/v4/ + friends

Icelandic model edition

Reasons why Iceland is great country :
>nice climate
>elves and dwarves everywhere
>Mountain from GoT is from there
>cute girls

What do you like about Iceland most?
Do you plan to visit it?

Person in OP is famous icelandic model oddaiceland

Attached: 1537479376293.jpg (1200x1200, 392K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to sniff Otoni's moist brapper

>elves and dwarves everywhere
can you hunt them

They are important part of icelandic culture. I dont think they would like that


Attached: 3.png (1034x649, 346K)

kys tramshit you fucking attentionwhoring piece of shit

>wake up and rush to the PC at 5:35 just to create a memebread on 4chins

Just imagine what kind of lifeless husk lies beyond the other side. This is probably his apex point of the day for him.

Attached: 1455439969204.jpg (480x360, 15K)

just wait for one his obnoxious meme replies
>fat? who? where? ottoni? NO OTTONI ISNT FAT SHES T H I C C XD
the saddest part is that this faggot actually thinks he's funny

Can confirm that kottis gf is qt

Are you gonna buy Vampire Coast?

Nice proxy but you need to go back to /b/

>thinking I would set alarm to make the thread
No I work since 4:40 :3

and you need to hang yourself you stinking spurt of diarrhea