ITT: Realistic predictions.
If this hits $5 EOY I'll be extremely satisfied.
ITT: Realistic predictions
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Nice FUD
It can only hit $0 EOY
with this market we will be luck with 3
Not trying to FUD, just saying I'll be happy. I'll be even happier if it goes higher.
>If this hits $5 EOY I'll be extremely satisfied.
If this hits only $5 EOY I'll be extremely surprised.
dumping my 100k at $1, fuck that shit
$5 EOY is EXTREMELY unlikely unless something truly astonishing happens. The crypto market in general won’t allow a $100MM+ market cap project grow 20x.
The market is currently being used to siphon money from unsophisticated “investors” and “holders.” For Link to got to $5, it would have to actually be used in lots of use cases. This is extremely unlikely to happen in 6 months considering it hasn’t even been finished.
I’m not fussing, but I think $1 is unlikely even. I hold over 100k link tokens, but I think the entire crypto market needs to be, and will be purged prior to any success Link may have.
i think 90 cents to 1 dollar is a realistic
100k bag holder here
20 dollars end of year
What do you think we'll be at in 2019-2021?
anything >$2 and I'll be happy
>tfw bought at over $1
$15 eoy boiis
I still believe September is huge based on past info. If things fall in place $3 to $5 seems legit and would be pleased with that. Bigger deal to me is end of 2019, hoping for $15 plus.
It’s veritably impossible to know. Anyone making price predictions is pulling numbers out of his ass. I just don’t see much reason for price movement over the next six months unless some sort of crazy fomo is created for some reason. Remember, part of the reason ETH blew up so quickly is because of the ICO craze.
As I said, to me it seems like the entire crypto market is being used to siphon money. Lots of people don’t even try to understand what they’re buying into, they just want to get rich quick. I don’t expect Link to do much of anything for AT LEAST 15 months, but I really think it’ll more likely be 3 years. I can elaborate on why I think that if you really want...
Would love to hear your thoughts.
Yes I would like that. I've done my own research but I always love hearing the opinions of others holding the same assets I am. I am in LINK long term.
Can anyone redpill me on the guy with the Astro name? Seems like a violently insecure troll, but why is everyone engaging with him continuously when his faggotry just gets stronger? Is this like a new meta meme where you all love him ironically?
Violent? Yeah because im the one going around placing hits on people. Fucking asperger.
By the way, how is the market siphoning money from "holders"? By definition the holders shouldn't be selling in this market.
how are you in every fucking thread. Do you have notifications turned on?
I believe that means offering assets with no intrinsic value and no real plan to reach a profitable use case and selling them "early" to investors who will hold them for years as they miss deadlines and bleed to nothing.
eg 90% of crypto
If this hits $1 EOY I'll be extremely satisfied.
Thanks, yeah I see what you mean.
Very smart analysis and correct. To get to even $0.80 would be a miracle because really, one exchange means volume has to happen on Binance. With the bots turned off, the organic demand for the token is low, and would take a Herculean marketing campaign to draw interest. $0.70 is the realistic EOY target
I just want to leave a (You) since you’re an absolute brainlet
I'll kill you tomofaggot
you may be right
the sell side may also be thinner than you think...
Well, first off, Link obviously doesn’t have hype like Tron or Verge, so it won’t be pumped to a bunch of people through social media (if it is, I’d be weary of what’s happening). It may not be the BEST analogy, but I kind of view projects like ETH, EOS, Hyperledger, etc as “operating systems.” They are these environments in which lots of different tasks can be created/executed like Windows or Linux. I’m not sure how old you guys are, but I remember when I was younger having old computers with like...MS Dos that could run various programs (usually off of floppy disks). It was a HUGE deal when Windows 95 came out because A)it was so much more user friendly, and B) it was clearly geared a lot more toward networking (via Netscape, then AOL).
In other words, it was a gradual process to make a computer go from a simple tool that could read programs to a tool that networked to other tools and systems and had lots of internal capabilities of memory and such.
