Could i pass as local in your country?

could i pass as local in your country?

Attached: white man.jpg (470x499, 15K)

that is greekgodx

>he thinks greek is that thin

You couldn't pass as local in your own country, soyboy

Apparently so

oh god hell no


Slavic subhuman

Gweek hypers

He doesn't look slavic. More like greek.
And calling slavs subhumans is like calling jews superior in any way. Slavs are slavs

Can it gypsy

anyone can desu

Calling me a gypsy is like calling a US flag user nigger

too white


Yes, only when seen from afar

anyone...except eskimos

Attached: 1497647322999.gif (250x250, 408K)

lissen m8 thats pure english stock right there

God I fucking hate how nu/int/ is filled with some god damn underage fans of some fortnite pro

t. projecting 20 y/o zoomer

He looks 18 at most. But have perspective my dood
In the end none of this matters