
30% off. Get it while you can.

Attached: Skycoin.png (282x179, 7K)

Sure, i'm gonna buy a coin that's been going up in value only because of insider trading before Binance listing, obvious PnD. Oh wait, would you prefer I buy a skyminer for 1BTC while it costs them 10x less than that to make?

Just stop, no one will buy your bags, it's obvious it's heading back to where it was a month ago

>what is xancer

when you buy a sky miner
it costs one btc
hardware is like $250
they give you (current value of btc - cost of hardware) in SKY

dumb fuck. it ends up costing next to nothing

if you missed the skycoin pump, tomo is next. don't say i didn't warn ya

Attached: tomo.jpg (225x225, 8K)

and that was only for the first round, which happened months ago.

Lazy fud like that only ever comes from extreme retards though so what do you expect

Niggas getting bamboozled and heated because they dont know this will be 50 dollars eom

parabolic advance broke, this shit is going -80%

thnx. will wait to buy.

Fuck I got the email today but I can't afford 1 btc this is fucked.

Sure, people holding this coin for months will sell at a loss because whales on binance ask them to.

le pump and dump skamcoin

Attached: scamcoin.png (491x530, 22K)

Has anyone built their own skyminer and is currently using it? I have questions

Go ahead.

problem is retards only reading the first paragraph to start their fud. there were several large fud articles in online crypto magazines a while ago consisting only of unfinished reading.
so if SKY wants the retards to buy as well, they have to compact the whitepapers to a letter format PDF containing all the answers to widespread fud.

>Decoupled from BTC
>Hasn't lost anything outside the small PnD carried out over the past day

Buckle up, we're in for a hell of a ride through the week.

Ive read the guides and am technically competent. What is the energy consumption like? Can my ISP penalize me for using a consumer connection to run it? Do you forsee any complications in the future regarding updates that may require additional hardware? Would you recommend using something other than the ras pi (well 8 of then) for better results?

Dude it's a scam. No one is going to give u a real answer.

Goy, you need to up your fud game if you're going to convince anyone. This is such low energy goy.

>reward goy with .01 shekels
>step up your fud rookie

Grabbed 1000 SKY for that 1000 Coin hours per hour

Check with your ISP for data limits they may have. They shouldn't be able to understand anything beyond that you have VPN traffic coming and going. VPNs are pretty widespread, so I can't imagine problems arising based on the protocol alone.

>What is the energy consumption like?
The reason behind choosing an Arm64 hardware is because it is the most optimal computer you can get, power/performance wise. The AC adapter is like one you would use for charging your phone. Consumption will be like leaving your video-game console in idle, so not a relevant factor.

>Can my ISP penalize me for using a consumer connection to run it?
Your ISP cannot detect or understand what is going in using Skywire: everything is encrypted. Also, during the first months, maybe year, the network is not very intense, so I don't think so. Does your ISP complains if you use some cloud storing or are running P2P of any kind?

>Do you forsee any complications in the future regarding updates that may require additional hardware?
Of course, this is Gen 1 and we need more power and storage. But there is a second batch of official miners that use the exact same hardware, so I thin we are good until summer next year.

>Would you recommend using something other than the ras pi (well 8 of then) for better results?
I would recommend not using a raspi at all: the official miner is an Orange Pi Prime and they told you should get as close as it: quad core with decent GPU and also 2gb DDR3. They have it in stock as of now in aliexpress, so you could use the official images. I bought Orange Pi Win Plus because in that time was the best alternative available, and I am running with no other problem that some repeated Mac address that delayed my white list submission.

Hurry up, white listing ends the 31st.

>video-game console in idle
I mean, in sleep mode.

Fucking finally, some real information. Gracias

Thanks helpful

Bought a shit ton

Why don't they produce more miners so I can finally buy one

I also have win plus boards.
Link to the setup guide you used? The info is kinda spread out, thanks.

True market value being established, not a fire sale.

The people holding this coin for months are the ones selling to you



>People unironically bought this expecting a spike and not a dump
>When everyone dumps at the listing.

This whole "it's about to be listed on binance buy now" is a total fucking meme and a signal you're already too late. Ironically people will pass on shit like REQ or ICX etc. Because the price has been bleeding for a long time because they're too retarded to buy when it's down because some discord nerds insult their choices on Jow Forums

LOL 30% off the BART.

Get scammed.