Name a successful Finn that isn't Swedish

Name a successful Finn that isn't Swedish

And no, Ivans don't count

Attached: fat fucking finnish retard.jpg (1200x900, 296K)

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I had a Finn on my ass once that just wouldn't go away so I'd say he surpassed his peers

Paskaa Poiikellaa

Tuure Boelius
He won Homo of the Year Award in Finland


Fennoswedes are genetically Finns

Jorma Ollila. He goes to those bildeberg meetings

Jean Sibelius


They should just start speaking Finnish again

Attached: swedish to the core.png (859x370, 32K)

Jasper Pääkkönen

The guys who made angry birds
The guys who made clash of clans and clash royale

Jean Sibelius was Swedish

There are no Swedes in Finland besides Åland and Ostrobothnia, just people with severe stockholm syndrome

does this guy look swedish to you lol?

Attached: Jean_Sibelius,_1913.jpg (1872x2496, 1.41M)

Yeah he looks like my uncle

Well your uncle is FInnish then
Which doesn't surprise me at all, as most Swedes have Finnish blood in them

No we are about 50% Icelandic 50% Swedes in our family but he is the only one who looks like that.

Geats don't, they're 4 times closer to Germans than SW Finns on genetic clustering maps. Svea are obviously mixed and almost all of them have a little bit of Savonian Forest Finn in the family gene pool.

Attached: mappi.jpg (1011x758, 218K)

It's funny. I know a real Forest Finn and the guy looks nothing like the Fingol stereotype. He is tall, has the typical Aryan/Germanic features and blonde hair/blue eyes.

Fennoswedes are quintessentially Finns (proven by ) who climbed the social ladder by adopting Swedish language and names during the Swedish era few hundred years ago and now the speech impediment remains

Don't know how reliable this is but Finns seem to have more blondes with blue eyes than Swedes so if anything he is stereotypical (not the Jow Forums meme stereotype)

Attached: hair color and eye color.png (1217x1434, 1.04M)

I think it is true. I have been to all of Scandinavia and Finland. In Finland you see the most blondes, but you also see a lot in Sweden. In Norway especially the western parts people are more often than not brown-haired. Danes are quite swarthy by Scandinavian standards, almost like Germans.

Light features don't mean a thing. Most fingoloid like pic related do have light features

Attached: fingoloid.png (209x558, 254K)

no, you should start speaking human

You speak Swedish with a Finnish accent

Tbh I think Swedes have more platinum blondes while we have darker varieties

Might be so

genghis khan desu

>Tbh I think Swedes have more platinum blondes while we have darker varieties
Other way around. Swedes have golden blonde hair while Finns and Estonians alone can have platinum blonde.

rurik desu

Vladimir putin

Estonians aren't as blonde as Finns or Scandis. But maybe that is because of the large Russian population?

Og northwestern russians looks like us and swedes

Probably but I think the russians that went to Estonia are from all over Russia, right?

>tfw golden blond
Feels preddy gud

Attached: IMG_20180817_131511__01.jpg (1171x674, 207K)

I'm not talking about the % but the difference is small. You guys have very dark blonde hair like Varg which is practically brown while Baltic Finns have the brightest blond hair.

>Ethnic Finns who speak Swedish are now Swedish

This is your mind on Jow Forums

Very nice user

More dark blonde like pewdiepie. Varg has legit brown hair


Most Baltic russians are mystery meat mix from fuck knows where, most don't even know where their grandparents are from. Very few northwestern baltic/finnic true Russians

Varg calls his hair dark blonde.

He also said that the grey in his beard isn't grey but blonde, nigga is just delusional

Varg is a murderer and a delusional psycho who doesn't even live in Scandinavia

Kimi Räikkönen
Mika Häkkinen
Arvo Ylppö
Ville Valo
Paavo Nurmi
Juho Kusti Paasikivi
Arto Saari
Mika Waltari
Alvar Aalto
Kaj Tapio Rautavara
Jaakko Pöyry
Jari Litmanen
A.I. Virtanen
Teemu Selänne
Andy Maccoy
Michael Monroe
Tuomas Holopainen

Just few that came to my mind.

Alvar Aaltos mother was a hurri

Ahonen, Hautamäki
Happonen and Olli too I think

Runkka Kuukalainen

Mika Häkkinen

Spurdo Spärde :DDDD

All of them are literally worse than Hitler
