1) ur cunt
2) picture of your college campus
1) ur cunt
Who /cold/ here?
Wtf? Fucking normies
Will you be my friend?
>tfw small campus
At least it looks good on the inside r-right?
The only relatively nice looking part. Everything else looks like an industrial park.
Looks pretty based
i have no frens
What year are you, fren?
I can't find a single high quality picture of any remotely photogenic part of the school.
Thank you ameribro
We don't have a lot of space but we try our best
Arts & Memes?
african american studies major, back off wh*Teoid
Based. Fuck wh*ty.
Will leave a secret message for you written in pencil above the mirror in the very bottom bathroom in Gilmer hall (enter from this side in the pic (far side from O-hill), turn left, and take the stairs all the way down) (:
>All these foreigners with their fancy unis full of money
Ok will check tomorrow evening
Make sure to respond fren
One of the buildings, nice and brutalist
Same uni as this guy actually
What's up with non-Anglo Unis Jow Forums? Are non-Anglos just naturally less curious?
How so nigger?
Not really famous one
We have much less space so buildings need to be optimized
That's beautiful.
There's a 99% chance nobody else here is on this thread, though I'm pretty sure other students browse.
Pretty based college. Knew a few people who went there. One was cool; the other was a complete autist
Yeah it's really nice here. Were they recent graduates by any chance?
It has lots of faculties
The autist just graduated, the other guy graduated a few years ago
Did the total autist have a beard and often go barefoot by any chance?
Don't know about the barefoot thing but he looked a bit soyish I guess. What I remember most was that he had a really annoying laugh
University of Washington Seattle
Our library aka Harry Potter room
Boring looking buildings.
>we wuz romans n shiet
Are you dumb? didn't you know Romans built this building 200 years ago
I wish I wasn’t a brainlet
For anything medicine-related we’re the best (or close to it) but for anything else (if we even have it) we suck. Also the campus is somehow in the middle of the city but not very pedestrian-friendly. They’re changing a ton of shit the last couple years to improve pedestrianism.
t. UAB
That might be the same one I'm thinking of
Lmao @ coldfags
Does your uni have a bike problem?
Yes, not enough students use bikes.
They're starting to put bike lanes in the roads around campus and people are amazed they can actually bike around my city now.
Your city is probably 10x denser than mine.
That's freaking amazing. Would have loved to live in such a place once in my life. Would have done it too if it didn't drain your pockets the way it does.
how is uw
>his campus isn't located in a forest
>What kind of architecture style do you want senpai?
>'All of them'
>Say no more.
German Unis are depressing af.
Kinda jelly here wtf
mine is near a forest
based LUISS