to country music

Yes. I love her with all my heart and I wish to marry thine maiden. Wherest doth thou keep thine maidens?

God fucking damnit

Dios mio...

100% white at least.

you fucking jew

El diablo....

i like slav women more, german women tend to be block jawed mangirls with full beards (like the op pic related if one pays attention)

>100% white
you are 35% Italian though

How abomination am I

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shut the fuck up, you nordicist piece of kike shit.

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La abominacion...

>that moustache
>that unibrow remnant

I'm starting to believe that that Nords are depigmented Arabs.

the both look similar

la creatura...

>Italy es blanco!!!

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no way man, the difference is great, if you look at it for a long time you start noticing that germans and slavs have slightly different eyes, that slavs have a slightly unique noses and that germans have slightly specific jaws, usually very large
oh and also german women tend to be 'brunhilda' stereotypes, broad shoulders, heavy builds, large arms while slavic women tend to be slimmer, narrow, much more delicate and much less blocky

For me? Its anglo girls

same bro

Germanic women are truly vomit inducing. I personally prefer Celtic, Baltic, Nord, Med and Thracian womenfolk.


>Germanic women are truly vomit inducing
>I personally prefer nord

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based and redpilled

This. Catholic Germanics and Slavs are top tier

I wish I had a master-race GF. Not as a trophy, just because they're truly the master race. Siel Heil, my dawgs!

I think Paco here means German women

And you can tell im.nordic.

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