Family tree thread. mutts time to shine

family tree thread. mutts time to shine

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Sorry but no...

No but sorry...

Unapologetic but yes...

r8 & h8

Attached: muhheri.png (1600x960, 531K)


Lol you're more German than Danish. Do the real Danes bully you?

mfw when anglo mutt

Attached: muhhd.jpg (1600x960, 274K)

>german + german = dane

Post celt ancestry.

He is probably from the part that got annexed by Denmark you mongoloids

>born in 1947
>nazi flag

my dad is from there

one time a kid in my class chased me around calling me nazi cause my grandpa fought for the nazis

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all swedes except one g*rman (top row) if i remember correctly

Germany was occupied by the Allies and thus had no flag

all French

I dont know if my great grand parents were born in British Raj or the East India Companys rule

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Good one
They banned sugar in Austalia?
Are you Rudyard Kipling

as in they weren't allowed to hit school kids with sticks anymore and im not sure if he's had a proper job since but somehow isnt dead

Attached: muh_ancestors.png (1600x960, 333K)

Stole this from another American in August

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how old are your parents, Jow Forums?

Attached: MUH HERITAGE.png (1600x960, 432K)

Extra credit: replace all the US faces with goblinos

Attached: muh heritage.png (1600x960, 485K)

Still a Mutt doe cuss all Norwegians are mixed with the Brits.

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My wonderful family.

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My family tree would just be one big flag like this. Maybe if you went back more than three generations you'd find a bunch of smug norwegians.

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darova bratan
mimo iz chuvashi

Attached: sugupuu.png (2000x700, 96K)

the fuck flag is top right

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A ya half chuvash
Mimo ne bratan

da mne pohui

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What are you implying???????

Manchu master race reporting in.

Attached: familytree.jpg (1600x960, 634K)

>construction worker

>*Does not have mixed ethnicities*
>I am a mutt :(

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You have to go back

The funny thing is that genetically you are probably a bigger mutt than the average American, yet there is no ethnic recollection of this because all the myriad peoples who lived in western Eurasia got russified.

How can I have Green eyes if i'm not mixed?
All the men on my Father's side have Red Facial hair.

5/5 bretty guud :D
At least you're not a hapa.

Attached: heritage.png (3916x1830, 1.1M)

I can't be assed to make a tree, so here are random ancestors I know of

>1660 Harlingen, Friesland, Netherlands
>1740 Lincolnshire, UK
>1860 German Empire
>1880 Warsaw, Poland
>1905 Palermo, Sicily
>1910 County Mayo, Ireland

Don't think I have many more foreigner blood beyond 1910. Obviously there are missing gaps I don't really know about (or care about)

Attached: north america glacier.jpg (750x975, 177K)

>much more*

>family has been here for over 300 years
>still can't speak English
I should self-deport

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Nigga I ain’t reading all that shit, da faq

That's probably because you're a nigger or pretending to be one

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I think Naples?

Hallo auslander

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Why are some flags faded?

nvm, just read...

Breton is a useful language with many uses.

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Basado en Rojopillado. Why not move to Brittany?

The 5 striped flag of your great-grandparents looks like the old flag of Legoland.

Not entirely sure about all of the specifics on dates but this is about it

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El Balkano Ottomano

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>Be me, making this
>Roomate walks in
>Sees me making this and laughs in confusion and asks what tf am I doing


>Yeah, user is really into his ancestry or something. He was making a family tree. What a weirdo.

Finns, Danes, Swedes. My tree is the mutt of the north.

I think it was the wojaks that did it
FUcking normals

between 1946-1949 this was the official flag of the occupied germany, the merchant flag.
nazi flags where forbidden right after end of the war in germany.

Attached: 1500px-Merchant_flag_of_Germany_(1946–1949).svg.png (1500x1000, 4K)

What brought your Norman, Norwegian, and American ancestors to Geneva? Also do you know your American ancestor's heritage?

and I'm proud of it

Attached: heritage.png (1600x960, 435K)

Are you in Alsace or something?

family of my grandma came from alsace as well :).


Based yev redpilled

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I'm American, and I LOVE it here. Karout a ran ma mammvro!

I never asked.

There's no point for me. My entire family history is just 100% swedish farmers from Dalarna..

I'm from Lorraine
And don't ever tell that I'm alsacian again, because it hurts

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Sorry user. How is Lorraine?


Another New Englander I presume? Where are you living?

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who is Rudyard Kipling?

Indeed. I'm in Hessen, you?

I don't even know. All my ancestors were slaves and slaves don't have nationality

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Be proud anyway. Serfs built Russia

Life's alright, unemployment is still an issue but I guess it's the same everywhere in France.

Sorry, I always lose my mind everytime someone asks me if I'm Alsatian

hello my Chechen friend

A bit of italian/Spanish and you'll be the perfect European mutt

Judge me bruh

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Leave Sweden please you disgusting mix breed.

Looks like a American ancestry tree lol

Does this mean I can move to Murica now?

95% Aiyran.

I don't give a fuck about how historically accurate these flags are.

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Unironically hertiagefag after I started posting on Jow Forums too much. Hell, I am still making more trees beyond well beyond this one. Lot of fun.

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>tfw I can only track my name back to my great grandfather because he was adopted and my mothers side is a completely mystery


Nice to see Elizabeth here again

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t. mutt

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Posting mine again with this format because first one received no attention.

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i thought this would be fun. waste of 5 min desu

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Whats up mutts?

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Me too, I live near Worms. I suppose you're in Frankfurt?

One thing I can't wait to inherit is a supposed book my family has passed for generations about our family's genealogy.

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If both of your parents are half white, does that make you half white?