Finnish KKona streamer and alcoholic is drinking vodka and roaming in nature. He wants to talk english too.
Finnish KKona streamer and alcoholic is drinking vodka and roaming in nature. He wants to talk english too
taas mennää
that the guy who beat his gf on stream?
He's homo
It was just a visitor, not a gf. But yes. It was absinthes fault
Didn't he say he'd stop streaming a while back?
Every week
If you want to see some degenerate shit then this is the stream you want to follow.
So if I watch his stream, I can watch him get belligerently drunk and assault random grills?
He only wants anime girls now. But drunk is probably happening always
he reminds me of Monni a lot
Both are bönde rednecks
what does that mean
bönde = hick
Bönde pretty much means redneck, bönde is slangword for people living in rural areas.
Trash taste
This is high degeneracy.
upi is my favorite anime girl
He is living on the edge. Some guy once went into his apartment and threw him on the floor and started to punch him till he passed
Christ how many of these do you have
Ei kannata unohtaa että tää on SFW lauta, tulee bannit herkästi
Is that because he's too drunk or because they are a bunch of fruits?
Kek. Did he know him or does he live in a shithole?
Well you can probably see the excitement on the other guys face. He also peed on the Guy during that stream after he passed out, woke up and thought he was in toilet.
why did the guy beat him up? what a douche.
he has sucked his friends cock while the victim was passed out
you do the judging
I don't know. It happened after Upi beated a woman on stream
Found the video on ylilauta lmao
upi :--D
Upi is probably at least bisexual and he's too drunk. That fat guy isn't homo.
White knight level over 9000
More vodka shot maybe in 20 minutes
It die gonna get alot maybe
Two big shots of vodka consumed. Drunk Will Be high soon
passing out in 30minutes
passing out is very close
hes gay or atleast bi. he had a profile in sex site searching for guys.
and he is out
tapsa wins once again
upi is the most alpha male of finland
All it took was 3 upishots and 20 minuts. He is in better place now
did he dieded
he is resting
You have to be 18+ to use this site
He doesnt handle alochol very well
Yes. Always drinks vodka too fast like its water and this is the end result
well, he's a manlet and always drinks like ~3dl of vodka in one hour. Not very surprising he passes out quickly
upi is kill
upi's littlebro is trying to wake him up atm
Bulju and this guy look like brothers.
how do i become great streamer like Upi
Tapsa is the key
>start stream
>drink alcohol
This dude isn't really funny.
Maybe drown in own puke later for kkontent runescape
2.drink cheapest vodka/beer/wine you can find anime
would you be friends with upi if you could?
If Finland was completely destroyed, would the world be a worse place?
But who would your hockey teams hype then??
He fell uwu