Shortly after Windows 95 came out, DSL and broadband internet really started to proliferate (I’d say around 2002 it started to become VERY ubiquitous). This enabled the internet to begin to become a tool that was really used for real world utility and when APIs (basically tools for sending/processing info over the net) started becoming EXTREMELY valuable. In my analogy, this is the point where something like ChainLink would have started to garner major use.
As time went on, computers and internet got faster and entire companies started gearing everything toward a digital paradigm to improve their businesses.
Bring us back to now, if there really is going to be this technological revolution from the decentralization paradigm, it is going to take time. The Microsofts and Apples (Ethereum, hyperledger), are just starting to garner use cases. We are still quite far away from companies understanding how smart contracts can transform their business model...let alone using them en masse.
What's with this stupid fake logo meme?
You are trying to be reasonable in a market full of Jow Forums brainlets and normies. If LINK has good staking returns and some of the partnerships are legit, it WILL moon. The speculation factor is just too big in crypto.
its not a meme you fucking brainlet. its their alternate logo.
I agree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Am I wrong? You’re gonna double your money at $0.70 and that’s a best case scenario right now. Main net is not ready, the contracts aren’t ready. Debate me or shut the fuck up
>$5 EOY
nice fud
If the mainnet is up and working and there’s good traffic on it - past $10. If it isn’t? $0.00. Pretty binary.
There's more than 1 of us using this trip.
Honestly I would be extremely surprised if LINK was over $0.30 EOY. And I'm saying that as a LINK holder. Nothing can beat a bear market.
fu $1000 eoy
This is exactly why I maintain that we are still in the early adoption phase of blockchain tech as a whole. We are barely out of the Prodigy bulletin board phase headed for the AOL phase. It took decades for the internet to become what it did.
Well, my thoughts are that there will be a watershed moment that washes away the stupidity (and that will wreck LOTS of people). So many people are being manipulated and taken advantage of, that cannot last much longer IMO.
I'd be happy with $10 desu. I don't plan on selling for years either way but $10 is the magic number that changes everything so I'd be permanently content past that point.
this is a reasonable viewpoint for a consumer product
the target here is generally business adoption
how aware do you think large business is of an asset class that could offer them 5-25% cost savings?
if you'd like a hint: what name does 95% of the f500 use for things like this?
We’re talking from now until EOY timeframe. Mainnet will almost certainly be ready by September-November (judging off GitHub and Pivotal). That means we will know staking returns and most partners by EOY. Now, if you’re invested in Chainlink, you probably know both the returns and partners have big potential with LINK. I just don’t see how LINK doesn’t moon if it’s on mainnet with good staking returns and big partnerships. I think $3-$5 would be realistic by EOY in that case. It’s very dependent on the state of the market ofc but I am certain we can reach $3.
No it's not. Show proof.
Also, staking won’t be lucrative for a long time. Mainnet being released doesn’t mean there is going to be a resplendent decentralized smart contract economy to consume billions of dollars of decentralized information in the manner envisioned by the team.
It won’t be lucrative until it is. And I don’t think it will be VERY lucrative for a LONG time. 5 years minimum.
Shut up. Rory said they have to get mainnet right in their one and only tru because that’s what “those they work with” absolutely demand. There is a huge demand for a legit oracle solution because tons of projects need it. There will absolutely be an economy (not directly at launch but soon enough). LINK is going to be huge if mainnet is well-executed.
Doesn't matter, just let your link build up and start selling proportions of your returns after it hits $1000
I personally have one of the bigger stacks here but keep everything on a hardware wallet so I’m not tempted to sell. I don’t want to plug that wallet in until it hits $10. But we’ll see
We're not in a bear market mate. This is the golden bull run.
How many you got user? I’m at 135k but still feel like a Linklet
How many tps will Chainlink be able to handle
jelly. did you get in at ico?
I’m saying what I think. I don’t care what Rory says. If you think an overnight transition, or even one in a year will happen, I disagree. I think people think years like 2017 will happen regularly...I personally don’t think they will. And I think crypto may become a more regular asset class once it becomes more legitimate. Right now it is a joke with all the market manipulation, pump and dumps, and ignorant investors with twitter handles like Crypto Jen and Crypto Steve parroting information about a project about which they have no understanding.
Why can't they start pulling double shifts, they're taking fucking ages with this shit. Fucking HURRY UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
fact. this piece of shit market is not 2017 any more. or 2013. all that momey has been made and everyone else is too late. and once it gets more regular, it will slow down, real money will get involved, and we'll slowly make it.
A little over 200k but still accumulating. Need enough to get into the big leagues
1000 USD EOY
You cant force the kek, let it come itself
Link $1k eoy btw
This shit will stay below $2 for years.
Daily reminder: 1,000,000,000 LINK is the total supply.
It will easily be below a dollar EOY
I'm at 60k, just topped up during this dip. Am I gonna make it? In this for the long haul.
34 cents EOY
35 cents by 2028
>and would take a Herculean marketing campaign to draw interest
kek. it would take any updates on Twitter to drive interest. srsly. just a "Hey its Sergey, I'm alive" would see this spike 20% overnight.
It'll close out the year at $5-10. This market doesn't care about rationality, and once mainnet and even a half assed marketing effort kicks off the cheap LINK will be scooped up and we'll land in uncharted territory.
Blablabla. It's always the same stupid and baseless talk/speculation since this shit hit etherdelta.
How can we realistically hit $5 or even $10 isn't going to take a longer time for it to be fully adopted, most LINK to be held up in nodes etc. ??
Don't forget that the big nodes will get LINK from Sergey.
And you're right, we won't see any serious adoption for quite a while after mainnet.
$5 is a pipe dream.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic because $5 being a pipe dream made me laugh but at the same time I don't believe we are few months away more like year or two. Link could easily be worth $100 if it works and corners the market.
The FUD in this thread disgusts me. Chain LINK will enable a new generation of dApps capable of doing things that have NEVER been possible before. Things we simply can't imagine.
Also what was the timing with the ICO? Sergey said they've been working on this for a few years now. Would it make sense to do the ico after the project is nearly complete or when there's a bunch of work to be done. Was the ico purely a formality because it's a decentralized network or not?
$5 would literally be a 20x.
you have to be a FUCKING BRAINLET to even fantasize about that. or a delusional chainlink bagholder.
superior tech does not equal economic success. Lots of examples
If you have 60k and this even hits $20 you’ve got yourself 2 commas. It’s a long term play though, I don’t see $20 unless their marketing gets “serious”
Ok, you're deluded.
It's not superior tech, it's completely new tech. A disruptor.
Whats that?
Sum it up?
a middleware, built on existing tech infrastructure, without its own chain. How the hell is it a new tech. A new b2b service product maybe, but not new tech
He might mean smart contracts themselves, which obviously Chainlink didn't invent or even coin the term
Microsoft also didn't invent the personal computer or operating systems
Thanks man. Well said.
How safe are hardware wallets. How do I know the company making them isn't going to steal my keys.
37 cents EOY
Looking at binance, the 24 hr volume for link is a whopping 74 btc... is this real? no one wants to sell or buy linkies?
8/10 fud
what exchange can i buy some on
fuck you and your shit link threads, this shit coin is going to die out
at $.35 nobody is going to sell. I imagine when it hits $1 a lot of people will dump there bags and it'll crash a little before really taking off
>at $.35 nobody is going to sell.
Said every bagholder ever.
Binance, the place where the funds are safe
You are not very good at estimating things are you?
No joke, that would be very good and put almost everyone in the green. It's one of the most optimistic yet realistic scenario imho.
Everyone that knows has bought already.
bro LINK will never, ever get a binance listing gtfo
>ChainLink Crypto Fund
They put millions into LINK when they could have invested in any other project. They obviously know more about this space than we do. What other project has had this much 3rd party institutional money hoarding its tokens?